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Posts posted by keefbaker

  1. "[i][color=#404040][font=Helmet, Freesans, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]They say he was not given enough training in how to use it and protect himself"[/font][/color][/i]

    Put on head or in ears. Done. This whole suing culture can suck a fat one. This is the reason peanut packets say, "warning, contains nuts".

    I've definitely got one ear stronger than the other these days. It's what you get from standing next to a drummer.

  2. I have been facinated with the idea of this, especially using it mid=song almost like a bandpass filter. You could probably bet some pretty textural stuff going on but still... there's that whole "needing a third hand or a very stiff gentleman" problem for that.

  3. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1459426037' post='3016401']
    Matt Garrison uses a right hand technique that is very similar to a guitar picking technique.

    Also Abraham Laboriel uses that.

  4. I have to admit, I'd have loved to have seen a video of Adrian demonstrating mine the way it was set up when it arrived...
    "And that's the sound!"
    *crunch* *buzz* *ping* Buzz* *ffffffffzzzz*

  5. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1459341299' post='3015593']
    Do find that every time you flick the little black switch that is labelled in black on a black background, a little black light lights up black to tell you you've done it?

    It's a push pull pot. There's also a puch pull pot for "crash into the sun", I have to be careful which one I grab.

  6. Honestly? Best way to handle this is a micro-project. Write a bunch of stuff, record it in your house, throw it on bandcamp for the hell of it, or have a label bring it out if you can, move onto the next.

    That's how I scratch my "I'd like to do X" itches. The only one I can't scratch is the jazz one which I'd like to join a band for but 1) Musicians are like hens teeth where I live and 2) I'm really really not good enough,

  7. I dunno, you wait ages for a New Bass Day and then two come at once.
    [attachment=215760:2016-03-29 19.00.33.jpg]
    Anyway, my Maruszczyk Jake with 3 (count'em) pickups is here at last.
    [attachment=215759:2016-03-29 19.00.22.jpg]
    It's had to travel across the sea so I shouldn't be surprised it needed a little tweaking, but I've raised the saddles for now and I think the truss rod will need a little tweak, but apparently that's fairly par for the course. Other than that the E is slipping out of tune but I blame that more on the strings than the tuners as they seem nice and stable.

    Anyway, after my initial grump that it wasn't perfect out of the bag I then started playing and listening to it and... I love it... It's fantastic. Plays and sounds great.

    Here's some of the pickup settings, in a rock manner again, to show more than the usual jazz you get to hear. Fingers and pick, no slapping. Sorry my playing is sh*te, especially my muting. Not used to 5ers yet.


    And here it is next to it's NBD friend.

    [attachment=215761:2016-03-29 19.00.49.jpg]


    [attachment=215762:2016-03-29 19.00.38.jpg]

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