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Posts posted by LayDownThaFunk

  1. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1466985623' post='3080287']
    Just got home from this, first time there, even though I've been going to festivals for about 20 years. The music and camping was fun. I mainly go for electronic music at festivals because I used to be a raver in the early 90s and I like to pretend I'm 23 again, so I can't comment on the live acts, because I spent all my time in various dance tents, except I did see Madness who were excellent of course.

    The mud on the other hand - oh my god. It was like a medieval catastrophe. This festival is so badly organised it's insane. They like to pretend it's going to be sunny, but just like the UK government, they have no contingency plan in case things turn out different to their expectations. The car parks were a sludge-fest, cars literally sliding around and sinking in mud, towed by tractors if they were lucky. It was genuinely terrifying. The entire site - which is enormous beyond belief - was swimming in mud. Almost nothing was even barely passable, so most people had to walk in narrow lines through the tiny tracks they put down, and even those were only in the main arenas. When the mud dried out a bit, it turned to glue, and people literally got stuck in it, by the hundreds. Loads of lost wellies wedged into mud with panicked people who felt like they were sinking into quicksand. It was absolute mayhem. Funny for 5 minutes, awful for the rest of the weekend.

    Also I know it's a cliche to moan about festival toilets, but I'm a festival veteran and even for me, these were the most disgusting toilets I've ever seen. Yesterday, I saw a toilet with a turd on the seat, with an apprehensive cockroach sat next to it. It was quite unnerving.
    Other than that and Brexit, everything tip top? :D

  2. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1466375401' post='3075425']

    Agree with By The Way and Stadium Arcadium. Not so sure about I'm With You, I was fairly sure that was the Jazz bass too? The bass your describe I thought was the bass he toured with.

    The Getaway definitely has a different tone from the previous two albums, so I guess you are probably right.
    I struggle to think of any track on IWY which doesn't sound like an active MM pup.

  3. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1466289502' post='3074774']
    Do we know what bass Flea is using on the new record?

    I'm not much of a fan of the tone really, to be honest. Nothing will beat BSSM, but I enjoyed the Modulus tone. I don't think he has used Modulus extensively in the studio since By The Way?
    By The Way was all Modulus.

    Stadium Arcadium was the stack pot Jazz for I think every track bar a couple which had the Modulus on (possibly Stingray).

    I'm With You was an upgraded version of his own company Flea bass with artwork done by Damien Hirst. SD or Lane Poor MM pickup, Aguilar preamp and carbon fibre or (gasp) rosewood necks.

    The Getaway most likely this white MM hybrid bass.

  4. I've read several conflicting stories about the 'signature' Stingray Flea bass.

    I've read he wanted to change the model name from Stingray to Flea bass.

    I've read he just wanted a Stingray Flea bass edition.

    I've read he wanted a Stingray with carbon fibre neck.

    Etc etc. Money talks.

  5. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1465534029' post='3069028']
    Has anyone heard I'm Beside You? (The B side album to I'm With You), the new tunes sound like a continuation of that to me.
    I have and they do bear some ressemblance...

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