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Posts posted by Yank

  1. I've had acouple Strats but never bonded with them. Now own 2 Tele's, a vintage '77 and a MIM that I customized. Great gigging instruments that have stood the test of time. Like a Zippo lighter or a 1911 pistol, a perfect design of form following function.

  2. I'm just curious why a thread would be locked within 24 hours of starting. Someone said something in the heat of the moment. Haven't we all. Maybe when he cooled down he would have apologized. It was more snitty than ugly. I'm not trying to tell the mods how to do their job, but it struck me as premature. I hate seeing things end this way. The guy's had some good posts here and I think he misconstrued.

  3. Yeah, I too, was a singer before I started playing drums at age 10. Learned to sing while playing drums, then took up guitar and bass. Get your part down on bass, so you don't have to think about it, then you can put your brain onto learning the singing while your bass is on auto pilot. Start with songs where notes on both are right on the beat. Lator tackle ones where the singing or bass is syncopated. Hardest one for me was playing the synth bass part on bass to "Very Superstitious" while singing. Even Sting had trouble and had to work at getting his parts right live. Sing every day. Sing while driving. Memorize the lyrics so you don't have to think about them.

  4. I play bass and guitar in two different projects. I've never liked switching during gigs. I like bringing a specific rig for one, where I'll get the desired tone. Switching instruments onto someone elses rig, or carrying two rigs is always less than pleasant.

  5. I've taken two in separate cases which I rebelled against as I never used the spare, so it sat side of stage or left in the car. Then I only took one, but felt guilty in case something went wrong. Got a double case for Christmas. Now spares right on stage if needed, with no carting extra piece and no guilt......But still play the gig with one.

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