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Posts posted by nick

  1. [quote name='hatori' post='124719' date='Jan 21 2008, 04:09 PM']I usually wear a black 'wifebeater' to show off my muscular tattoed arms with either (depending on how saucy I feel) Black leather or black levi's or even tiger stripe combats. Trainers dont do it for me so its normally Hi Tech magnums or work boots. I will on occaision wear a bandana but am after some suitably cool headgear as I have no 'barnet'. This does not stop the women from finding me hot even though I am old!! I am a stud and a tart and I love what I do. Have you seen TM Stevens...? Now thats the way to dress!![/quote]

    Rock on, mate - brilliant!!!

  2. [size=4][size=3][size=3][size=2]Hi we're playing

    [size=2]2 HIGH STREET
    01761 410904[/size][/size]

    With Dr. Nut :)

    Please pop along if you're in the area


  3. Hi Col,

    Not worth sending it all the way back (£45! :) ) for just a pot replacement, which is couple quid at the most.

    I would either get replacement from MXR, or if you're in a rush to get it fixed, ask them for logarithmic or linear value of pot, & buy one.

    Anyone reasonably competent with a soldering iron should be able to repair this (easy job), & it shouldn't really cost any more than a tenner. If not possible at music store, try TV repair man or similiar.

    Shame you're not Bristol based, would do it for you.

    Hope this helps

  4. [quote name='thewalruswaspaul' post='118887' date='Jan 11 2008, 10:50 PM']Hi,

    Im thinking of swapping out my Spb-3 quarterpounder on my P for a Spb-2 Hot Pickup , What I want to know is does the Spb-2 have as much thump as the quarterpounder as I have heard that overwound pickups sometimes lack in thump ?.

    Personally, wouldn't go for SPB-2 Hot if you're after 'thump'. You'd be better off keeping QP's on your bass.

    I went from Quarter Pounders to Hots, & then settling on SPB-1 Vintage.

    I found the SPB-3s OK, what I think is a modern tone, but too lively for me.
    Didn't like the SPB-2 at all,output way too hot,muddy sounding, not a nice tone (to my cloth ears),with no definition.

    I was happy with the Vintage, it does have plenty of 'thump'...warm. :)

    However, I do understand that all this is down to personal choice,style of music,etc. & there are also other good makers such as Wizard,Kent Armstrong etc

    Good luck with your search

  5. [quote name='nick' post='109602' date='Dec 26 2007, 07:09 PM']Uhmmm...for me, jury's out at the moment.

    I received set of flats within two days of payment, very fast delivery - no criticism.

    However, as per other comments; E-string as dead as a dodo.

    Fortunately, the seller is [i]very[/i] local :)

    Guess I'll see how it pans out...[/quote]

    Received a replacement set, of which E string was OK.
    For me, these are exceptional value, with a good feel & sound better than some other more expensive brands.

    I think they're worth buying, but maybe watch out for the E string. Having said that I found seller very helpful, & replacement was received very quickly.
    However, any set of strings (whatever brand) can sometimes have a dud.
    Recommended. :huh:

  6. [quote name='neilb' post='117232' date='Jan 9 2008, 05:52 PM']If we are talking 80s bassists, then Derek Forbes has to be mentioned. gave Simple Minds their early distinctive sound. Better by miles than all that late 80s stadium anthem sh*te with John Giblin and Malcolm Foster.[/quote]

    +1 Derek Forbes.
    'Theme for Great Cities'. He plays that, like his life's depending on his bassline!

  7. [quote name='Bassassin' post='114485' date='Jan 6 2008, 01:03 AM']Nice-looking Roadstar II, white with black binding. Quite sensible start/reasonable BIN, compared with what some folk ask. Again, no post so may not attract many bids.


    I have sunburst single pickup version of that Roadstar. They are a lovely bass to play, really nice neck. Great sound too - very punchy. Real quality.
    Recommended, especially at that price....
    Tempted myself, but not keen on white guitars,for some reason.

    Jap, definitely not [i]crap[/i]! :)

  8. [quote name='Sean' post='113668' date='Jan 4 2008, 06:00 PM']Ronnie Wood. Apparently he influenced Stanley Clarke from what he did with the Jeff Beck Group. :)

    Back when Bill Wyman quit The Stones there was a rumour that Ronnie was going to switch to bass and that Mick Taylor would return to the band. Sounds potty now but I remember that being the talk of the day.[/quote]

    That would have been one hell of a line-up!

  9. [quote name='Davetbass' post='111573' date='Dec 31 2007, 05:40 PM']Same here.... Quite interested in the arbiter if it doesn`t go for stupid cash!! :huh:[/quote]

    Me too!
    There's a lot about at the moment :)

    Just for info, in case anybody's interested; seller of thru-neck 4001 a-like,Item 170181713050
    did not accept my maximum offer of £200 - which is OK with me. :huh:

  10. [quote name='drcor' post='111146' date='Dec 30 2007, 09:01 PM']Greetings from Verona, Italy.
    I'm new here :) I have been playing bass since 1981 and now I'm 41.
    I played all the types of music and now only my show, is a drums and bass show.
    I Bought a lot of basses but IMHO Kubicki basses are the best.



    Ciao Davide,

    Comme Stai?


  11. Sorry to hear about your loss. You can only wish the very worst for these arseholes.. :)

    Might be a longshot, but along with checking Crack Convertors etc, you could set up some favourite searches on Ebay. You would receive notifications of particular items for sale...

    All the best for 2008

  12. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='108562' date='Dec 23 2007, 02:28 PM']Item no. 150197376630

    Anyone have any clues? Considering ponying up, and having a warlock body I have laying about routed for the ultimate in bad taste. I really don't see it being practical in any way. Apparently it comes with no routing guidelines, but fits like a floyd Rose. I asked: 'Hi
    we don't have any instructions
    Installing like a floyd rose system
    also Include springs and claw ,hinge post etc.
    Thank you for asking'[/quote]

    Hi Oli,
    Hope you had a good Christmas mate.
    Go for it, can see you with a trem. Tempted myself..

  13. [quote name='markytbass' post='25002' date='Jun 29 2007, 03:55 PM']No refund just 2 new sets but they were just as bad. I found the seller rather dismissive when I complained and not really wanting to help. I havn't left feedback yet though.[/quote]

    Uhmmm...for me, jury's out at the moment.

    I received set of flats within two days of payment, very fast delivery - no criticism.

    However, as per other comments; E-string as dead as a dodo.

    Fortunately, the seller is [i]very[/i] local :)

    Guess I'll see how it pans out...

  14. [quote name='umph' post='108300' date='Dec 22 2007, 07:37 PM']where'd you buy the kit for this? or you have it printed yourself? getting into making pedals is something i'd very much like to do[/quote]

    Which effect are you referring to; Bass Fuzz or Wooly Mammoth?

  15. [quote name='umph' post='108589' date='Dec 23 2007, 03:59 PM']the woods on most fenders up to a grand are the same and the necks i know because i researched this ;< i did up my squire with second hand stuff and stuff from ebay and it cost me £80 and it feels/plays like some basses over a grand that i've played ;o[/quote]

    My old Tokai is streets ahead in playability, feel etc than most of the Fenders I've tried to date (a fair few)

  16. [quote name='Bassassin' post='105630' date='Dec 17 2007, 11:06 PM'][url="http://www.matsumoku.org/models/aria/hollow/sem/semi.html"]<a href="http://www.matsumoku.org/models/aria/hollow/sem/semi.html" target="_blank">http://www.matsumoku.org/models/aria/hollow/sem/semi.html[/url]</a>

    And the neckplate will have "Steel Reinforced Neck" and a random serial number, as well as Made in Japan. I know these things.... :huh:

    Anyway Nick, do post some piccies when it drops through your letterbox!


    Hi Jon
    Arrived yesterday. In suprisingly good condition, only fault being loss of some of the pickup surround. 34" neck is lovely to play, albeit slimmer than I'm normally used to. Good action too, doesn't really require much of a setup at all. Has a lovely tone, will sound better once I've put some new flats on it. Not sure yet if I'm going to change pickup, output is a bit lower than my other basses, but still sounds great & also [i]useable[/i] through my old WEM. Also has a cool dampener thing on the bridge. Very happy with it - IMHO a bargain! :)

    Few pictures here:


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