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Posts posted by mikel

  1. I'm a DIY home cook. Rarely use a recipe, often substitute ingredients for ones I don't have but the finished dish usually tastes good, to me at least. My concoctions may have a flavor of the original, but with a subtle difference.

    Never wanted a Michelin star. Too much pressure and heightened expectation. People sitting down and thinking "Go on then, impress me".  And from what I have heard keeping the coveted star often means the food is pushed to the background and presentation and fancy sauces take over.

    • Like 2
  2. 12 hours ago, FinnDave said:

    If you don't eff it up occasionally, then you ain't trying hard enough. I'd much sooner hear a passionate performance than a perfect one.

    This, 100%. Rather hear or see a one off performance than a routine "Job".

    • Like 1
  3. 17 hours ago, yorks5stringer said:

    Au contraire mon ami, the early P/Tele Bass headstock has the most pleasing symmetry and it is the later P Bass that should be confined to a darkened room!

    Agreed. The later ones are just too big and clunky, out of proportion to the neck. For me its too many control's on a bass, they Simply look messy.

    • Like 1
  4. I have a spare bass body and I want to build a short scale, 30", bass. I am having problems finding a neck to begin the build. I have looked on tinternet but most of the sites selling short scale necks are American. Anyone on this fine platform head me in the right direction to purchase one from a British company? Any help appreciated.

  5. 2 hours ago, OC-2 said:

    I was looking to get some feedback on how the design looked to people, without blowing my own trumpet so to speak... now I get it may look bad but I was genuinely just excited to show what I had come up with myself, not look to ‘self promote’



    Then why not simply say "I'v designed a new bass, what do you think?" Much easier to be honest in the first place.

  6. Agreed. Have been listening to Close to the Edge again recently and his playing is a thing of beauty, more like the cello section in an orchestra. I always thought his note choice, phrasing and note placement were superb. More like another melody at times, running alongside the main theme. Genius. Creativity trumps chops for me, every time. Not that Chris didn't have chops to die for, he simply played differently from the mainstream bassists.

    • Like 2
  7. Not me, sadly, but our bassist at the time. 1972, he worked in a music shop in Newcastle and he had an electric upright bass for dale in the classifieds. He gets a phone call about the bass. "I am interested in the bass, can I come and have a look?" Aye, no problem I'll be home at 5.00. Gives the guy his address. Whats your name by the way? "John Paul Jones" says the caller. Yea, right, thinks our chum, one of the other music shops doing a wind up as Zep are on at the City Hall that night. "Ok, see you at 5.00 says our hero."  5 o clock comes, knock on the door, and there stands JPJ with a taxi ticking over outside. My mate picks his jaw up off the floor. JPJ buys the bass and says "Are you coming to our gig tonight?" No says our guy, its sold out. JPJ gives him some sort off pass or ticket and tells him to come to the stage door. They pitch up and are told to sit on the steps at the back of the stage, they get some odd looks as they are the only people on stage, until Zep start playing. To say he enjoyed it would be an understatement. He still dines out on that experience.

    • Like 9
  8. 1 hour ago, wateroftyne said:

    What was the venue?

    Cullercoates Methodist. There was a youth club called The Happy Club, (yes I know). I lived on the Marden at the time so a short walk.

    I could also be out with the date it may have even been late 1967. It was a long time ago.

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