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Posts posted by Yank

  1. Hell, once you lose your sense of humor and try to tell others how to phrase things, you might just as well move to a communist country where you'd fit right in. In a free country you can call me a jerk and unless I want to fight you over it, I have to let it slide or insult you right back. Remember, if someone insults you with a smile on their face it's male banter. Sometimes you gotta have a thick skin.

  2. Wow! Surprised by how gigging is seen as a chore by many. I'm 62, been playing since 10 y/o, gigging since 15. Have gigged as a drummer, singer, guitar player, harmonica player and bass player. I love to gig! I've always used gig money to get great gear, so it didn't come out of house funds. I also love to practice, where you get creative to make your parts better, and love to teach, to pass on tid-bits of knowledge and see students progress. music is a gift and I feel blessed to be able to use it in my and others' lives.

  3. Even though I might be told that a song is to be learned per the recording, and I copy down the outline per the recording, come first practice, if it deviates, I'll mention it if it diverges, but l always ask if they want to change the arrangement. I don't care. My job is to enhance their vision of the song. Where they lead, I follow.

  4. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I just watched the movie "Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid" a crappy movie from the 1970's with Kris Kristofferson and Bob Dylan. Bob did the music tracks and played a Tex-Mex style similar to "The Texas Tornado's" who didn't form until years lator but were individually incorporating this style years earlier.

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