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Posts posted by Soliloquy

  1. [quote name='lscolman' post='798818' date='Apr 7 2010, 03:35 PM']Hi,

    The sadowsky was put in by Greeneking, and several people have heard the bass and advise that Sadowsky preamps are the way to go. I have never heard the bass with the original preamp.

    The Sadowsky is a $250 addition. I was recently advised that the original preamp from a Fender Jazz USA is £6, direct from Fender, so make of that what you will.

    More details of the Sadowsky here

    Cheers, Lee[/quote]

    Trade for a Zon Sonus 6 string ? :)

  2. Here's my mean looking devil (s), an AH300 and a 1048H cab.

    The head is 20 years old according to the label inside, it has a plastic case which I've not seen before.

    I'm not sure how old the cab is.

    They sound amazing together.

    I used Trace elliot for years from the late 80's to the early 90's when I switched to SWR (I was gigging with bands when I was 15 to buy stuff, I used to have to hide from entertainment secretaries and stewards in clubs 'coz I was underage lol).

    I've spent a fortune over the last 10 years or so, buying gear by Epifani, Aguilar, Bergantino, EBS etc. This beats them all.

    How come you can spend over a thousand pounds on an amp, only to be driven mad by the incessant whirring of some cheap chinese made fans ?.
    The fan in this is almost totally silent, did I mention that it's 20 years old ?

    I want to get another 4x10 the same and a 2x10 for smaller gigs.

  3. It depends on what bass you want. Most have models that they'll build you a variation of, Sei do the Flamboyant etc, JD does the Mark King and so on.

    If you want truly custom then that narrows the field somewhat.

    Try these for truly 'custom' [url="http://www.crimsonguitars.com/"]http://www.crimsonguitars.com/[/url]

  4. [quote name='k-sad' post='797305' date='Apr 6 2010, 10:56 AM']I think the previous owner put up a youtube vid where he plays it...
    Lots of "jacoesque" tone as i remembered... B looked tight...
    Was it this one?


    I just did a video of me playing Jaco's 'Teentown'. You can get quite a good approximation of his sound with the right EQ settings. I'll post a link to it when I can find the cable to connect my camera to my computer :) .

    I'm seriously thinking of withdrawing this. I'll be selling my Wal later this month, so I can wait 'til then and buy a jazz.

  5. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='797315' date='Apr 6 2010, 11:02 AM']Jazz basses. Horrible plinky sound. Skinny girls necks. Only sound half decent with all the bridge pickup rolled off.

    Can't tell you the number of times (Ok about half a dozen) I've seen a band with a 5 stringer and he never touches the B once all set. What's that all about?[/quote]

    I do find that sort of thing really bizzare. I play sixes mostly and I do most of my playing on the low B. If I want to play anything from low E up to low G# then it's played on the B string ( I don't use open strings too often ). It's called 'ergonomics', why move about all over the neck when you can stay in one position ?

  6. [quote name='k-sad' post='797305' date='Apr 6 2010, 10:56 AM']I think the previous owner put up a youtube vid where he plays it...
    Lots of "jacoesque" tone as i remembered... B looked tight...
    Was it this one?


    I'm not sure about that, I don't remember him saying anything about youtube.

    It can sort of do Jaco, albeit a 'fretted Jaco'. It's actually got more of a Marcus Miller vibe to it really though, a lot more !. It has a very, very 'modern' sound, it's most definitely not 'old school' by any stretch of the imagination. It has a fantastic slap sound.

    It's strung with DR Lo-rider nickels and has a great low action.

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