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Posts posted by roman_sub

  1. ^ Very good point, you ultimately need to "learn" your monitors, so they tell you the truth, and nothing but the truth! That becomes somewhat easier with accurate monitors that you don't find fatiguing / unpleasant, though... :)

  2. Sorry to echo what already has been said but I think monitor selection is a really personal issue. Until I listened to a number of monitors, I had no idea I preferred slightly softer hi-mid presentation and ended up going for a brand I hadn't considered before (Eve) ahead of more established suspects Adam/Genelec/Focal etc. I understand the issue of local availability but IMO it would be worthwhile a (day) trip to a decent shop with a good number of speakers to "audition".

    As with anything, going second hand / b-stock is likely to allow you access to "better" speakers, whatever that means.... which may mean you can audition speakers up to around £400 new?

    Red Dog Music in London were very good when I was picking monitors, good in-store choice and very patient.

    EDIT: ...in addition to "best practice" suggestion above, I think Alesis M1 struck me as quite decent monitors within OP's price range...

  3. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Warwick-Streamer-Bass-/281977845837"]http://www.ebay.co.u...s-/281977845837[/url]

    struck me as cheap-ish at first, but actually this one has been modded - not sure about that extra input jack on the front... so maybe fair price.

    but likely to be a great sounding instrument!

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