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Posts posted by largo

  1. Not what it seems I'm afraid .....

    I have a 3U rack with amp + tuner and wondered the best way to power these.
    At present, I have a 4-way power strip velcro'ed to the top of the amp inside the rack & I've made up a couple of short IEC "kettle" power leads to keep the back clutter free, plugged in to the 4-way. However, I've spoken about my "hum" experiences before and wondered if I would be better using one of these dual-IEC splitter type cables and not have the 4-way at all.

    Or wouldn't it make any jot of difference !

    Still interested to hear, or see what other do regards powering their rack equipment.



  2. Up for sale is my [i]new style[/i] Ampeg SVT-3 Pro amp.
    I recently purchased this amp from lobematt and am looking to get back what I paid for it so £400 + £10 P&P.
    I've always been curious about this amp but it just isn't for me. Anyway, I've just purchased a Markbass SA450 so this one has to go.

  3. I used to own an EBS HD350 with no mute and bought a Korg rackmount tuner to get around the problem as it has a mute function.
    I'm hoping to get an SA450 soon and wondered if I can do the same. Put the effects send/return into series-mode and hook the tuner into the effects chain. Mute the tuner and the signal is muted.
    Anyone know if that will mute the DI on an SA450 as I also go through the PA.

  4. Had a Sei with Bart soapbars and couldn't get on with the smoothness of them, I prefer the bite of the coils.
    I only mentioned Nordstrand again as I presumed they were a weird size so would have to get like for like as a replacement. I'm open to suggestions, a soapbar with bite perhaps or a low/no noise coil alternative.

  5. If it helps, I found a TB article on this stating that 4 x JJ ECC83S tubes to replace the 12AX7's and a JJ ECC82 to replace the 12AU7 works really well.
    Hotrox can do all these valves for well under £50. www.hotroxuk.com

  6. Hello all

    I've suffered for years now with earth buzz !!!!
    It happens with different basses and doesn't happen in all venues but I thought I'd entrust you lads & lassies to help me try to get rid of it. I know it might just be conditions and I'll never get round it but if I can reduce it as much as possible then I'd be a happy bunny.

    Here's what I've tried so far:

    2 different basses, fully screened. Only commonality is using Nordstrand Big Singles which may be prone to buzz 'casue they are single coil.
    2 different amps, only commonality might be I have a 4-way power block velcro'ed to the top of the amp inside the rack.
    If I switch to passive the hum goes away.

    So, what should I try next ? Could it be the power block, or where it's situated?
    I'm getting to the stage of buying a Fender 2008 Jazz V or Precision V passive just to get round the problem. Starting to like the passive tone more and more anyway

    So, open to suggestions/ideas/comments on the above .....


  7. Out of nothing more than curiosity I've just bought myself an Ampeg SVT-3 Pro from this very forum. Not even a GAS attack !!!!
    Time will tell if it's the right decision but in the meantime I need to think about getting back some of the cash that I paid for it.
    So, up for sale is my trusty Ashdown. It's a few years old, never been a problem and is the the UK version. Always flightcased so in VGC.
    I don't have pics as it's packed with all the other gear in the trailer, but if it's essential then I can get some this weekend.
    Oh yeah price. I reckon £300 + £10 P&P via DHL is a fair price.
    Any offers?

  8. Think I'm missing something here...
    I can see the point of tonewoods having an effect on an acoustic instrument, guitar, violin, cello etc.
    However, don't these AC basses have active circuits? Isn't the sound pretty much dictated by the preamp circuit & the pickups than anything else.
    Both my custom basses I chose whatever I thought looked good in terms of woods, finishes etc. and chose the preamp/pickup combination that gave me the sound. Wish I'd known better ;0)

  9. I have to agree with Josh on this one, that YouTube clip is great.
    From a bass players perspective all the clips great in my opinion, but from a non-bass players perspective it's pretty much all tosh !
    Even that Amazing Grace thing he does. Great technically but tunefully it's murder. I'd rather hear it on the Bagpipes than listen to that keech.

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