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Posts posted by sunburstjazz1967

  1. Something new and crap will be worse than something old and good of its not knackered, something old and crap will be worse than Something new and good, something old and crap will be about as crap as something new and crap, something old and good will be as good as something New and good. The one you like best is the best one for you.

  2. I think some class d amps sound a bit thin but the misconceptions about the cabs come from people trying then with amps they dislike or class d not suited to their taste, neo cab and a heavy weight amp will sound just fine surely.

  3. It's funny that someone saying something written by someone else is mindless noodling is 'cutting' and should not be said, I dont rate anyone highly enough to be that upset about other people not liking them, I'd be more upset if they aimed it directly at me and my playing and told me to sell my gear!

  4. I think this is being overthought, imagine showing a group of various people a flip book with pictures of various bass players, singing or not, mindless noodling, rocking out, whatever.
    Answers like "yes thats Paul McCartney from the Beatles, wings and the frog chorus" is a 100% hit, but I'll take a "ah thats the boys are back in town guy" or a "him with the tantric sex thing" as 50/50s etc, chris Squire for example, no chance really is there?

  5. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1449976999' post='2928533']

    Post something where we can hear you playing with that level of chops and skill and your comment will be taken seriously.


    If Delherbert posts a half reasonable cover of almost any song then I will prefer it to teen town so I dont see where the chops or skill need to come into it as long as someone enjoyed it.

    Teen town-the short 3 minutes version is still 4 minutes too long, awful.

  6. A topic that has sprung to me after posting about it in the Jaco thread is one that makes me wonder who are the genuine household name bassists? I love John Deacon and 20 years ago people might recognise the name but I fear mainly now only musicians and Queen fans would know that one. I am thinking proper household names here, not your obscure name that you love but imagine knocking on 10 doors in a cul de sac, various age residents, male and female etc and giving them some names or showing them a picture and say at least 50% of the people knowing who they are. Some might not realise that they are playing a[i] bass[/i] guitar but that is secondary for me in the test. I will award points for at least "oooh thats the guy from such a band they did that song, la la laa" or similar

    + certain
    ? possibly
    x nope even if you like them and think they should be

    Macca +
    Phil Lynot?
    John Deacon ?x
    Gene Simmons +

    Who are we missing? copy amend and paste!

    EDIT to say, ability or skill has nil factor in the list!

  7. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1449930403' post='2928100']
    You need to meet more people, including bassists.
    +1 Like many of the [i]names[/i] that come up on here I have to google them, even then they are often only known to a certain group of people, how many bassists are true household names? Jaco is not one of them, knock on all the doors in your street and check, I would put a genuine £50 of my own money on this being fact! Macca and Sting, Lemmy, Mark king if they are over 40 years old after that they are mostly only household names in households where 50 plus year old bassists live.

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