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Posts posted by Trueno

  1. Great post above. I was born and brought up there but I’m afraid my knowledge is stuck in the 60s and 70s… so Hessey’s, Rushworth’s and the Stadium aren’t there any more. 

    Hope you have a great time there… I’m sure it’s still a lively and vibrant place. They all talk with funny accents, though… can’t seem to shake mine off…

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  2. Great thread. I had a Mark I and should never have sold it, but I didn’t know I was about to be approached by a new band.


    I remember playing a mini festival organised by Matamp, who also provided the PA. The Matamp engineer took one look at it and said “I’m glad someone here has a decent amp”. I wasn’t that glad… he made everyone else plug into it…


    Enjoy the amp.

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  3. My fave bass is a £170 Squier with EMG GZRs and a Gotoh bridge. It plays beautifully and sounds great. Does it look like a US Fender… no.


    But, if you fancy a super-duper US Fender and can (almost) afford it, I’d say go for it. I had a US Jazz in the past and it was beautiful in all kinds of ways. I only sold it because I decided to go short-scale, but I wish I still had it… just ‘ cos.

  4. I strummed/picked/plucked away at all manner of guitars acoustical and electrical for nigh on 30 years. I can honestly say that I wasn’t much better on day the last as I was on day the first. Once I picked up a bass it was a duck-to-water experience.

    Most of my gigs have been as a sax player… I think it may be that I’m better playing one note at a time. Playing an entire chord obviously counts as multi-tasking.

  5. We drove halfway across the country for a fairly standard club gig. We opened the back doors of the van and the BL’s cat shot out and promptly disappeared into the nearby industrial estate. The BL swore his missus would have his nuts if he lost the cat, so we promptly set out in pursuit… took over an hour to find the moggie.


    We were really late setting up that night… great gig, though.

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  6. I played almost all of my gigs with a fretless. I actually found it easier for my bony arthriticky fingers… felt like I was coaxing the notes out and not holding down at all. I mostly played classic rock and for me it was just “playing bass”… although not having frets definitely changed my technique.

    I went for side dots and ears (no lines). But you need mostly ears and feel… the side dots can disappear under stage lighting. I used to practise in the dark.

    I play short scale now… because it’s better for my bony arthriticky shoulder. I’m back on frets but use light strings and an even lighter touch. It works for me.

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  7. 10 minutes ago, tauzero said:


    To (approximately) quote Michael Flanders: "The word xenophobia comes from the Greek words phobos, fear or hatred, and xenos, foreigner, stranger, or guest. Hence xenophobia, a fear or hatred of guests".

    So… when you have a fear of the in-laws coming over at Christmas… it’s actually xenophobia… I knew it.

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