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Posts posted by jazzburger

  1. 23 hours ago, BassApprentice said:

    Super cheap and you get the bonus of an effects pedal as well as a drum machine. 

    For all it does, the original price was unbelievably good. I found someone selling a very good used/boxed unit on a well-known auction site and it came in under half of what it would be brand new - though they don't seem to be manufactured any more. I'd probably buy it just for the fretless and octave divider effects but a tuner/drumbox will come in useful and a looper will be a giggle for practice. Not too many bells and whistles so I can concentrate on getting back to playing bass half-decently after a long layoff.

  2. Welcome BL. I think you landed in a great spot - and for all the right reasons 🙂

    I've just been enjoying your "Cissy Strut" bass cover. I think I need to have a go at that.

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  3. Hi, not sure if this should be asked in the Effects forum. I am returning to bass playing after at 10-year layoff (at least). I'm trying make practising easier and bit more fun. I'm hoping to get your advice on a small, relatively uncomplicated drum machine that I can leave running while I practice and doesn't need constant programming. I've seen many guitarists so involved with the tech that they forgot to play music - I'm 62 and I don't have time for that.

    My eye is drawn to the Korg KR Mini but I'm wondering if that is *too* simple. I've never owned a drum machine - just borrowed a nice Yamaha, but that was over 30 years ago and I have no feel for what's good now. Alesis SR16 looks decent but that looks like it's too far to the complicated end of things. Help!

  4. 2 minutes ago, Barking Spiders said:

    That must be it. Being a mahoosive fan of 70s funk I thought I knew all the top players but I know next to nowt about the gospel scene.

    Of recent or contemporary bands playing funk, none come better than Down To The Bone. Check out this

    BS, that describes me too. DTTB are fantastic and I love lncognito/Citrus Sun and Ronny Jordan too. This track is superb.

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