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Posts posted by Brook_fan

  1. 13 minutes ago, Newfoundfreedom said:

    Maybe it would help if you posted a snippet or a link to some of the songs on your first album, so people have some idea of what they're buying into? 

    I did! The link to my “Road to Easterbrook “ album in my Bandcamp Page is there, and there is a video within the gofundme page. I tried to think of everything!

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  2. .....I originally put this in one of the marketplace sub forums, but the moderators have rightfully moved it to the 'Recording' section.  I am posting a link here, as the 'Recording' section gets fewer less traffic. Moderators have said this is OK.

    So, I have set up a crow crowd funding project to help me get my second album off the ground and for me to be able to buy myself an instrument again, full details here:




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  3. 5 hours ago, Steve Browning said:

    Can you put together a business case for a bank loan?

    That's not a facetious answer. I played in a band in Brighton and got a bank loan to cover the full costs of our first album, using gig income, projected sales etc.

    Good enough idea Steve, but to be brutally honest, I’ve never made any money out of the music I make, so I doubt if a bank would lend me any money, even if I was more credit worthy than I currently am! With my last album. I probably gave away more CDs than I sold, in a bid to get gigs.  The reason I am recording a second album is that I have music in me that I just need to get out!! I know that sounds a bit lame 😒 But its true, I don’t do it for the money, I do it because I love the whole process of writing, recording and hopefully seeing other people enjoy what I do !


  4. Hi All, I hope this is deemed acceptable - I have run fowl foul of another instrumental forum trying to post this.

    I am trying to raise money to get my second album recorded.  I have fallen on tough times financially just lately, having had to take up some 0 hour contract supply teaching.  I won’t go into all the ins and outs- I explain in my gofundme campaign below.

    I have already made a start on my album, having recorded about 10 tracks.  I’ve got about 4 more to go.  I am not asking for something for nothing- any donations will enable to sponsor to have an album free of charge when it is finally completed.  There is a lot of work to go- once recorded I will then need to spend some time mixing, and possibly adding the overdubs (bass and mandolin) that I would like on one or two tracks.  I will then need some money to enable artwork to be completed and the whole project finally duplicated on to CD.

    As I say in my gofundme, if there is any money left over I would like to be able to buy an instrument again.  Currently I am borrowing a Brook guitar from a very good friend, and an acoustic bass very kindly lent to me by a forum member.  I have tentatively reserved some rather special wood at Brook with a custom build in mind, but this may not happen for another couple of years.

    Anyway, here is my campaign:


    And here is a link to my first album, to give you some idea of what is in the works:


    Thank you for reading,


    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Chris2112 said:

    I'd be a bit dubious about getting wrapped up in a deferred payment agreement with a third party company for something as minor as a set of strings. I presume you enter into a contract with this Swedish company to make payment to them at a later date?

    I know it seems minor, but they had a bog off offer on Daddario EXP strings which I was trying to take advantage of.  It’s not a credit agreement as such- you just have 14 days to make payment, they send you an email to remind you.

  6. Has anyone yet managed to get the “pay later” option to work when buying strings from the Strings Direct website?  Been trying for the last two days, with their help, but still no option shows.  Was trying to take advantage of this by ordering some guitar strings I desperately need bit can’t afford until next Wednesday (it gives you 14 days to pay for them)



  7. 5 hours ago, TrevorR said:

    This looks like a bit of a bargain... same model as mine with the preamp on the upper bout... https://rguitars.co.uk/collections/faith-guitars-uk-specialist/products/faith-ftne

    That does look a bit of a bargain.  Might give him a ring.

    with regard to the positioning of the preamp, I came across this video:


    This clearly implies that the preamp was going to be on the upper bout on production models.   curious then that the photo in the magazine shows it on the lower bout again.  Either Faith have had a rethink in the 5 years since the model came out, or the magazine are using some out of date stock photographs?

    Yes, Faith guitars are very well made and good value for money.  I’ve played several of their acoustic guitars, and although they were no match for my handmade Brooks they weren’t that far off, and extremely good value for money.  I see though that Patrick Eggle, the luthier behind the series, has done one of his infamous u- turns and given up making acoustic guitars and back to electric guitars again.  He seems to change direction more often than I change my socks!


  8. I do not have much experience with Teaching people with dyslexia that I can share.  Being a classroom music teacher, I do obviously teach children who are dyslexic, but almost everything I do can be done aurally without relevance on notation.  I have a friend in my band who is dyslexic, and she struggles with sight reading, so maybe don’t expect someone to instantly be able to play the dots you stick in front of them.

    My 11 year old son is quite severely dyslexic, and went to a specialist school.  He now has a reading age of 10, which is brilliant.  He’s not a musician, yet, but I do find he is a very creative young man.

    Everyone learns in different ways, that is the most important thing to remember- aural, kimestetic, visual etc.  Just talk with your students and find out what helps them learn, and adapt accordingly.  

    Hope this helps maybe,


    • Like 1
  9. Thanks Douglas 😊. Not quite out of the woods yet, but better than things were.   Certainly looking for a new acoustic bass at some stage.  I might even be able to buy my Brook back, but all depends on whether the guy who I sold it wants to keep it or not.  He hasn’t decided.  Just keeping all my options open 🙂

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  10. I was interested in the review of this in this months bass magazine.  Very positive review.  However, on looking at the photos I noticed the preamp is in a very odd place.  I would have thought, being where it is on the lower bout, the player’s arm would rest on top of the preamp.  Does anyone have one and can confirm this is not the case?  No mention of it in the review.


  11. Just tried this bass


    Anyone else have any experience with one?  I thought it was very very nice, and moreover it sounded great plugged in as well.  Think it would sound great with my mandolin orchestra.  Very well made too- the flamed maple arched back is really lovely.  To be ultra critical I still feel these small basses suffer from intonation issues higher up the neck, but otherwise it was very easy playing.  Of course, very little actual acoustic volume, so the Fishman pickup is a necessity rather than a luxury!


  12. Have you seen that Bass direct have just had in a 1976 Jazz bass, same colour.  You could have a matching pair!!



    I like Wunjo guitars- I was up in London. Two weeks ago and had a couple of hours to spare, so went and tried some Lowden acoustics.  They were very friendly, and didmt mind me  working my way up through several thousand pounds worth of guitars, putting them in weird tunings 😊


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    • Haha 1
  13. There is a long thread on this somewhere on the forum.  You will find some people say they are getting their stuff fine, others not.  The main problem is that when things do go wrong, they are impossible to contact and don’t answer emails or the phone.  I even heard last year that they had gone bust.  Personally I use either strings direct for acoustic guitar strings or bass direct for bass strings, both hugely reliable.  Strings Direct always deal with any issues promptly and very fairly.

    Probably doesn’t help you, but I am sure someone with a positive experience of String Busters will chip in soon,




  14. 1 minute ago, knirirr said:

    I did:

    Highland bagpipe -> guitar -> fretless bass -> EUB -> fretted bass.

    All jazz, except the bagpipe, though I note that it has been done: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjRDIy16HcM&index=7&list=PLwKj0ZY4gojIHNjnZeIfHNdgABoPVkiWU

    Love the bagpipes- a lot of the tunes I have arranged for both guitar and bass are by Gordon Duncan.  In fact I have a YouTube video of an arrangement I did of “Zeto the Bubbleman” for three bass guitars !!


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