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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Ok, where are you ? Bedroom ?
  2. I think i'm average at everything i do, not just Bassing. I dont excel at anything ! Still, we cant all be classy In and out of bands all the time, pub level / club level / functions level - thats me. Wont ever make any money, but thats not the enjoyment. The happiness is in just playing There's a few noodlings if anyone's interested, but thats all they are - nothing special. I'm not even sure if these links work ? [url="http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=8071360&q=hi&newref=1"]http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_pl...hi&newref=1[/url] [url="http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=7509632&q=hi&newref=1"]http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_pl...hi&newref=1[/url] [url="http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_player.cfm?songid=7509629&q=hi&newref=1"]http://www.soundclick.com/player/single_pl...hi&newref=1[/url]
  3. Yo..I'll take the Auto Q if the price includes postage ?
  4. That would make perfect sense. I set my B2 through the amp at low level, with a lot of mids, and when up at proper vol levels, i was almost blowin the cones outta ma cabs
  5. I made that mistake too. I set mine at bedroom level, and when you kick your amp in at gig time, its all over the place I'll have to wait till the neighbours go out
  6. Thanks mate - i think about 6 is all i use too. I'll sort it out in the end, i'm sure
  7. So you managed to equal all your volumes ? I tried so many times, just didnt work. any tips greatly received Hey Chedd - seen this ? [url="http://www.haax.se/basspatches/manualsite/index.php?unit=B2"]http://www.haax.se/basspatches/manualsite/index.php?unit=B2[/url]
  8. I did manage to sort it in the end. It seems the timing of when pressing the store button while switching on the power is more critical than i thought. Yes i agree, the factory patches are 90% useless, but i needed to start again. The biggest headache i keep finding is how to equalize the volume of all patches after i have tweaked them to suit me. I could never get them all level. The volume jumps when switching patches is a bit grim
  9. Anybody tried factory resetting their B2.1u ? Its apparently simple - just hold down 'STORE' as you switch on the power. One should then see ' AL ' ( All Initialize, so they say ) light up in the Bank / Patch window. But all i get is whatever the last bank/patch was being used before switching off. No amount of switching + holding the store button will get me an ' AL' in the window to reset to factory. Anyone else had this problem ? Other than that, the pedal works like a charm. All buttons work as they should when editing or changing or whatever. Just cant get into the factory reset state. ODD !!
  10. It wasnt dark though - it was a bog standard light coloured body finish after the sunburst was stripped. I stained it with Rosewood wood stain
  11. Hi chaps - the body and neck both now taken. Thanks for your enquiries. If the buyer decides he doesnt like them, he's got some ready customers at least Bag flea
  12. Hi Fitzy - i've had an enquiry already from a BC member through a PM, but i'll keep you posted on the outcome Cheers bleafag
  13. I think the big old elephant type tuners seem to suit JB's and PB's, so i'm happy to keep them on, even though the finish has aged a lot. Yep, this pickup. It was dead, and in trying to fix it, the end of the windings came off the hot and ground wires, and when you see the width of the copper winding, its time to give in. I sent Andy a dead pup, copper wires trailing. Came back in a couple of days all fixed. The guys a star i tell ya. Unlike yours, I like the neck on mine, as it seems to be very slim, which i prefer. By the way, take a photo of your Col. decal, as there's plenty of guys on Evilbay that will knock a copy out for you. Just make sure you get a Waterslide decal and not Vinyl or similar
  14. I've had this for a few years now, and simply havent got time /patience / and no longer a shed, to do something with it so its time to shift it on. All i managed to do was strip, sand down and apply rosewood stain, and fit ( new ) Tuners. From what i can remember, its either a Cimar or CSL , from the 70's for sure, and obviously a JB copy. The pickups i think might be KA but not positive. I dont even know if they still work, as its been in a cupboard for some time. There's no nut on the neck either. Headstock has been woodfilled at the top edge. To my knowledge, the neck was not warped at all. There's a fair bit of work to do, i guess, so priced it accordingly I'm only after £25 for each , bottom line. prefer collection, in oxfordshire as i'd worry about sending a neck in the post. It wouldnt be so bad if it was on a bass and in a case. I would post if anyone's interested enough , though, say £10 for both or £6 each
  15. You got different tuners on yours ? Perhaps mine were changed in the past - I wouldnt know, as thats how it came
  16. I changed the bridge and lectronics on mine, so i would imagine they're the same, just different necks
  17. Thanks mate - original pickups too. One of which was rewound by Andy at Wizard. ABM bridge + Varitone electronics switching. Had some minor fret levelling / polishing done It sounds bloody good
  18. yowser - by jove - i think i may have breakthrough no one panic!!
  19. I cant sem to get rid of this pedal making my cabs fart on the open E / F / F# / G , no matter what i turn off and turn down Only having the PDF doesn help matters because its not as easy to navigate as a proper manual. I've done a set to default factory action, so that i'm starting with a clean palette, but next to my old Korg AX3000B , this thing is a night mare to sort out. The interface is a bit pathetic, and buried menus have me constantly unplugging it and using straight bass into amp instead I expect to read that this is a doddle of a pedal to program for anyone with a modicum of IQ, but i'm thicker than a whale omlette. I suspect that i really need the the simplicity of seperate pedals, but to replace what this Zoom has with seperates would cost a mini fortune Any tips to get me started will get you a Shrimp Cocktail in the post
  20. [quote name='lozbass' post='757952' date='Feb 26 2010, 10:30 AM']Is it the bass that Greeneking was selling in January of last year?[/quote] yup - the very same [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=38161&hl=les+Evans"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;hl=les+Evans[/url]
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