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Posts posted by keefbaker

  1. [quote name='phin' timestamp='1462436806' post='3042944']
    Now, one question... what is the deal with pickups?! P ad J? I can see that some have two and some just one (IIRC the Fender Squire Bronco has just one). Do they create a different sound? One cleaner (for slapping etc) and one "dirtier" for straight up bass lines?

    The "P" pickup is the one that's split in half, like the one in TP Troll's picture. That's generally a dirtier, gruntier sound. You can slap with it but people tend to prefer slapping on a J pickup (the single "bar" style pickup) or a humbucker near the bridge (ie: nearer the bottom of the bass than the neck)

  2. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1462026888' post='3039746']
    We had double doors fitted. Seemed a more acceptable option that cutting out peanut butter.
    Yes, I use this as well and it's great.

  3. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1462285921' post='3041771']
    I think there's something at one of the esquire (Bedford) venues on Wednesdays. Not been myself but probably should as I know both the engineer and the owner :/

    An hour's drive away. But this is the kind of thing I mean. It was the same when I was looking for a bass teacher. "Oh there's loads". Closest: 30 mins drive. Whereas in Leeds or Manchester or Liverpool this stuff would have been on my doorstep, and pretty much everywhere.

    Other people's loads does not equal my loads.

  4. Where you are makes ALL the difference and informs you of some of the music you'll find. I used to live slap bang in the middle of Liverpool and Manchester and you couldn't throw a stone without hitting another musician.

    Then Leeds which has a jazz college so there's TONS of musicians, and now I live in Cambridgeshire and there's..... frankly.... hardly a damn thing.

    So yeah, it's far from "just London" but I suppose if you've never lived up near the Leeds/Liverpool belt you'd never know.

  5. Yeah, one of the bands I work with needs the hard down picked sound.

    But this is the thing with a lot of bass players, they have this "things must be done this way" attitude that just stinks.

    It's an instrument, play it like you want. As long as it makes a noise.

  6. Fenders are absolutely the standard to be judged by. However IMO saying Fenders make the best precisions [i]THESE DAYS [/i]is a lot like saying Heinz make the best Tomato Soup.

    Sure, your average joe thinks of it as the standard and lower grade ones are really noticeable, but really..... They're far from the top of the tree. A factory fresh pre-CBS precision, maybe. But a NEW one. No. Unless you're talking Custom Shop then Ok, maybe.

  7. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1461841890' post='3038055']
    An ex-Pino stack-knob Jazz from 1961: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/EX-PINO-PALLADINO-FENDER-JAZZ-BASS-STACK-KNOB-1961-VINTAGE-FENDER-BASS-WHO-/391434650065?hash=item5b2352c1d1:g:D2IAAOSw7KJXEO9d

    I'll never sell this bass, mainly because I'll never buy it.
    Why not? It's such a bargain!

  8. You may have one, you may not. This is the bass that if you were on the streets you'd be hugging for warmth at night, the bass that almost feels as much a part of you as your hands.

    I have one...

    Back in 1994 I walked into Dawsons in Warrington for yet another replacement bass. There was a custom luthier made stingray copy with a bartolini humbucker in the sweet spot. I played it and it sounded and felt incredible. Needless to say I bought it.

    Since then I've not bought another regular 4 string fretted (although I do have a P on long term loan) I've been through a number of 5 strings and fretless basses but never felt the need to replace that 4 string.

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