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Posts posted by tarcher

  1. Hi chaps and chappeses
    Anybody got any idea how much a 1977 one is worth and what issues to lookout for on it.
    I've been offered a white one,no case in fairly reasonable nick for £310.

  2. Check all the easy things first starting from the plug.
    Open it up check fuse and that the wires are properly connected.
    Is the lead a plug in type,if it is check theres power at the other end where it plugs into the amp if you can.(may need a meter for this)
    Next check fuses actually in the amp.

  3. [quote name='Tinman' post='695750' date='Dec 29 2009, 05:26 PM']Does it? I was under the impression that it put both pickups in series, making them work together and giving a more 'P' sound. I could be wrong though.[/quote]

    Nope,your on the money there Tinman.Thats definately what the S1 switch does.

  4. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='693584' date='Dec 26 2009, 08:52 AM']That's a great acoustic bass.[/quote]

    I bought myself a Tab 2ce two years off ago off ebay when I decided I'd take up bass playing again and do it properly with lessons.
    Its only now I really realise how good it actually is.Only paid a ton for mine,real bargain.

  5. [quote name='haruki' post='693602' date='Dec 26 2009, 10:16 AM']I appear to have ended up with a gig bag for a Flying V bass (though I dont recall ever seeing a Flying V bass)- I got it after swap over a year ago and it is now starting to annoy me. A normal bass does fit in it but....

    Its a good quality thick Kinsman case - sort of triangular at the bottom and about 18inches across at the wide end. So is there anybody out there searching high and low for just such an item...

    I'd be happy to swap for a normal shaped gig bag or money to buy one.


    Are you sure its not one of Katy Prices sleeping bags. :)

  6. Tim replied to my Wanted Epiphone Les Paul Bass thread within hours of me posting.
    The upshot being that we done a deal and I'm a very happy bunny.
    Was able to pick the bass up on our way back from Wales today(he's only 10mins off the M4) had a nice cup of coffee and a natter.
    A lovely geezer our Tim.
    A great example of what makes Bass Chat such a good place.
    Cheers Tim
    All the best mate.

  7. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='673877' date='Dec 4 2009, 05:29 AM']I think there are good practice amps out there. Good not great but I don't see why anyone can't achieve a fair sound. My thoughts are that I just try a few variations on the EQ until I find something that works for me. Bear in mind that what works in one room may sound rubish in another[/quote]

    15 watts should be fine for practicing.Try changing the position of the amp in your room eg how close to the wall is it?
    In a corner or not?
    On the floor or raised up above it.Remember where the floor meets the wall is just another corner.
    All these factors will have a bearing on the quality of the sound.
    You dont need lots of deep power or even a good tone for that matter to practice your scales etc

  8. [quote name='mrcrow' post='674990' date='Dec 5 2009, 03:22 PM']my first guess would be that all is ok providing you set the various inputs to 0 and then increase them to get a balance within the clip of the preamp...
    i have preamp clip led so i can see whats going on
    also my combo has an effects send...and importantly return...and a dry to wet blend so that any effects can be set anywhere 0-10 relative to the main input

    any good?[/quote]

    Just one channell and one input,no effects loop.

    For dry to wet blend I have a shower and hairdryer(best not to use them at the same time)

    I shall proceed with caution and all volume settings on min and carefully raise them till I find a balance that works.

    Thanks for the swift reply

  9. Hi
    Can I plug a drum machine (alesis sr16) and my guitar into my amps (Line 6 110} one and only input socket via a 2into 1 lead that I'm about to make up or is this a bad idea?
    Wouldn 't want to blow anything up now would I.

  10. Its not actually Selfridges,theyre just the shop front.The company thats the music dept are actually Hooters,a music shop based in Watford.They're also responsible for Blast instruments.Not that that info does you any good mind but I just thought I'd mention it.

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