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Posts posted by UglyDog

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1387923530' post='2317356']
    And Jack Bruce.
    And Mark King.
    And Stanley Clarke.
    And Stu Hamm.
    And Matt Garrison.
    And Lincoln Goines.

    Mel, 32 is no age to be losing the use of any part of your body. If you don't take the sage advice offered by your mates here and [u]go and get properly checked out immediately[/u], i shall come round to your house, bite your postman's leg and pee on your rose bushes.

  2. [quote name='stu_g' timestamp='1388270562' post='2320347']
    mecedes sometimes flash sometimes practical [b]always well made [/b]
    Apart from the early M class 4x4s
    You could pretty much watch them fall apart :lol:

  3. [quote name='Protium' timestamp='1386449655' post='2300370']
    Radioactive megaboost
    Built into a small plastic enclosure (8 x 6 x 4cm) I've been meaning to use for a while, 9V PSU only
    This raises an interesting question for me:
    Enclosure-wise, I've only ever used diecast metal boxes for anything wth a footswitch, but do many of you guys use ABS boxes at all? If they work well and are suitable for stomps I would be interested in giving them a whirl but I thought I'd canvass opinion first :)

  4. Just wanted to say that I ordered a bunch of bits from Steve at [url="http://www.doctortweek.co.uk/"]http://www.doctortweek.co.uk/[/url] a few days ago -- they all arrived safely this morning, and he even enclosed a xmas card.
    Very keenly priced stuff too. My first order from Steve but it certainly won't be my last. Woof!

  5. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1387726546' post='2314914']
    Thanks for the advise, I think I should be ok. I am an industrial electrician by trade and studied electronics ;-
    In fairness, you didn't say or suggest that at the start. Your OP did give the impression of a total novice, hence the basic advice.
    [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1387727410' post='2314927']
    I would like to have a shot at anything really, maybe a noise gate, a compressor, envelope filter or octaver/synth. I have no idea if these are achievable for a home builder or not so some feedback would be great!
    There are vero layouts online for pretty much anything you can think of. There's even a Meatball clone if you feel particularly brave!

  6. 1. Always, always use IC sockets -- don't solder 8-pin op-amps etc. direct to the board. I'd also recommend using transistor sockets.
    2. Use a heat sink when working with certain components, e.g. 1N34 diodes, as they don't like getting too hot.
    3. Don't attempt to solder your fingers into the circuit. It hurts.

  7. Much though I hate admitting to paying any attention to these vultures... does anybody know who is responsible for the acoustic guitar work on their current telly advert?

  8. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1386971105' post='2307140']
    And the application sheet is [url="http://www.auralex.com/sound_isolation_platfoam/PF.pdf"]here[/url].
    They seem to have had a bit of a Spinal Tap 'Stonehenge' moment with their diagram.
    "F**K THE NAPKIN!" :lol:

  9. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1386959637' post='2306917']
    Yup, made a couple of Wooly Mammoth clones. I used 2N2088s, but you can get away with 2N3904s if you can't find them.
    That's interesting - all the schematics i've seen show 3904 trannies. Any reason why you went for the 2088s? Do they have a different characteristic?
    [quote name='Protium' timestamp='1386961140' post='2306952']
    I have vero layouts for the Mammoth and also my own take as a three knob version (minus the frankly useless EQ), if you want them give me a yell :)
    Yeah i'd be interested to see your eq-less version ta. I'll PM you my email addy.

    Have either of you guys had a go at a Mastotron? How do your WM clones get on with active basses?

  10. Has anyone had a bash at building a ZVEX Woolly Mammoth or Mastotron clone? I'm tempted to have a bash as they're very simple circuits, the WM especially. Anyone done it already?

  11. OK, let's cut to the chase here. Apparently Herbie F said in an interview:
    [i]"I bought the bass on Oct. 12, 1959, from Manny's in New York. If you remove the neck you can see Leo Fender's signature and because it's a prototype it has various bits that are not standard. For example, underneath the pickguard they installed what was tantamount to a fuzzbox but it was very primitive - a couple of resistors that cut the signal in half and fouled it up. It had a switch on it and when you tried to cut the roughness out it wouldn't cut out properly, so I took it out."[/i]

    That's a pretty black/white statement from him there. [i]I bought the bass on Oct. 12, 1959.[/i] So what's the suggestion from the doubters here? Is he a bit confused? Is he a [i]liar[/i]? What?

  12. I agree with several of the folks above.[list]
    [*]There's no legal leg to stand on, taking it to small claims would be a waste of the OP's money.
    [*]However, the onus is definitely on the borrower to stump up, especially as the only reason he wanted to use the OP's rig was through sheer can't-be-arsedness.
    [*]So, make contact with the borrower and/or his band by whatever channel(s) available, outline what's happened and ask for a contribution (adding "of course, if you hadn't fecked off straight after your set we would have been able to sort this out on the night").
    [*]If the borrower won't contribute and the band won't help, take to whatever social media you choose and let the world know what lazy tightar$ed kit-manglers he and his band are. Do it properly and no-one will share a bill with them again.
    [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1386072794' post='2295238']
    I remember at the Oast House there was a guy who walked over to Ben Robinson's bass case, took it out and walked onto the stage with it, some people have no boundaries.
    I sincerely hope Ben Robinson followed the guy onto the stage, repossessed his bass and gave said guy an anglo-saxon-vernacular-based précis of his character, behaviour and parentage. I'd have bitten his ankle and p*ssed on his shoes, but then that's what dogs do.

    Now will someone please throw this bloody stick for me? I've been waiting for days for one of you buggers to notice.

  13. [quote name='smurfitt' timestamp='1385681939' post='2291236']
    £7 might be worth it for as many adverts as you want to put but I'm only selling one item and its a guitar so doubtful it would strike up much interest amongst bass players and how likely are you to tell your 'bandmates' there's a guitar for sale thats going to cost them a packet.
    If you're that confident of getting a sale here, it kinda begs the question: [i]why the blinking flip do you want to advertise it here in the first place?[/i] It pretty much confirns what Skank said -- you just wanted a free ad.

  14. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1385639501' post='2290481']
    People need a reason to buy the magazine over browsing the net as they need content from people that is worthwhile reading. Sadly, that's just not the case with BGM.
    It's certainly not the case with [s]World Of Adverts[/s] Bass Player [s]pamphlet[/s] mag either. Every time I pick it up in WH Smitty's it feels skinnier and lighter than the last time. There was a time when if I saw a copy of BP for sale, I'd just automatically pick it up and reach for my fiver, safe in the knowledge that there'd be interesting and informative stuff within. Nowadays it is frankly rubbish. A few faintly interesting interviews and a smattering of reviews of kit we will never [i]ever[/i] see in the UK, held together with page after page of Important Messages From Our Sponsors.
    BGM's faults may be legion, but it is still to my mind the superior read.

  15. In that case it's probably safe to assume that's why you've been told to take your own backline -- because they don't want you using theirs. Like you say, take a DI box anyway just in case (although obviously any decent in-house PA worth their salt will have about a million of the things to hand).
    It also gives you a bit of moral high ground, in that if it does turn out that you're suddenly being expected to provide amps, you can say "Hold on, I was told I couldn't use your gear so what makes you think you can automatically use mine..?".
    Whatever happens, play well :)

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