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Posts posted by BrunoBass

  1. Respect to Quo, although as someone has already said I'm sure they'll be back out rocking the Teles one day.

    I met Rick Parfitt once years ago, briefly, at a pub in Gloucestershire; he seemed like a decent guy. (Bizarrely he was at the bar with Wayne Hussey from The Mission...) As rhythm guitarists go he's damn near invincible I reckon.

  2. I had a candy apple red Patrick Eggle New York bass which I was very lucky to win in a Melody Maker competition in 1995. I remember it took an age to get hold of it because the features ed had taken it out on tour with his band. Anyway it eventually arrived in mint condition and I loved it; amazing tones, great neck, lightweight, cool Ricky-esqe styling and superb build quality. I loved that bass. Sadly a couple of years later I needed some money and I had to let either the Eggle or my Silver Series Precision go. By dint of being more versatile, the P Bass won. I can't remember how much I sold the Eggle for now, but I wonder what happened to it. I'd certainly like another one someday.

  3. Good stuff! There's quite a few stories of people being reunited with basses they'd lost or sold on Basschat lately.

    I wonder whoever has my old Patrick Eggle NY (inexplicably sold in 1996) would sell it back to me..?

  4. I'm listening to and really enjoying the new Mystery Jets album, which I heard some of on 6Music and liked the sound of.

    Also I'm getting into Bitches Brew by Miles Davis on the recommendation of a friend. At first listen it's a big, confusing, dense noise but I've stuck with it and am starting to make sense of it a little. I always think the best albums tend to be the least immediate; the ones you have to persevere with yield the most reward, quite often.

  5. I had a good session with the boys last night - pinning down the set for our first gig of the year in a week or so, and our first show since November. We had a bit of a change in our standing positions as we recorded some of the practice onto a Zoom portable recorder situated in the middle, with us surrounding it. I was standing by the kit in close proximity to the crash cymbal, and guess who forgot his earplugs??

    Everything is woolly today and my ears actually feel like they ache, especially the one that was by the crash. It's always the same on the odd occasion I've experienced this, but God it knock me sideways everytime. Even my balance feels slightly off. It'll pass in a few hours but lesson learnt, I'll make sure my 'plugs are definitely in my bag next week...

  6. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1453720571' post='2962024']
    The Night was recorded in the same year as December 63 (Oh What A Night), 1975, and that was Don Ciccone on bass. So as the lines, playing style and sound are pretty similar on the 2 songs I'd say that it is definitely Don Ciccone.

    Don Ciccone's playing on December 63 is excellent, one of my favourite bass lines.

  7. I have actively sought out new musical discoveries for as long as I can remember and I hope I'll continue to do so. It never fails to amaze me how much amazing stuff there is out there, 'under the radar', so to speak. The downside of course with the way that we consume music nowadays is that there is more garbage to wade through than ever, but that makes it all the more satisfying when you do uncover a hidden gem. That said, I'm listening to more old stuff than ever as I find myself appreciating music from my youth that either passed me by or that I dismissed first time around.

  8. Puritans Radio here in Banbury promote a lot of local music. We have a fantastic scene here, the chap to speak to at the station is Chris Oakes. I'm sure you'll find them with a bit of Googling (they're on Twitter) but if you can't find them feel free to DM me and I'll pass on the details.

  9. [quote name='DaytonaRik' timestamp='1453107884' post='2956306']
    Last gig was an odd one: the band were definitely rusty but it seemed we could do no wrong despite our best efforts! I forgot lyrics, drummer had a 'mare on a new track, endings messed up. None of it mattered as every track was enthusiastically applauded by the good-sized crowd. I swear the average punter hears the original recording in their heads!

    Sometimes I think the same thing. My covers band spends hours frying to replicate well known recordings to the nth degree, and then no one in the audience seems to notice (or care) if one of us makes a cockup, which isn't an in frequent occurrence.

  10. I've just bought a Stringray: it's gorgeous and as it's brand new it's in pristine condition. We've got some pub gigs coming up and I was thinking about leaving the 'Ray safely at home and taking out my Squier Dimension, but reading the comments here, they're absolutely correct. I bought it to play it and that's what I'll do. Obviously I want to avoid dings but if they happen they happen.

    I have a nice watch (TAG Heuer Monaco) which I wear everyday, and as a result it it's a bit 'roadworn', so to speak, but rather that than than leave it in a drawer except for special occasions. The same principal applies to instruments I guess.

  11. Me and the boys did a shoot recently. A bit awkward at first but everyone got quite into it by the end. It's just a question of relaxing and trusting the photographer. We've used these pictures for Facebook, Twitter and gig posters. It's not my favourites activity, being photographed, but it's got to be done I suppose...

  12. Bit of an old thread this, but I'd like to add Williamscott and Haynes to the list. I don't know much about either, despite living very close to both. I think Williamscott are a sideline for a double bass building / restoring workshop, I'm sure some of you will be familiar with them.

  13. I was in PMT Birmingham last week to try out a bass as I was ready to push the button. I was looked after really well by Jay - good guy, gave me all the time I needed. I ended up buying it from PMT later that day via the website as I was doing it on finance and am just more comfortable doing finance applications at home on my own. So thanks Jay, really appreciate your time, knowledge and assistance.

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