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Posts posted by MartyBRebelMC

  1. Well i hold you partly responsible Lozz :) as i had seen some of your posts about your rig and thought it would do the job for me. It's only been one gig but it just sounded more effortless power delivery than with one cab but that may be all in my head... it also makes it easy to hear yourself on stage as i believe you've found as well.

  2. I bought a Barefaced Midget last week to compliment the Compact i already have - tried it out on Saturday night at a private function - large function hall with stage... coped a treat, effortless power.

    Oh and many thanks to OBBM for getting a speaker cable made up and out to me so fast!



  3. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1316534611' post='1379343']There comes a point where your vehicle needs protection from your cases which is fine for gigging bands with a tour bus but for most of us a soft roqsolids or similar case has just the right balance between no cover and a flight case.[/quote]

    a very good point!

  4. I've ordered 3 covers from them now, the most recent one a few days ago. All excellent quality and all arrived very quickly.

    As regards some coments regarding durability/thickness - I have in the past had a Silverstone cover made that uses a neoprene style material which is much thicker but i wouldn't say was as durable and is a right pain when you need to fold it away at a gig.. I think amp/cab covers are good for keeping the rain and dust off and protect finishes from rubbing and light impacts, however if you need more protection it's probably time for a fightcase.

  5. I recently bought a Bongo6 MM off a fellow basschatter and I agree with the OP - fantastic sound and an EQ that I find really useful I.e. very easy to understand and to tweak on the fly. My Status S2 is more comfortable (and lighter i think) but I am loving the massive sound you get from a Bongo, it simply seems to sit in the mix effortlessly.

  6. I have a compact and am very happy with, I used a Markbass 121p plus 121ny cab before and wanted a one cab solution. I would say a couple of things about the compact - firstly it is very very light which was one of my main needs but what I did find was because the driver is low to the graound compared to my previous rig I found it difficult to hear myself especially as I'm nearly always stood pretty much inches from it (small pubs - gotta love em eh). I have however just had a revelation - I did a wedding gig last night and tried raising the cab by putting it on it's side on a keyboard x frame stand - job done! I can hear myself, the drummer could hear me and was very pleased and the clarity of the sound out front was improved also. this is of course just my experience but as your current rig is quite tall you might have a similar experience with any single 15" cab.



  7. When i first started with the last band I was in the setup times were ridiculous...not quite 3 hrs but easily 2 and we came up with a plan of action for each band member based on there availability i.e. the drummer generally just looks after there own setup as it takes longer and they know just how they like it.. I would run power, others would run mic cables/foldback etc. we each knew what we were there to do and the whole thing got quicker.

    It didn't however speed up the guitarists ability to plug in their 'infinite befuddlement midi controlled w@nkathon pedalboards' ...but don't get me started on why some guitarists 'need' a million programmable patches (none of which sounds any feckin' good or indeed different from one another) to do a few covers...

    Anyway in response to you original post - we found good delegation helped speed the process up.

  8. EBS Multicomp compressor

    Hi all

    I've decided to move this on as I've come to the conclusion that I don't need a compressor and was a bit of an impulse buy. This unit gets good reviews and is very simple to use, it's the latest true bypass version and is only a couple of months old.

    I have removed the stick-on foam base from the case as it was mounted on a pedal board using velcro but otherwise it is as new - no marks or scratches and will be boxed with instructions.

    I am after £90.00 posted (sorry no offers please) so if you fancy saving £40-£50 on the price of a new one give me a shout.



  9. I used to use a Stingray 5 (which i know has a different EQ) and a Markbass cd121p with matching NY121 cab and with this combination i left everything flat. It sounded dreadful on it's own but was perfect in the mix.

    I think what 51m0n says about mids and the sound within the mix is totally spot on. I spent endless hours when i first started playing bass getting the EQ perfect at home only to find I could hear nothing when playing with the band and ended up turning the amp up so loud to try and hear myself but all you could hear was indistinct rumbling and fret noise. The temptation in isolation is to scoop the mids and get a sort of "hifi" sound but I have yet to get this to translate in to anything audible in a gig situation.

    This may be niave of me but I now tend to leave most EQ's well alone on hi end gear as I trust it's designed to produce a decent sound for performance without fiddling (I get heavy with the VPF filter when practicing at home but wouldn't touch it for a gig). Obviously the acoustics of a room will create issues but careful placement of your rig (where possible) often has more impact than EQ.

  10. Having a bit of a Sunday clear out.....

    MXR Dyna Comp compressor - £40 posted

    Morley Pro Volume pedal - £40 posted

    Boss TU2 tuner - SOLD




  11. Well i can tell where one is right now (but better not mention the shop by name here - PM me if interested) - white USA Fender Precision - neck relief fine but action way too high...no problem just adjust the saddles...oh hang on the saddles are already wound down to the bridge plate...solution remove and shim neck to make playable. On a new bass costing more than a grand that's a serious flaw in my book. But on the whole it's oversize neck pockets and poorly aligned bridges.

    oops the quote didnt come in ...re post13

    But of course it doesn't mean to say that you wont be lucky and find a perfect one in which case they are lovely basses... just far too many dodgy ones out there.

  12. Levinson blade - if you can find a Japanese one. I haven't tried one for ages but i remember them being very well made.

    And a definite +1 for a Nordy (2nd hand)...only ever tried one once but it was stunning.

    I think you are right about Fender though £1100 is way too much and given the fact you have to go through every bass in the shop in the hope of finding one that isn't seriously flawed it's becoming a joke.

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