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Posts posted by Tubster

  1. 14 hours ago, Skybone said:

    Jeez, I keep going round in circles here. Been looking at various active participation speakers, like the RCF ART & the Yamaha DBR, but then I'm back into dedicated bass combo territory. Where you could pick up a 300w+ combo for the same money, if not less.

    I have seen the Headrush FRFR for a reasonable price, but it's obviously designed for our guitar playing colleagues. Is it good with bass? Who knows. 

    I'm predominantly wanting/needing something that will give some bass on stage, so the rest of the band can hear what I'm playing. A PA speaker setup would be ideal, but there again, so would a decent combo with an effects loop.

    The Headrush is basically the same as the ALTO 312 with an altered nameplate (alto do claim a couple of other tweaks). Our drummer uses the 312 as a drum monitor and is OK with  it but wishes he had chosen the 315. 

  2. I owned one in 1977 that I paid £75 for! 

    I remember it being really nice to play but not a lot else apart from the sound. When you engaged the press switch on the body, the tone went to an indistinct woofy mess - loads of indistinct deep bass. Think I was using a Cerwin Vega 1x18” at the time with an Orange 120 head - probably didn’t help much! It was a total dub machine in that mode.

    Loved playing it but got a decent 3 figure offer and it sailed off being replaced by an Ibanez Rick copy. 

    Think the guy in “The Peddlers” - amazing player - played the Gibson equivalent. There are numerous videos on YouTube


  3. 13 hours ago, paul_c2 said:

    The first obvious issue is that you'd need 2 speakers left and right to achieve a proper stereo effect and/or 'fill' a room properly.

    What does it do at £1700 and 36kg that this doesn't do at £262 and about 16kg? https://www.gear4music.com/PA-DJ-and-Lighting/Alto-TS312-2000-Watt-Active-Speaker

    While the ALTO is a fine speaker in its price range, the EVOX would decimate it. We use the Alto ts312 for drum  monitoring and it does a decent job. Compare the EVOX12 with some higher end JBL, YAMAHA, QSC, RCF etc  - speaker and subwoofer.

  4. A single evox 12 is just shy of 2000 euros. That’s a chunk of change for something that might not work for your band - let alone the extra 2k for a second one! 

    See if you can locate a sound hire company that has the EVOX in their inventory and rent for a gig or two. See if you can get something comparable price wise to rent in conventional speakers e.g. Qsc k12.2, jbl srx, Yamaha dxr/dxr/dsr plus a couple of decent subs. Alternatively, some great stuff in RCF range - 745, TT etc. Compare the systems. 

    I know why the EVOX is tempting - great looks, easy set up etc but you might find conventional speakers offer more flexibility.

  5. 6 hours ago, Creeper said:

    It had incredible sound for a 200watt combo with a single 10 inch speaker, but as you say, without pa support it ain’t gonna cut a loud gig by itself.

    Forgot to mention that for me it’s all about size and weight. I gig in a hilltop village and nearby seaside chiringuitos (beachbars) with really crap access so the size /weight /sound equation is super critical. I have AER AMP THREE which suits me well but it does have PA support usually. I have yet to try anything better that meets the equation’s requirements. Of course, there are better sounding combos but they just fall short on the schlepping end. The Markbass 121 is close but no cigar. Would I pay the full retail for the AER ......errr, no - just could not manage it?!

    Glad you like the Tecamp and if you or other members have any ideas on tiny combos that would suit my situation, I am all ears.

  6. Seems that she has achieved a great deal more than she set out to do or were her motives not as straightforward as we glean from the title?

    1. How many of us squinted hard at the name on the headstock - interesting new bass?

    2. Just enough controversial content to get people talking,  arguing and sharing = more clicks

    3. How many of us looked her up and checked out her credentials and videos?

    As to her tips, for her stated target audience, I personally thought she had some good ones.

    Anyway what are your 5 top “sound better” tips to beginning bass players who may be joining a band; perhaps you have some gems?

  7. Direct competition for Yamaha DBR and EV MID RANGE?

    Quality can’t be on par with K.2 otherwise those sales will be impacted. We shall see but personally I’m excited to hear the new Yamaha DZR speakers - they talk a good game!

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  8. Our drummer needs loads of bass and BD in his monitor and bought an ALTO ts312. It is really amazing and more than gets the job done. We’ve also used it as a stand-alone PA speaker for an acoustic show. Anything from that Alto TS3 range would do the trick - the  308 is light, powerful and well priced. Give one a try! Not the controls of the Tc helicon but cheaper and very adaptable.

  9. Won’t hack it IMO. Bose do not publish much in the way of specs but some estimate the S1 at 40 watts. 

    Tried it for a guitar/ voice busking thing but can’t imagine it could do more than a very small coffee shop bass job.

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