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Posts posted by setekh

  1. [quote name='dood' post='94092' date='Nov 25 2007, 12:15 PM']Whilst on the subject of importing...

    If a person were to buy a secondhand item, such as a musical instrument of reasonably high value from Europe, in a private sale. I would assume that customs will want VAT paying on it if it is coming into the UK?

    Never bought anything other than new (from a shop) from outside the country, so am interested to find out what the situation is.[/quote]
    if you're buying a new item from an EU country, the store adds VAT according to your country's rate. If you're buying anything in a private sale (ie, a second-hand item), VAT has already been charged (when bought new), so you dont pay anything other than what you've agreed with the seller :)

  2. man arent you people aggressive...and I mean some of you who are anti-ERB and pro-ERB...

    that a personal choice. whether you like playing it...or not. who doesnt like ERB is entitled to think they're a novelty act, and those who like should disagree. what's so mind-boggling about this? is there any need do start insulting each other? chill out... :)

    personally, I draw the line at 6 (ok...maybe 7 :huh:) more than that I cant really see the point...but if you like playing basses with 8+ strings, by all means do it...you see something in them I dont :huh:

  3. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='91028' date='Nov 19 2007, 07:20 PM']Its not the worst modification on ebay at the moment though.

    It looks like this chap didn't realise that it would be a good idea to dismantle the bass before painting the body.

    I could be wrong, but it certainly looks to me like the pickguard and body were sprayed together.

    [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Mark-Hoppus-Jazz-Bass_W0QQitemZ130175455061QQihZ003QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]Matt black rattle-can sprayed Hoppus[/url][/quote]
    man..why? :)

    I guess it'd make a good project :huh:

  4. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='90204' date='Nov 18 2007, 12:09 PM']I tend agree with Sibob that we DO have quite a lot of forums at the moment. I'm comfortable with the number we have as they're all well used. [b]I would be a little reluctant to start making distinctions between types of basses because it would divide the community rather than encourage its integrity.[/b][/quote]
    thats a valid point...

    but if you're sure a new section would get enough traffic to justify creating it, then I wouldnt really oppose.

  5. id' say that if yo have no training, the following are important

    - carpentry. it's always good to know the ins and outs of woodworking (and while you're at it, you can build your own furniture :))
    - electronics knowledge. you'll have to fix those, so might just know how they work
    - knowledge of the particularities of the (many!) types of wood used on the various instruments
    - knowledge of the characteristics of the instruments you intend to build/repair
    - money and patience. you will learn mostly from experience...so be prepared for some trial and error

    (this is as much for you as it is for me haha. man how I feel like learning a few things about carpentry...)

  6. [quote name='Zoe_BillySheehan' post='81509' date='Oct 30 2007, 10:31 PM']yeah its pretty nice, but i dont think im using its full potential as my cab isnt the greatest thing ever.
    It has an octaver on it aswell, which is pretty awesome

    cheers for that!

    *now, where do I find one of those to try out? :)*

  7. [quote name='Zoe_BillySheehan' post='81477' date='Oct 30 2007, 09:19 PM']Hey! :huh:
    I just found this thread and thought id post on it...

    I'm 15, and ive been playing bass for around 5 years now :)

    at the moment ive got:
    a Fender Jazz Special (in black) with seymour duncan pups
    and a epiphone thunderbird (in white)

    a peavey tour 700 head with a company called "Loud" 4x10 cab

    I'll post some pictures on my rig soon.. but for the moment heres a few with my basses...

    Zoe :huh:
    nice stuff!

    how do you like that peavey head? was thinking bout trying one out..

  8. I'd say I find [url="http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k9/cubanbass/IBANEZ2.jpg"]this ATK305[/url] I've stumbled upon on talkbass a while ago to be the sexiest thing (but you may disagree :))

  9. I remember there have been a few discussions about a H&S 6-string here, but cant really recall if anyone ended up buying one.

    dont you want to be our own private ginea pig? even if it is no good, you'll only have spent about £100 and you can always expect to get part of that amount back when you decide to sell it :)

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