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Posts posted by OutToPlayJazz

  1. Good move, Chris. That Modulus is like the "Beedster Signature" bass! I can see the sense in your move towards P's, though. Even the last couple of cheap-ish MIM Precisions have been stunning sounding & playing basses. Never found a modern American one I liked so far, though.

  2. No mate, you're definitely not out of your mind. Once you've had a Status, you'll never look back!

    Although I've just sold my KingBass V, I'm off to visit Rob & Dawn at Colchester in a couple of weeks to pick up one new Status & order another. I've been a Status player for 19 years & always will be. Once you've had that ease of playing & the amazing graphite 'growl', you'll be hooked!

    I had an S2000 for a short time many years ago, and it was not unike the current all-graphite Stealth model. Amazing to play & very fast! There's a stealth headed on the forum for sale. That's more of a modern equivalent with the same basic sound, just different electronics.

    Although I love my wooden basses, there's something about a Status. Playing my wooden basses is nice enough, it's just like driving around in your Mondeo when you know you have a Ferrari in the garage :)

  3. Hey there, everyone!

    For those of you who haven't seen or heard one, have a look on YouTube or the Fender website for the videos on the Fender VG series strat. It's a tone modeling guitar with an extra Roland digital pickup, capable of different sounds (guitar types), different tunings, etc. All looks pretty amazing...


  4. Unfortunately, the Geddy only comes in black at the moment, same as the original colour of Geddy's '72. They are looking into an updated version with new tuners and bringing in the wine red colour of Geddy's custom shop jazz.

    They definitely have the thinnest neck I've ever seen & the pups/badass II make it sound like nothing else, with a sort of three dimensional growl. Highly recommended!

    I've had other Fenders over the years & have always traded them on (I've always been a big Status nut) but this one is so good that I'll be keeping it for a long time!

  5. From what I've seen & played (and own), I'd go Japanese every time. I've owned an MIM which was thankfully a nice one, but then sold that to a pupil.

    I've played quite a few MIA models & I don't know whether it's the factory setup or the basses themselves, but they just don't feel fast or nice to play. The most recent MIA's I've played also feel half finished with rough necks & varying quality control.

    I've currently got (well documented on this server) a Japanese Geddy Lee signature. It's gorgeous! It has the best finish of any bass I've played this side of a Status! Pickups are the US vintage models which hum a bit, but the sound is exquisute! I'd love to boost the output, but don't want the full J-retro treatment (it'd spoil the perfect looks!) Just turning up the gain on my MarkBass rig seems to be enough to get it to equal my active instruments.

    Japanese = Quality!

    Nuff said :)

  6. The supposed "Stick Master" is Steve Adelson. I donloaded his album from iTunes & it is amazing :)

    Now I've got the hang of (and found the usefulness of) my TRB-6... Hmmm... 12 string stick & tapping... Phone the bank manager!

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