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Posts posted by Harryburke14

  1. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1503655470' post='3359966']
    I could never get on with the modern Thunderbirds for that reason. The old-style Thunderbirds have brighter pickups so popping in some Thunderbuckers is an option. Bit pricey though!
    I'm really looking forward to getting my hands one the new Epiphone Thunderbird - if they've nailed the pickups it will be a monster.

    Its funny you mention the new one. I saw the thread on here the day after I bought mine. If I'd have known I probably wouldve held off for the new one because they look awesome.

    Although, I could own two birds...

  2. Hi all,

    So a few months ago I bought myself an Ep Thunderbird Classic, the white one with the Gibson USA Thunderbuckers. Lovely bass. Nice, fast neck, surprisingly well balanced and looks cool af.

    Thing is, I'm having trouble getting the sounds I want from it, particularly from the neck pickup. All seems very muddy with little to no top end unless I completely roll off the neck pup. Any Thunderbird users give any recommendations of what I can do re EQ on amps, string choice, etc, to brighten it up a bit? I know Jared Followill (Kings of Leon) used one of these Epi Birds for ages and got some great tones from it, so surely it can be done.

    I love the look and how it feels and how it plays, but Im still trying to get the sound 10/10 to match.

  3. [quote name='PaulGibsonBass' timestamp='1500893889' post='3340843']
    I just popped into a well known Birmingham independent store that has just moved to new premises (I won't say which in case it's considered promoting the sale of Fakers!) and they had a load of Rockinbetters on the wall for £399 (in-store only...) two of which were white with checkerboard effect binding.

    I recently traded my Fireglo Rockinbetter due to it's weight and I mistakenly thought I'd got the whole Faker thing out of my system. Having seen the white ones I'm now not so sure. Probably a good thing I left my credit card at home...

    I think i know the store in question...

  4. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1494697742' post='3297988']
    Yup - great, great day. Thanks, Si....I know how much effort these things are. You're a superstar, mate :)

    But completely eclipsed, I'm afraid by MrsChis_Sharman's (Jo's) macaroons......

    absolutely the best thing there

  5. I'm in saving for a walnut one. Loved it so much when I played it at PMT I vowed one day I'd buy it and threatened to chop the hand off anyone who tried to buy it before me. Has the tone I've deep down wanted ever since I went to buy my first bass all those years ago.

    It's mine.

  6. Hi guys. Recently took ownership of a macbook from the big brother who had bought it and couldnt get on with MacOS. So, looking to make the most of it by using the plethora of great recording software available on a Mac, such as Garageband and Logic Pro X (which i came to love following Music creation classes back at school). Alls I need is a USB interface and potentially a MIDI Keyboard in the future (will stick to recording vocals, guitar and bass at the minute) to get up and running.Any suggestions for USB Interfaces? I dont care too much for recording multiple tracks at once right now, and will probably need no more than 2 inputs at any given time.

    Also, any software recommendations or pointers in the direction of making drum loops will be greatly appreciated.

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