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Posts posted by largo

  1. I watched the show when it was shown last year.
    I always rated myself as an OK bassist, played for 20 odd years now and "think" I can hold a tune, although the stick I get from the guys in the band might suggest differently. All I can say is, if someone asked me to sit in on that gig I wouldn't have a chance ! I'm in very esteemed company if those that don't rate Tal think they could have stood on that stage and held the groove any better.

  2. Some advice needed please ....
    I've never been one to bother with effects but with Christmas coming up & a run of party gigs I thought about "mucking" about with a couple of songs we plan on doing. We're planning on Mercy by Duffy, I Kissed a Girl by Katie Perry and we already do some 70's Disco and the likes. So, I was thinking of buying a cheap effects unit to see me through 7 or 8 gis over Christmas. Any ideas? What's the Behringer FEX800 like ? I know it's not bass effects as such, but it's just a play about for now and is only £40'ish.

  3. One word of warning joe_bass as I was keen to try out Sadowsky, and got the chance at GuitarGuitar in Edinburgh a few months ago.....
    They are great basses, sound-wise and build-wise. In fact, owning a couple of custom build, I can't believe that Sadowsky's are man-made as the fit & finish was so perfect, even on the Metro.

    I prefer an 18mm, or even 17mm string spacing and the spacing is 19mm on Sadowsky. The neck, to me felt wide & flat compared to what I prefer.
    You have a Thumb 5 and MM 5 and, from what I remember these are 17 or 18mm spacings so, IMHO I wouldn't just buy blind. You need to try one of these out first to know you like it.

    Oh yeah, good luck !

  4. I can't help think that if they'd split the pickup in two and put Wal on the headstock no-one would be batting an eyelid at £3K. In fact, if you want a "new" Wal and can't wait I reckon this bass is going to get pretty darn close. Similar body shape, headstock, pickups(?). If John East made an ACG-style EQ for it then you'd be 95% there.

    IMHO I don't like the look of the pickup but I do think the concept of it is genius.

  5. Thanks for the info.
    The TecAmp gear looks pretty good, although I'm also tempted with an Ampeg SVT-3PRO as an option.
    Might just take you up on the offer, and I'll bring along the sprakly bass for you to gaze in amazement at. Hehe, that's showbusiness.

    Rumble, nope I haven't played any Markbass gear, just going on the hype.
    I did the same with EBS a few years back, the HD350 and that lasted about 3 months before being punted.
    Anywhere in sunny Scotland have MB gear in stock that I can try out?

  6. I'm thinking of changing my rig, for no other reason than wanting a change. And maybe lightening the load...

    I currently play an Ashdown ABM 500 RC EVO II amp through a Schroeder 410L cab. Fairly low footprint and weight, and plenty loud as the bass always goes through the PA as well so it really is just onstage sound. Playing covers in a function band.

    I have been thinking of trying Markbass, and especially the CMD121P combo as a small(er) option. And now, with Markbass soon to release a New York 121 cabinet that matches the dimensions and weight of the combo exactly I can have a very small, and very lightweight stacked rig pushing 500W into a 2x12 setup with a LM II amp.

    So, should I do it ?

  7. How does the paint job affect the classic Thumb tone? Reason I ask is, I've owned a couple of Stage II's one being standard, wax finish and the other being a custom with a lacquer finish. I just couldn't get the classic SII tone from the lacquered bass and sold it on. Funny, but I've always fancied a SII 5-string again when funds allow of course.

    BTW, there's a small restaurant near me, in St Andrews (Scotland) that has a gold 6-string thumb with Barts sitting on show. The restaurant is called Ziggys and claims to be the original rock memorabilia restaurant. Been on the go before the HRC apparently. Anyway I was curious, and asked the owner. He told me it was bought from the John Entwistle estate a few years back !

  8. Yep, I can vouch for the last post by Ewan. Don't know Ewan personally but I certainly know Mr Gilbass !
    I've tried my best to talk him out of his Sadowsky fixation for years but he's having none of it.
    Nice preamps but 19mm spacing ain't all it's cracked up to be, Gil ;-)

    With the hike in new Sei prices £1300's about right, in my opinion but I never got near that with my last 2 sales.


  9. Hi Ewan

    A fellow Fifer, welcome to BC.
    Out of curiosity, that's not Gil's old Sei Jazz is it ?

    If it helps, I've sold a couple of Sei Jazzes in the past and never got near to the £1500 your asking for.
    I see the Gallery have a pre-owned Sei at £1350 just now (which includes the 15% commission) just to give an indication of market value.

    Good luck with the sale though. I still love Sei's, way better than Sadowsky ;0)


  10. Mmm, dangerous thing to say on these boards Josh.
    I own a Sei and Shuker (both Jazzes) and have to admit the Sei just pips the Shuker in playability, but I mean just and it's probably a personal thing.
    Jon Shuker is actually going to make a few amendments for nowt to get his bass playing just how I want it, so things might change.
    In terms of cost there's no comparison.

  11. I asked Jon Shuker to fit one of the J-East low battery indicators to me Shuker Jazz I just had built.
    Instead he designed a circuit himself (someone did say he has an electronics degree) and I now have a little LED that will pulse if the battery is getting low. At least I hope it will because being honest I haven't had a low battery yet. He fitted it to the battery compartment on the back of the bass, so it's hidden well away.

    Don't want to take work away from Mr East though, as he's a very nice man and I love his J-Retro preamps.


  12. Sat next to Leo Sayer on a flight from Heathrow to Edinburgh. All he wanted to do was talk about fishing !
    I also refused to let someone jump the queue ahead of me at security at Heathrow, only to turn around and see it was David Bowie. The security guy gave him the VIP treatment and let him queue jump anyway. Bl***y rock stars !

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