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Posts posted by Pookus

  1. I am very pleased with my Ashdown rig. It gets plenty of use and gets knocked about quite a bit with all the loading / unloading. The only bit that has failed in the last 3 years is one of the wheels on the 810! I'm looking to upgrade the casters anyhow as its a bitch to move.

  2. My first bass was a sunburst Satellite Jazz copy. I saved up the £85 from my paper round. I was 13 when I got it. It looked like the bass on the cover of a book scales I had. I started playing bass as a development from making my own instruments out of boxes, springs and elastic bands. I used to multi track by using two (cheap) tape recorders! I got into bass because I liked what JJ Burnel was doing.

  3. Top job Al. I have the toaster and SD bridge pickup combo on my Rick which sounds incredible. Good choice! Have you considered making a 3001? I would like to see a straight through neck version of that! (Yeah I know the 3001 had a bolt on) - but a straight through would be cool maybe with the same pickups as a 4001 / 3.

  4. Medeski Martin and Wood got me into jazz. I found a way in. I really got into tracks like Shacklyn Knights (Dropper). Chubb Subb too. Then I worked back through Herbie Hancock and modal stuff by Miles Davies. Years ago I took part in a LMC workshop on improvisation. There were essentially three main groups - Classical / orchestral musicians, jazz musicians, us. We had a great time, listening to each other and responding in suprising ways. Funnily enough some of the more established classical musicians had real problems improvising anything.

  5. [quote name='Buzz' post='393208' date='Jan 27 2009, 09:45 PM']It's fairly common, Fender themselves offer artist models that do just that, the Mark Hoppus is a Jazz body with a P neck.[/quote]

    True - but the Mark Hoppus bass still has one pick up. (Not the 2 of a jazz bass)

  6. Sorry if obvious / been asked before here!

    Just wondered if anyone had put a precision neck on a jazz body. (I know it is quite common to put a jazz neck on a precision body). By precision neck I mean the wide one. I don't like jazz necks much they feel a bit crowded.

  7. I have had my Rickenbacker 4001 since I was 17 (24 years ago). I have owned and tried some other lovely basses but nothing has come close. Funny thing is I never went to buy the Rick as I had my eye on a Fender Jazz bass. However after playing it and hearing the vintage sound from the toaster pickup I had to have it - cost me £275! Won't let this one go.

  8. JJ Burnel also inspired me to pick up the bass. Soon after I discovered Can, so Holger Czukay became a big influence (mainly Delay 1968, Ege Bamyasi, Tago Mago). Has anyone mentioned Dave Alexander from the Stooges yet? I would say he would also be a major influence. If you want to check out my band on myspace see if you can spot the influences!


  9. [quote name='Beedster' post='374439' date='Jan 8 2009, 09:04 PM']My three

    1. Fender Custom Shop Jaco Pastorius tribute/relic Jazz. Less a tribute than an insult. Also Fender active electronics. How do they manage to get their 21st Century active basses to send less toneful and punchy than their '70s passive basses?

    [i][b]2. Aphex Puch Factory. It doesn't punch and it isn't a factory. Where's Trading Standards when you need them?[/b][/i]

    3a. People who moan about Fender manufacturing relic basses.
    3b. People who own Fender relic basses :)


    I like the Punch Factory. It is simply a compressor - and it err ... compresses. (Oh and its a nice orange colour) :huh:

  10. [quote name='northstreet' post='374365' date='Jan 8 2009, 07:46 PM']Carrying on with this thread, anyone know of any places in east London - preferably somewhere accessible by car? Cheers[/quote]

    Is the Premises still going on Hackney Rd? That is where I used to rehearse when I lived in London. They had a great cafe too.

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