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Posts posted by Zummerbass

  1. Never had a fretless,but after recent addition of Black Velvet to setlist now may be the time.

    So,a decent quality starter fretless,early contenders are :-

    Squier VM Jazz (tried unplugged)
    Bass Collection Portrait
    Vintage icon something or other

    Any experience and advice on these or other options?

  2. Thank's to Mike and all the scrumpy team. Lovely day in bassland,very friendly and inclusive. +1 for the RH450, Genz Benz amps also highly desirable. TE V4 still my favourite though!

    In my grand tradition of forgetting to take something (thanks to Charlie and Mike for cable lends) and leaving something behind-anyone see a black fleece somewhere below the stage area?

  3. Has anyone gone down the road of swapping out the drivers in a Trace Elliot cab?

    I'm specifically thinking of buying a 4x10 or (harder to find) a 2x12 and replacing the speakers with neo's.

    I used to love my old TE cabs but would love them lighter.

    Is this worth the bother. And expense!

  4. I have a James Johnson Squier Jazz. Great neck fairly light,,in Lake Placid blue (nice!) I've changed the pups to Nordstrand (nv4's?).Usually goes out as my gigging backup.

    Excellent value for money, might change the machineheads for better tuning stability.

    If my Precision went down (Armageddon?) would be more than happy to gig this Squier.

  5. I eventually got a Gretsch Junior Jet in tobacco burst. Cheap as chips but decent quality. It's got some growl and if I was playing punky/garage material all night I would be happy with it. For me it plays better with a pick.

    Back to back with my Precision at rehearsal...the P is the better all rounder.

    The Mike Lull short scale P looks fantastic! Sadly the price doesn't.

  6. +1 for Zafira's. I've had two,van like with the seats folded. Both of mine (A and B models) totally reliable and fire free! In between Zaffys I did squeeze a 4x10,abm head,pedal board,cable case,mic stand and two gigged bag'd Fenders into my Mini hatch. Couldn't get a passenger in mind.

  7. My Chrissy treat to myself. Cheap,Chinese and cheerful,has a nice rock'n'roll vibe with grunty tone. After looking for a short scale bass for a while this ticked a lot of boxes. Only issue I have is an annoying hum. Didn't notice this in the shop (low gain on the shops amp?). I had a quick look in the control cavity,no shielding in evidence. Is this the problem? Any Junior Jet owners out there that can shed some light?

  8. I've only had this problem with my wireless receiver taking a walk. Think i'll just take a brick with me. Which is the old hi-fi trick for damping resonance. I have thought this could be part of the problem of lightweight amps. With no good old fashioned lump of an amp bearing down on the cab(s) there is increased possibility of vibration. Not very scientific I know and i'm digressing a bit but just a thought.

  9. After a short scale hunting trip to a well known Exeter dealer my conclusions are-

    Gibson SG (used) quality build,decent action despite way too heavy strings.Ok sound,just expecting more (strings again?)

    Fender Mustang PJ, bad neck dive,good playability, weak J pickup.

    Gretsch Electromatic, very impressed. Decent build quality,very good neck. With both pickups on and tone slightly backed off the pick of the bunch.Cheapest here and for me the best.

    Only one problem. They can only get it in black. Aggghh! Really don't want another black bass.Got to be sunburst.

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