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Posts posted by BrunoBass

  1. 3 hours ago, mikel said:

    Never understood this "Band leader" thing, unless its a brass band. Every band I have been in has been a democracy. 

    My last band didn’t have a band leader as such, but the guitarist / frontman formed the band so it was always considered his band. Other opinions were listened to, but ultimately he had final say, handled the finances etc. 

    It wasn’t a situation I was comfortable with but it’s what I signed up for so I accepted the way it was. 

    In my experience of being in bands I’ve found the truly democratic ones are the most dysfunctional, especially with even numbers of members. 

  2. I can only sympathise, having been unceremoniously sacked myself a couple of weeks ago. If you didn’t see the thread at the time it’s here, you might find it interesting... 

    I’m still mystified / annoyed with the insubstantial reasons and the way they handled it. Good luck to you, something better might be just around the corner. 

    • Like 3
  3. On 08/12/2019 at 20:41, Lozz196 said:

    Given that I’m leaving my band I’ll be in the position of offloading a lot of gear. Am currently trying to justify to myself that having 3 Precisions when not in a band is acceptable. So if anything my GAS for 2020 is finding a reason to keep stuff I don’t need, rather than buying more stuff I don’t need.

    Pretty much the same thing for me. I’m currently bandless, and not 100% sure if I’m going to join another band in 2020 yet despite having a couple of irons in the fire. Whatever happens I’m going to be downsizing - thinning the herd on the bass front and moving my big rig on to be replaced by something smaller and lighter. 2020 is going to be GAS-less for me, at least that’s the intention.

  4. I’ve just been given four ‘90s Britpop songs to learn, which may or may not lead to me joining my next band. 

    I’m very familiar with all four songs, as the mid nineties was definitely ‘my era’. It’s not necessarily what I’d listen to now, but it should be a good gig if they want me. None of the basslines are especially challenging. 


  5. I’ve been thoroughly spoilt today by my good lady wife - including a couple of music related items. 

    Mark Lewisohn’s The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions - delving deep into this book with a glass of quality IPA in my hand is my idea of heaven. 

    Also, the 4 CD deluxe edition of a-ha’s Hunting High & Low. The prog rock fans amongst you may scoff but it’s one of my favourite albums and an absolute masterclass in quality pop music. Can’t wait to get stuck into all the outtakes and extras.

    Happy Christmas all! 


    • Like 1
  6. Mine is to give my solo material more time in 2020 and do more solo gigs. Being bandless for the first time in four and a half years allows me more time for my stuff.

    That said, my other music related resolution is to get back into another band quickly (things are already developing on that front) that gigs, but just less frequently than what I’m used to. A less intensive pace works for me.

    • Like 1
  7. 11 hours ago, mcnach said:


    Not sure about the Affinity (definitely try first, they're very variable) but 100% second hand.


    My Affinity PJ is great, I agree they are very variable but mine’s a good ‘un, and totally giggable as standard.

    I love cheap basses!



    • Like 1
  8. Merry Christmas Basschat friends, may you all have a happy and healthy 2020. 

    Thanks for answering my queries, tolerating my moans and frequently making me feel like a part of the great community that is Basschat. 

    From me and mine to you and yours - cheers! 

    • Like 2
  9. The load in / out pain is frequently exacerbated by morons who refuse to move even half a metre to allow you through with that heavy cabinet you’re carrying. They know you’re there, they can see what you’re trying to do, they can even hear you politely asking if ’I can just squeeze through please mate?’, but no, stand immovable in your way they will. Some pathetic macho territory thing I expect. 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  10. Well, I got a text from the frontman trying to establish if I was going to do the gig or not (give me strength..)? If he was in any doubt before he isn’t now. I also let rip with the most dignity I could muster about how I saw the situation, how poorly they handled it, how as a long-standing and 100% commited band member I deserved better etc etc etc.

    I then got a reply saying he was sorry how things had panned out, that I was a great guy blah blah blah. Later that night they put a status on their Facebook profile, a few pictures of me and a few ‘nice’ words. I’d like to think that it’s sincere but I’m still livid and see only a load of bullsh*t. In the same status they announced their intention to continue as a two piece, which  I find ludicrous, but never mind.

    Within an hour of their status going live I got a message from the BL of another established local band asking if I was interested in being a part of a new band he’s putting together? One door shuts and another opens. I’m not entirely sure I want to do it yet, (I’m not even sure I even want to keep playing bass at this moment in time) but he said to think about it over Christmas and New Year, so let’s see. In the meantime I’m going to concentrate on my solo stuff, which I’ve neglected for the last four or so years.

    • Like 23
  11. 10 minutes ago, BigRedX said:

    Sorry to burst your bubble but from a musical PoV none of the bands you have specifically mentioned would have been out of place on John Peel's show in the early 80s. And Slowthai/Grime/UK Hip Hop is just Rap with a UK rather than an American accent.

    I'm not hearing anything radically new.

    You’ve completely missed the point of the post. Me listing those bands was in response to @Maude asking where the angry bands were. I didn’t say they were doing anything radically new.

    To dismiss UK hip hop as just rap with an American accent is a glib and lazy generalisation. 


  12. Music hasn’t stagnated, it’s evolved in the way it’s made and the way it’s consumed. The singles chart is not wholly indicative or representative of music taste or popularity anymore. For example the new Stereophonics single didn’t even make the Top 200, yet the album went to number one and they sold out their arena tour. 

  13. There would appear to be nothing new in the ‘hit parade’ but there is plenty of new music around that is consumed by many thousands of listeners. The singles charts today as we remember them are meaningless owing to the way music is consumed. Grime is massive and a totally 21st Century genre and doesn’t make an impression in the singles chart, but had it existed in the eighties or nineties it would’ve dominated the charts. 

    The term ‘hit parade’ implies the singles chart; if we consider the album chart instead the answer is very different. Stormzy and Post Malone have both figured strongly this year with music that could only exist in the present day.

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