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Posts posted by BrunoBass

  1. I like the Big Muff Bass Deluxe, it's easy to get a workable tone and the bottom end isn't bad either. I never use the low pass filter switch though so if I was buying again I'd go for the standard Bass Muff and saved some £s (and space on the board!)

  2. In my current band I'm the oldest by some years at 47. The others are all aged between 32 and 38. I got the gig because whilst I didnt know the other guys well we drank in the same pubs and had mutual friends. We got introduced and that was that. I'd say I look much younger than my years and I have a young outlook on life (immaturity perhaps. .?), but I wonder if I'd responded to an ad without them knowing me and the subject of age came up would it have been a problem?

  3. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1403359128' post='2482104']
    The one thing most MM users will tell you is that almost every venue or recording studio you turn up at with one the sound engineer, will say "cool a Stingray, I always get a good mix when the bassist uses one" :D

    I appreciate this is an old thread but the comment above rings true with me; yesterday we did our first studio session since I got the Stingray and the engineer said exactly that ^. He wasn't lying, I'm already mega impressed with my 'Ray (I've had it for a couple of months now) but hearing it DI'd into the desk, flat eq and just a touch of compression I was blown away with how it sounded and how it sat in the rough mixes. Very happy!

  4. I've been thinking about doing something similar, now having seen what a great job you've done I'm going to press on. Well done, it looks amazing and I look forward to some sound clips.

    Regarding the template, was that something you downloaded or did you simply just draw around the headstock of a MD sig?

  5. Recently saw this and instant GAS ensued. I've been dreaming of something like this for years, although having seen the price tag a dream it shall remain. Gorgeous...


  6. When I was about 16 we managed to blag tickets from a friend who'd moved to London and was working at EMI to see a small showcase by Sigue Sigue Sputnik. They hadn't yet released a record but were all over Melody Maker, NME etc. It was the first and only time that sheer volume and sound pressure has made me feel like I was going to vomit before my brain exploded. We stayed till the end though.

    Some years later I saw Mansun at the Roadmender in Northampton. They were terrible and the volume and high frequency tone of their PA was painful. I left after three songs.

  7. [quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1457383560' post='2998054']
    Ha - Banbury bloke !

    We gigged the Reindeer last month, and will be at the Dolphin next month ( sort of close to Banbury )

    But yep, thats a ballpark rate but there may be variations , depending

    The Dolphin at Middleton Cheney? I know it well.

    We played at The Reindeer on Saturday (one of my two locals), we're back at The Swan in April.

    Which band are you?

  8. [quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1457375894' post='2997950']
    Pubs seem to pay around the £250 mark ... at least ours do in Oxfordshire. Sometimes a bit cheaper, sometimes but not very often, a bit more

    Yep, £250 is around the mark for where we are based in North Oxfordshire too. Whenever we've gigged nearer Berkshire it's been about the same.

  9. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1457344212' post='2997452']
    Not at all, it`s not the names you play to, or the releases you`ve put out, it`s how much you enjoy playing and gigging. Only stop if you no longer have the enthusiasm. The only way I`ll stop is if I no longer love doing it, or if I`m not able to due to health issues.

    Think of it like someone who plays football - should they give up just cos they`ve never shared a pitch with Wayne Rooney, or not been on Match of The Day? No, they play cos they love the game.

    I was going to say exactly the same thing. If you've got 30 years of love and joy under your belt from doing something you love doing you're a rich man.

  10. We played at The Reindeer in Banbury on Saturday night, which is a very ancient pub in my hometown with tons of history. Oliver Cromwell stayed at the inn and used it as his war room during the Battle of Edgehill, if that kind of thing interests you. It's also two doors up from my apartment, so I was able to literally carry/wheel my gear which meant that some post gig Hook Nortons were possible - gigs don't get much more local than that.

    We did a full two hour set with a very short break, and went down really well. The pub was full, and the lack of a stage meant that we were literally eyeball to eyeball with the crowd, which I always like. No major dramas, other than me missing the first note of one of the songs because I still had my tuner engaged... I was happy with the sound in the room; I was using my Stingray into my TC Electronic 250/15 combo which sounded really tight.

    We encored with Walk This Way (first time we've gigged that, we do it more Run DMC than Aerosmith) and Chelsea Dagger which had the whole place dancing and singing along. As we were breaking down we could hear some of the stragglers still chanting the chorus out on the street.

    So, a really good night - one of the best gigs we've done, and a massive high yesterday.

  11. I listen to music in the car (I do a lot of miles for work) and on my iPad or Mac using Spotify or iTunes. What makes me sad is that I rarely sit down and 'listen' to music like I used to. If I'm at home music tends to be something to fill the gaps whilst I'm doing something else. I wish I had more time to put on some headphones and lose myself in an album, like I did from my teenage years until a few years ago.

  12. [quote name='joeystrange' timestamp='1457213510' post='2996494']
    Does 'double album' in this case mean one very long album on two discs?
    I've always thought a double album was two separate but (often) related albums concieved, recorded, packaged and released together?

    I'm only asking because I wasn't aware that Generation Terrorists was a double album. Though it is very long.

    Yes, it was a double. That was their manifesto; release one double album, sell sixteen million copies and split up. Although the seven album deal with SONY kind of put paid to that idea!

  13. I'll kick if off with the Manics 'Generation Terrorists', as I mentioned it on the other thread:

    Slash n Burn
    Born to End
    Motorcycle Emptiness
    You Love Us
    Loves Sweet Exile
    Little Baby Nothing
    Stay Beautiful
    Condemned to Rock n Roll
    Spectators of Suicide
    (And I'd add)
    Motown Junk

    No what a debut that would've been!!

  14. OK so whilst posting on the other thread about double albums I half jokingly suggested a thread where you compile your ultimate single album from an otherwise patchy double or triple effort. Someone else suggested I start it so here it is; based on say 12 tracks or 45-50 minute running time which double album could be made killer by losing the filler?

  15. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1457177414' post='2996015']

    One of the greatest puzzles in the world that, why oh why did they just not do yet another cracking single album? There were plenty enough great songs spread over the two Illusion albums to make just one amazing album.

    Little challenge for you Lozz, compile me the best 12 tracks from Use Your Illusion 1&2 so it forms the amazing single album you describe (in your opinion). I've never bothered with it as the sheer size of both albums puts me off. Actually that could become a whole thread: 'Create your ultimate single album from a patchy double/triple album'!

  16. The Clash 'London Calling' and Red Hot Chili Peppers 'Blood Sugar Sex Magic' are both double albums tat totally work, in my opinion. No flab on either of them, 'BSSM' in particular makes me feel like I've been on some kind of journey.

    I'm a big Ryan Adams fan, and despite Ryan's love of the double album I think he rarely gets it wrong. 'Gold', 'Cold Roses' and 'Love Is Hell' are all masterpieces I think (although 'LIH' wad originally two single albums.

    I'm also a big Manics fan, and whilst I love the youthful arrogance and ambition of releasing a double album as your debut, I think 'Generation Terrorists' would be been a much more coherent album if it was a few songs shorter, and yes I'm with George Martin on The White Album.

  17. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1456999569' post='2994294']
    You can often be expected to be a human juke box and people often have no idea that you have to know/learn a song before you can play it.

    Ha it never fails to amaze me how some people think that because you're a musician you know how to play every song ever written!

  18. I used to do a few years ago, mainly weddings as the band I was in at the time had a broad appeal set list which was great for a drunken dance, and it paid well. And also, as our friend writes above, there was a quite often a well oiled bridesmaid who wanted me to show her a pentatonic scale, if you catch my drift...

    But those days are long gone and the happily married me now only does the occasional function, which pleases me as I can't really be bothered with the time spent waiting and the late nights. To be fair my band is probably a bit heavy for most do's but we do get asked occasionally. We're doing a 40th in deepest darkest Wales in the autumn which will involve a night away, and to be honest I'd rather get back at night to wife and little boy, but it'll be a bit of an adventure and there will be £££s!

  19. I Should Coco is a fantastic album that comes from that fantasy world where I'm perpetually 21 and it's always summer. Impressively accomplished considering how young they were. There was a big buzz around about them locally when they first emerged, being from just down the road as they were. I always liked Mickey's basslines (I think he played an Ibanez Roadstar?) and while I lost interest in them after the second album I remember them very fondly.

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