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About javi_bassist

  • Birthday 26/05/1992

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  1. I have accepted an offer from a friend to play in his karaoke band. I have to learn like 40 songs for tonight...

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    2. javi_bassist


      They are very well known pop songs, with some rock and some blues. Most of the songs are relatively easy, but I've never faced a situation like this before. I am usually very well-prepared for the gigs I'm hired. I'm kinda nervous, but also excited. 

    3. hiram.k.hackenbacker


      You are clearly a stranger to the ‘I hate gigging’ thread then 😂.

      I’ve forced myself in recent years to do these sort of gigs and they are really quite something. Lately I’ve done a couple of gigs where although I was given the set in advance, there were no rehearsals. I look at the sets and think, there are quite a few of these songs that have been recorded by various artists and there are also different versions of some of them by the same artists. Then I start listening to the songs and about half of them fade out in their original recorded versions. Then I resign myself to finding out how they go on the night. Keeps you on your toes. Good luck 🤘

    4. Greg Edwards69

      Greg Edwards69

      Best of luck with that.  The closest I've had was around a weeks notice so I had ample time to prepare. Still need and iPad with notes on it and very, very, active listening.  I quickly realised the keyboard player was holding it all together so watched him most of the time.


      Best dep bassist I've seen was a chap who flew in from France at short notice to play with Uli Jon Roth on a legends of rock tour. Uli's set included Vivaldi's four seasons, plus his own fifth season composition. I couldn't see any sheet music on stage either.  Great stuff.

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