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Status Updates posted by jonnyc

  1. Jack i knew your Grandad from age 12 till i attended his funeral. My sister Pat was a mate of jeffs and this is how i got to meet him. My early memorys, i swapped a scalextric set for a bass which he later borrowed back, that was the last i saw of it!

    He would turn his hand to anything, with perfection.

    I lost touch when you moved to Theydon Bois. but purely by chance. bumped into him one day at The Co Op Brightlingsea where he was shopping with his Mother, i would never have remembered him but he remembered me. Turned out he was living just down the road to me in Clacton.

    He popped in occasison for a cup of tea and a cheese roll, last time he was here he checked out a guitar for me. He would speak about the basses he made.

    I was with Jeff a week or so before he died. We were in a local club watching Dave Edwards and Denns Sratten, he was in great spirits. It was a great shock when i heard the news

    He was an extremly talented person and i have many stories to tell. and some pictures. my sister has lots of  memories.  

    When things settle down we can get together  and .an hav a rabit.

    Meanwhile stay safe and well

    1. lowdown


      Jonny, it might be a good idea to copy this into the thread. It is easy to miss hear.

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