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Posts posted by OutToPlayJazz

  1. Why would you put castors on a bass amp?? Surely the cabinet needs to be on the floor so the bass frequencies vibrate through said floor? That's what I think, anyway :)

    And reading through this thread, I agree that the TNT115 is a great amp. Bullet proof for the money, just very heavy. Played through them a lot over the years at jam sessions, etc.

  2. I'm running 500 watts of MarkBass stuff usually (Mini 15 combo with 2x10 traveller on top, running at 4 ohms.) Usually I've only got the input volume at 9 o'clock & the output at 12 o'clock. This gives me masses of power with any of my active basses, but for smaller jobs, I use the MB 2x10 cab with an Ashdown Mag 300 head. Luckily, my guiarist in the rock band isn't stupidly loud with his 150w Line 6, so it's never a competition.

    I think it's down to common sense - I even use a 30w Roland Bass Cube for shows. No need for huge volume there! Just make sure we all use a setup that's apt for the job & place we're playing in.

  3. Nice looking trace. I had a couple of the older ones (GP7SM 15in combo & GP12SMX 15in combo, both with the 4x5 bright box on the top.) Are the new ones very different?

    I have to be honest & say that I haven't tried anything else since moving onto my MarkBass stuff. (Oh, and my Ashdown Mag300 head that I use with the MarkBass 2x10 cab for a "mini rig".)

    I think I tend to move forwards and try new things :)

  4. [quote name='BB2000' post='105118' date='Dec 16 2007, 11:26 PM']So why's this better than a MIA then?[/quote]

    Er... Quality control on the Japanese Fenders is second to none. Neck is likely to be thinner as well. All in all, the Japanese ones are actually finished properly, unlike the ones made by lazy Americans!

  5. [quote name='ARGH' post='104745' date='Dec 15 2007, 07:51 PM']yeah....
    And the thing is, I know thats true....

    So where do all the Washburn Status's go Dave?[/quote]

    Interesting question, that one... You see a couple every now & again on statii.com, but there must be a lot more around.

    But then again, they weren't that good. Better off saving up for the real thing!

  6. Hey guys, sorry for the stolen photos - I haven't gotten around to taking any yet. Picked this up from Mike (Beneath it all) today & gave it a good clean & a good light set of strings.

    She's called the Basschat Status whore, as she's been owned by Dr.Dave, the Beedster, ZPQ & Beneath it all. If I missed anyone, apologies!

    Current photos tomorrow!

    Oh, by the way... Who filled in the strap holder holes & put a single one in the middle of the base of the body??

  7. Hi there, yes the ICON series Hofner is the cheapest US market only Hofner. They also do the contemporary series, which is much better quality. I have a Hofner contemporary violin bass for sale in as new condition with a genuine Hofner gig bag if you're interested. (Took me 3 months to get the damned case!) I'm after £325 ono for it. It's the black one with the white beading around the edges, btw.

  8. Thanks for the comments, guys! Just ordered another Status as well, so that'll be arriving soon :)

    Merton, I was quite taken with the T-Bass, but it's really like a jazz with serious attitude! I've actually ordered a 4-string version of my recently sold KingBass. Will be same wood & electronics as my S2, just with bendwell & 32-inch scale.

    Also buying the "BassChat Status whore" in about a week... (The Energy Artist 5 with the added graphite neck that's been owned by almost everyone on this server!)

  9. I don't know how good the B is on these, but I was playing a Tribute 2000 4-stringer the other day (at £500) & that was a fantastic bass. If the 5 is anything like as good, you can't go wrong at that money - And no, I'm not on commission from the bass centre :)

  10. For ultimate value, I'd go for a new Yamaha BB614 (the one with the active preamp & 3 band eq). Well under budget with that one. Otherwise, the ESP range you mentioned are good value. Just noticed that the Bass Centre are doing a "Tune Bass Maniac" for £329. Looks very good value :)

  11. Love your Statiis, John! That S2 of yours is a real looker! Hang onto them :)

    Just sold my KingBass V to Ian - Picking up my new S2-classic in walnut on Thursday. Coming full circle, really. I had a series 2 for 16 years & still miss it!

    I was looking at the Kingbass you bought - How're you finding the 16.5mm string spacing?

  12. I'd recommend the Birmingham Conservatoire as well, if only because Fred Baker is there. I had some lessons with him way back in the 80's and as long as you use him as a resource, you'll learn a lot.

    I've had pupils do the degree course at the Leeds College & Brighton and they seem to have come through very well, too.

    If anyone wants jazz lessons, either upright or electric, drop me a line :)

  13. I'm lucky to have a lot of very critical friends... ie., I have a very distinctive sound with my MarkBass rig & people know what I usually 'sound' like. First outing of my Geddy Lee Fender Jazz was such an occasion where a friend said it sounded very middly compared to my Status/Warwick sound. Easily fixed with some onboard filter adjustment.

    I'm lucky enough to have a very powerful rig, so often don't need to DI through the PA. At bigger venues, you are of course, at the mercy of the sound engineers & luckily I've never had cause to complain. (Apart from of course when we were playing through a 40K system with 2K of personal monitoring each - Now where did I put my earplugs??)

  14. For fast funk stuff, I like a 4-stringer best. There are jazz passages & even some of the rock tracks I play that need the bottom "B" but I couldn't cope with the Status KingBass' graphite 5-string neck, as the neck picked up the resonance of the B string even when you didn't even touch it. Hence my new Status this coming week is going to be a 4-string S-2 classic.

    I bought a beautiful Yamaha TRB-6 a few weeks ago from Mike (aka. Beneath it all?) It was on a bit of a whim at the time, but I consiquently played a show (with lots of wind/brass players) where it was invaluable. Playing in more complex "flat" keys, the extra range allowed me to work across-ways as opposed to jumping up and down the fingerboard like a loony :) Makes perfect sense!

    So I suppose the answer to the original thread question is that each has it's place. I like 4's & 6's, at any rate. Just not 5-ers with a graphite neck. *BOOM-BOOM*

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