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Posts posted by Wayward-Wanderer

  1. Thanks for all the help guys. I will be trying out Hartke and ashdown on monday i might do a bit of a review for each (I'm a journalist in training :))

    As well i officially blew one of the speaker in my Marshall 4x12 :huh:

    @steve-soar, could you send me a link to the 8x10? I just want to have a look at it, but i don't want to go for something that big yet.
    I only have a chevy matiz so i have need something a bit more transportable.

  2. Hiya,

    Recently I decided that it was time to stop blowing up the speakers in my Marshall guitar stack and actually buy a bass stack.
    This made sense as i have only ever really wanted to play bass, but was sidetracked by the fake glory of playing guitar.

    My playing style is very mixed, i play a lot of jazz and funk, as well as contemptary Indie; So there is a big mix between fat bottom mud, and slap-happy treble.
    My set-up bass-wise, is a Fender 51 telecaster bass remake by squier (And i will hold to it until the end of days that it should be a squier its just to damn good!)
    and a few Bose pedals (the ones that actually matter).

    My previous bass amps have been just borderline "mehhhh" on good days, but at there worse they have been massive piles of elephant sh*t and deserve to be hurdled out my 3 story window.
    I can't tell you that my first practice amp was a peavey something 15 watt, and that didn't do treble at all and it over heated all the time. Which gave it the award of the best Bass amp throw out of window
    whilst slighty on fire. Next i was gifted... no thats not the right word gift implies something good, so i guess i was given "with much regert on my part" a Peavey 1x15 combo. this had its on EQ, but no matter my incoherent fiddling with them it still produced the same mediocre sound and distorted on C#. That i gave to a friend which was then sold for drug money, for his presonel use.

    So then came my move from the US of-goddamn these people are ridculusly stupid-A to the fine but a bit to slighty under water have the time England.
    I then discover the wonders of good amplication with Trace Elliot, and I am yet to try Ashdown but i believe these to brands will be rated highly in my humble opinion.

    I think i will be looking for these 2 brand for my first stack. I have a limited budget of about 600£ to try to get a full sized stack.
    Does anyone have a suggestion as to what model cabs to get? I don't mind have a combo to start and then getting another cab underneath.
    Also if there are any other makes of bass amp that aren't a cavelcade of mediocrity that i haven't seen/ heard of it would be brilliant if you could inform me.

    thank you!

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