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Posts posted by Jackemmings

  1. Bought this EBS cab from bassgear near Reading about 5 years ago. Was meant to be used on smaller gigs but I've only ever played 1 gig through it, the rest of the time I've been using my eden 4x10 cab.

    Since putting this ad up and testing this cab, it seems that the top speaker is torn and crackles at high outputs. Cost of a new one is around £100, so I'm reducing the price by £150, or can buy and fit one myself and sell at the original price.

    Based in Bristol

  2. Really great basses. Had a cv in pino pallidino red with tortoise shell pickguard. Such a great neck with a cracking tone. Recently sold it to fund a new purchase. The guy who bought it was going to use it as a backup to his highway one precision, and since has sold his highway one as he says he much prefers the cv.

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