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Posts posted by Shire

  1. And my Squier VM Jazz:

    Oh and effects. I used to be a guitarist so you might spot a couple of rogues on the board :rolleyes:

    We're hopefully off to London on Saturday to blow some cash in some music shops so if you have any recommendations on how I can improve my setup, fire away!


  2. Well Basschat owner Ped popped over to my gaff the other day and suggested I take a few pics of my gear. I've known him for years so he lent me the forum Epiphone ET-280 which was kindly donated. Anyway it looks like this:

    Cheeky little group shot with my Ashdown ABM300 and Mini 48 and 15 cabs :) (excuse the curtians, I just moved and I am aware of how nasty they are!)

    My 1971 Fender Musicmaster strung with flats and a nice new seymour duncan pickup :rolleyes:


  3. [quote name='51m0n' post='508932' date='Jun 9 2009, 12:06 PM']LH500 is a cracking amp, my son has one, VERY loud.

    Its not particularly lightweight by modern standards (markbass etc) but a very sensible old school solid state amp weight rather than all tube monstrousness.[/quote]

    Thanks for the tip. I read the reviews on here and it seems the only thing it lacks is the ability to adjust the input volume but as long as it can handle that itself thats fine :rolleyes:

    Shame they have risen in price so much recently :)

    [quote name='alexclaber' post='508933' date='Jun 9 2009, 12:07 PM']Small loud amp and cab for £500 is doable if you keep an eye on the classifieds and are happy to go with a heavier amp.


    heavy is ok, its just size (mostly width) because the staircase is narrow and the girls I'm living with might break a nail if they help lift it! :lol:

  4. Morning ladies and gents!

    Well I just moved house to a top floor room with a slightly narrow staircase so I said goodbye to my Ashdown Mag combo and cab.

    What I'm looking for now is something smaller but louder. I know these amps exist but are there any within my price range (£500ish for amp and cab)

    A fellow basschatter has offered me his Ashdown ABM Mini 48 and 15 cabs and the matching 350w head but it might be slightly more than I can afford right now (as much as I want it Budd!)

    Head wise I'd like something around 400-500w and maybe a 4x10 cab or 2x10 and a 1x15. I'm pretty new to this gear and technical side of bass playing but our band are doing quite well so I'd like something decent-ish :)

    So what are my other options (if I have any?) or should I start scouting the classifieds section....

    Thanks in advance,

  5. I bought a pickup from them recently but after 10 days it still wasn't at my door so I complained and they said it ws out of stock and had to order it in (when it said it was in stock on the website) It arrived a few days later but after complaining they offered me a free set of stings as an apology and they arrived very promptly :)

  6. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='503959' date='Jun 2 2009, 04:41 PM']I used a rig exactly like that for a number of years with no issues whatsoever despite being gigged and rehearsed heavily throughout.

    At that price, it is a steal and pretty much unbeatable value for money I think. :lol: :)

    Good luck with the sale.

    I can't imagine that, even in today's economic climate, it will take long to move at that asking price.[/quote]

    Thanks for your kind words. I hope it doesn't hang around for long, I'm moving on Sunday and this beast will be taking up valuable space in the van!

    I don't want to stick it on evilbay either, I'll probably get more for it but I thought i'd offer it to the lovely folk on basschat first! :rolleyes:

  7. [center][b]For Sale
    [size=5]Ashdown MAG 300 C210t and 1x15 extension cab[/size][/b][/center]

    I've only had this amp 6 months (I have the original receipt) and I love it but I'm moving into a new place next weekend where space is limited so I'm going to have to fork out for something smaller for the time being. This is the latest version of the amp (EVO II) and is in A1 condition!

    I purchased the cab from the same place that I bought my amp (PMT in Oxford) in Used condition but its in pretty good condition (8.5/10) and to be honest, you can't see it when its sat under the amp.

    Slight wear on the cab (ht eflash makes it look a lot worse than it is):


    The cheapest I can find this amp for online is £350 and the cab is £149.

    I'm willing to let them both go together for £300 but you'd need to collect them from Witney, Oxfordshire or I can deliver within 30 miles for a few quid :)

    Hopefully there are a couple of BC'ers who can vouch for this amp, My main man Ped has played through it :rolleyes:


  8. Well it appeared that the earth connection on the input jack was touching the lead when it was inserted into the bass so a bit of bending sorted that out. I also re-soldered a couple of suspect joints just to be on the safe side. :)

    I'll use it at our gig on thursday, but not without backup!

    Thanks to everyone for your help :rolleyes:

  9. [quote name='2x18' post='495556' date='May 22 2009, 09:01 PM']The middle legs on the 2 pots look to be touching each other so try to bend them apart slightly,and also signal side of the capacitor looks to be touching the pot casing.

    I would suggest you ask a local Basschatter to help you out with your soldering, no offence intended!



    None taken! I have taken it over to Ped's house and we couldn't see a problem with it :)

    The only part which might make contact when its reassembled is the orange part of the cap. This shouldn't make a difference though should it?

    [quote name='BOD2' post='495580' date='May 22 2009, 09:28 PM']I think 2x18 might be right. It looks like that capacitor might be pushed onto the pot casing when you screw the pickguard down.

    You could verify this by sliding a piece of paper under the capacitor so that the wire that is not soldered onto the pot casing cannot touch the casing.

    As far as I can see the wiring looks ok - the "official Fender" wiring is slightly different on the tone pot but I don't think it would actually make any difference to the sound.[/quote]

    Thanks for the reply, I'll try the cardboard trick and see if that makes any difference :rolleyes:

    [quote name='steve-soar' post='495944' date='May 23 2009, 11:47 AM']Nice bass.[/quote]

    Thanks :lol:

  10. Evening all,

    I was wondering if anyone could help me with the wiring of my Fender Musicmaster please?

    I have just purchased a new SD pikup for it but I am having problems with the wiring in general I think.

    I think that the pots are touching the copper shielding in the body of the bass causing it to stop working intermittently. Also I can only get it to work if I lift the edge of the pickguard with the jack input on up slightly. I have tried taping over the copper shielding to see ig this is the problem but before I rip it out (as its a neat job) I just thought I'd get some other opinions :rolleyes:

    Here are some pics which will hopefully help you out. Please excuse the shoddy soldering, its my first attempt at something like this :)

    Thanks in advance,

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