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Posts posted by Beedster

  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='22037' date='Jun 22 2007, 05:55 PM']To bring a sense of reality into this discussion, I just bought a great all-original (finish and all) TV-Logo '72 P for 800 quid on eBay. No way is that bass up there worth anywhere near £500.[/quote]

    I've seen potentuially worse`basses go for more, and you have to admit your '72 was a stroke of luck and not a regular ebay event :)
    You're probably right though!

  2. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='21999' date='Jun 22 2007, 05:13 PM']I said so up there... £300.[/quote]

    If it plays and sound amazing, is structurally sound and the PUPs/electrics are good, it could - emphasis on could - be worth the asking price. However, I doubt it is; it's from a period of very poor QC at Fender so the abore is immediately in question. Furthemore one of the reasons some of the late 70s Precisions sounded so good and had such great tone and sustain was their solid (and heavy) bodies. Yours has probably got a good deal of wood missing as I doubt what's under that pickguard is particularly pretty. If you buy it on the basis that it sounds and feels great in the shop, you still won't know if it's a keeper until you've played it through your own rig, rehearsed it live and gigged it. If after this it's not a keeper, you will have real problems getting your money back. In fact, I doubt you'd get more than £400 if you auctioned it on ebay.
    If you're really keen - and something tells me you are - print this thread, show it to the seller and offer £500 cash (and show him the cash). He'll aks for £700 and you'll agree £600, but either way I expect he's keen to get rid of it so do not pay what he's asking :)

  3. [quote name='The Burpster' post='21906' date='Jun 22 2007, 02:07 PM']Chris...... OMG does that mean My 40th Anni P has a poo image? Its beautiful...... I Certainly wouldnt turn up at an audition with it as I wouldnt want to damge it.......
    Oh and to be pedantic..... I didnt once mention that the Elite II isnt any good, it WAS unpopular hence it didnt sell in large numbers........
    Sigourney Weaver is not a popular actress at the moment (but I wouldnt crawl over her to get to you! :huh: ) b ut that does not mean shes no good.... I was hoping that some of the above would read your thread and get better educated about the P bass history....


    Fair point, apologies for the misunderstanding. I still think that the fact a bass is withdrawn doesn't necessarily mean it was unpopular. The EBMM SUB is extremely popular but was withdrawn due to the fact that EB are making a loss on them and they are also so good they're cutting into sales of 'rays. The Elite was one bloody well put together beast compared to standard Fender models (as is your PB 40th Anni) and I doubt it was cheap to produce, so perhaps that's one factor?
    You didn't buy that 40th from me on ebay last March did you?
    Oh, and trust me, if I was lying next to SW, you would get a look in anyway :huh:
    Cheers Bob

  4. A beautiful sunburst HS has just hi the bay at £600 BIN from the USA. Well worth it IMHO even with postage and duty


  5. [quote name='acidbass' post='20531' date='Jun 20 2007, 12:08 AM']Some of them are for the string mutes, aren't they? Someone has definitely added some extra ones too over the years though.[/quote]

    ... and is no longer a registered user...? Draw your own conslucions there I think :)

  6. [quote name='The Burpster' post='21608' date='Jun 21 2007, 09:42 PM']Its like a precision Elite II made between 83 +85..... about as popular as a KKK grand master in a Black Panther meeting.......


    As I said in the other thread, the fact that it wasn't a huge market success doesn't mean it wasn't a great bass. A lot of guys who've owned/played Elites really rate them. I don't think their 80's styling - especially the white PUPs and the boutique wood finish - fits the current retro zeitgeist that favours beaten up relics, and this in part explains their current unpopularity (oh, and the fact that they weighed in at around 12lbs). I once owned a Fender 40th Anniversary Precision which was a great bass but which also suffered from a similar image problem - I certainly could never have turned up to an audition with it! However, if I found an Elite 2 at a prce I could afford now I'd jump on it as it's essentially a real punchy Precision bass with the bonus of wider sound variability. Over and above this, in 10 years time they'll be gold dust!

  7. [quote name='The Burpster' post='21608' date='Jun 21 2007, 09:42 PM']I knew I'd read some other stuff about this see below thread put on by Beedster P bass 2 P pups...

    Its like a precision Elite II made between 83 +85..... about as popular as a KKK grand master in a Black Panther meeting.......


    Different bass mate, the one I was talking about was somewhat better and somewhat cheaper - the one above's a [mary hinge]r. 2 x P PUPs is fine, but the scoop is silly. If you can't play slap, hacking your bass won't make it any better. Over and above this, I'm a great fan of PBs, but they ain't the best slap bass, so that mod is a bit foolish to say the least. I would pay more then £250 for it, even if it sounds great

  8. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='21207' date='Jun 21 2007, 08:31 AM']Come on then, are us "London types" invited or not? :) If there's parking I can bring Urb with me.[/quote]

    Last time I looked at a map London was mos def South East :huh:
    Hope you can make it CK. I'm sure Urb's a nice guy too!

  9. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='21115' date='Jun 20 2007, 11:08 PM']Am good thanks Chris and, yes, the SUB5 is still doing it for me. Did a gig last weekend and got a lot of comments on the sound and the look of it!

    Seriously, I think you'll be suprised how good the 2 x PPUP combination sounds..

    Looking at recent Ebay prices for Shergold Marathons, if you do restore yours to something more 'classic' in looks, then you'll be more than doubling your money I reckon. Anyway, hope to see you if the much talked about South East Bash does finally get to happen in August..


    Cheers Nik, yep, hope to be there with the newly refinned Shergold. Re selling it, I'd like to think it's a keeper but, well, you know me :)

  10. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='21107' date='Jun 20 2007, 10:58 PM']Hi Dave,

    I say we go for the 18th of August, 10am-6pm, and if it's successful, then we could always run another one early next year for those who can't make it.
    So, by my reckoning, here's a list of those who say they can do the 18th:

    Nick Thomas
    Mickey D

    That's 9 already and The Beedster is up for this as well (aren't you Chris), so that'll be the 10! :)

    But let's see if we can get 15 or 20 and really make a day of it?



    With such a distinguished roll call how could I refuse :huh:. Cheers Nick, I really hope I'll be around and able to make it. Should have the Shergold fixed up by then also (I don't imagine that my one Precision and one Jazz are exactly going to set the world alight). Looking forward to catching up with the old SUB and your Wal

  11. [quote name='PaulMartin' post='21072' date='Jun 20 2007, 10:18 PM']Interesting that the winning bidder's user name is a similar form to the the seller's and also has zero feedback. Could be that they are the same person. Either that or some mug has just blown £900 on a scam.[/quote]


  12. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='20718' date='Jun 20 2007, 12:56 PM']Just seems wrong to me having a pup that close to the bridge. The amplitude of the strings vibration will be very small there.[/quote]

    That's a fair point, the JPUP on Kylie (my mongrel blonde precision) is also very close to the bridge, so to get the same out of it as I get out of the P PUP I have to dig in quite a bit, which means I get the tone I was after in the first place i.e., growly! My problem is that I love the feel and sound of Precisions over all other basses I've played (and there's been a few) and, although I'm sure I could get thje sounds the bass in question is likely to prodce from a range of other basses, I'm keen to keep trying various PBass options. The PJ combination I have at present is lovely, the PM combination I had on my Precision Deluxe didn't really do it for me (although I don't think the crap Fender pre-amp helped much) and this is simply one I haven't tried yet. Doesn't perhaps bode well that Andy wants to sell it so soon after buying it, but horses for courses eh? Anyway, I did Andy a lovely deal last year, so I'm hoping he'll reciprocate this time around :)

  13. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='20523' date='Jun 19 2007, 11:57 PM']Chris

    My 80's BC Rich Eagle has the same pick-up configuration (with DiMarzios) and it sounds great; really punchy, bright but also capable of very mellow p-bass tones too. Very underrated I think...

    How's it going with the Shergold by the way?


    Cheers Nik
    How you doing mate? Hope that SUB's stil working for you
    Yes, I've got Kylie who's a Precision mongrel with a JPUP, I really fancy another mongrel Danni with a 2nd PPUP. We'll see...
    PS Shergold hasn't been touched yet. Can't wait to get that finish off and see what's below! Plays and sounds great though, awesome neck :)

  14. [quote name='Musky' post='20419' date='Jun 19 2007, 08:53 PM']The pick up layout is like the old Precision Elite 2. Fender have never bothered to revisit this format, so I'd guess there's probably a good reason for it.

    So I wouldn't either, though mostly because it just looks [i]wrong.[/i][/quote]

    Fair point, although I'm not sure that lack of mass appeal necessarily makes for a bad bass. Anyone ever played a 2 P PUP Precision?

  15. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='20420' date='Jun 19 2007, 08:56 PM']Soz Chris.
    I had a quick look and couldn't find a reference to it on BC. We really need to reform the old 'squad' back together... can I be Bodie or is it Doyle, damn I can never figure out which one gets the most tottie, either way I drive the Capri when we bust the latest eBay perps!



    Right behind you Bodie :)
    Acually, I'd like to be Reagan from The Sweeney. That way, rather than get all deep and philosophical like B&D, I can just wade in and beat 10 shades of crap out of the perps!

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