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Posts posted by MuseMatt

  1. Who can tell me anything about Ibanez Roadster basses? I can buy this '84(? could also be 87 I think) for (only?) 450 euro's and it looks like a good bass to me! Also it meets my wishes (J/P)

  2. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='317310' date='Oct 29 2008, 10:16 AM']That's just harsh :huh: I hope my band don't start looking for a bass player who can play bass :)[/quote]
    hehe you'll fine fine probably (not that I've heard you play) but you play ampeg :huh: they're not easily gonna replace you

    I can at least be happy about one thing: they said it would be hard to replace me basswise

  3. I would say it also depends on the manner you're leaving the band. If you're just not capable anymore because of time etc it's best just to say it at the beginning of a practise. You can talk about it and if you want to you can still practise because I think it's nice to help your band out until they figured out what to do.

    However if you're leaving because they're c**ts just email.

  4. Tiny Pub gig, a celibration party and we were to play an hour. It went absolutely amazing. Great soundman, funnily enough also a bassplayer, and I stood next to the drummer... we just had great fun on stage, jamming away and playing brick in the wall as a request. Too bad I never have a feeling like this about a gig after something bigger :)

  5. [quote name='Monz' post='304930' date='Oct 12 2008, 07:05 PM']I would probably stick with your current study plan lol

    I have spent about 28 years on and off in brass bands, the last 20 of which playing Bb Bass (Tuba) but finally got fed up of the regimented constraints of brass band music and I now live for playing bass. I wish I had done this 20 years ago[/quote]

    can I see your grammar police badge?

  6. I have played the piano since i was 7, so it's not my first instrument. However....

    My first band asked me to fill in for their bassplayer who left 2 weeks before their first gig... of course I did so on the piano. They asked me to stay and I did, but they had one condition: i had to learn how to play bassguitar.

    Never regretted it and I like it more than playing the piano now :)

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