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Posts posted by thebeat

  1. Decided that i want another Jazz bass so have decided to flog or trade this in order to fulfil my wish :rolleyes:

    Bass itself is in excellent condition and a very nice bass to play...very Stingrayish in sound but plenty of bottom end. Neck is one of the nicest i've ever played badly and i've played a few badly in my day :) .

    Comes with gigbag and i'm asking either a trade for some sort of sunburst jazz bass with cash from me for the right one...alternatively £425 posted...payment by bank transfer only.


    Bump for a price drop due to the fact that the barrel jack socket needs replacing with a switching model as the current one is non switching and the battery drains after a week in the bass. dropped to £375 posted or £350 collected.[/b]

  2. I picked up a wee Hartke A100 from Kennys in Dundee for £179 new, they'd got them cheap because Hartke had changed their UK distibutor. It's replaced a Markbass LM2 and Traveller 102p and while i'm not gonna say that it's as good as those 2 it certainly aint no slouch either. It does sound very punchy and defined and gives me a very pleasing sound using the Sandberg 4 and flats with a pick...liking it a lot and will more than suffice until i make my mind up what to buy to permanantly replace the Littlemark....or maybe i'll just keep it.

  3. Have these for sale. Both amp and cab are in VGC with the cab carpet having some cat hair on it but no tears or other damage. Have only been used in the home. I have the packaging for both so would be willing to courier.

    Asking SOLD for both....will only split if the cab sells first and would be asking a £350 for the amp and £300 for the cab...payment by bank transfer only

    NO TRADES[/b]

  4. When i saw the thread title my immediate thought was that Bruce thomas was never in Chelsea...imagine my grin when i realised that you meant (i don't wanna go to) Chelsea and not Gene Octobers new wave band with the same name...never a dull moment in my house.

  5. [quote name='SJA' post='490387' date='May 17 2009, 10:56 AM']never actually heard Hipsway, but he was pretty good in Altered Images, doing a sort of Hooky-type thing eg. Happy birthday.[/quote]

    Their eponymous album is probably one of the best 'white soul' albums ever made....you should give it a try. Altered images was just Johnny warming up :)

  6. What a f'ing bassist! An overlooked and under-rated musician...simple, yet sublime bass lines. Skin was a groovy f***er too.

    Quick edit to say that i of course mean the Hipsway J McElhone, not the later Texas J McElhone who i could take or leave...mind you, would probably be a good wee band if they got rid of Sharleen 'Lena Zavaroni' Spiteri...can not be doing with that yin.

  7. Take off and nuke him from space...it's the only way to be sure that he wont inflict himself on some other unsuspecting blues band. Alternatively: set fire to his drumkit whiles he's playing..he should get the message with that one.

  8. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='487235' date='May 13 2009, 08:38 PM']Fine, but not everyone actualy enjoys listening to "thwakkatta thwakkatta thwakkatta thwakkatta" no matter how much skill goes into making such a sound.[/quote]

    I never even knew that Wooten could do a helicopter impersonation! he's gone up in my estimation now. :)

  9. Got this lovely bass in a trade with another member but finding the neck to be too slim for me. It's a Lakland 44-01 in Natural finish with Bartolini Mk1 pups, Fishman EQ, Hipshot tuners and through body or through bridge stringing. It has no marks that i can see, sounds good either passive or active and is pretty light and nice to play ... if you like a jazz type neck...me? i'm beginning to prefer a chunkier neck.

    Asking [i][b]SOLD[/b][/i] including gig bag and insured delivery.

    Payment by bank transfer only.

  10. I quite liked American Idiot, but think the rest of their stuff is sh-hoite...i know that they're a bit of a joke but there are some nice tunes on American Idiot....nothing groundbreaking mind you, but not as bad as some of the so-called 'punk' bands. I know that i shouldn't admit all this but i like what i like and f*** the rest of you :)

  11. Hi guys. Yeah, got the bass and very nice it is too...apart from it reeking of garlic that is.

    Noticed that the numpty had left me 'negative positive' feedback....was expecting something like that after giving him honest, but negative, feedback. Maybe next time he'll let his buyers know when he's posted their goods and he might even take less than 5 days to actually post them the next time, who knows? he may even use decent packaging and a reputable courier next time rather than just sticking the bass in one poxy box and leaving it in the incompetent hands of Parcelfarce, i'm lucky the bass arrived in one piece. As for his feedback, couldn't really give a hoot about his childish attempt at pay back to be honest. His i.d. is chylamariusz88 just so you know.

  12. [quote name='budget bassist' post='469025' date='Apr 21 2009, 09:12 PM']nice, that looks gorgeous! Is it a high gloss finish or a stain?[/quote]

    It's a stain with a satin finish...looks and feels lovely...the grain is raised a bit too.

  13. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='468968' date='Apr 21 2009, 07:50 PM']Let me know what polish(not poleish :) ) you go for if you do[/quote]

    I use 'Wood Silk' non silicon furniture polish on my wood. Fnarr.

  14. Got my latest ebay purchase delivered today...not without hassle i might add, but the wait was worth it!

    I'm totally loving this bass...from the looks to the sound, via the 'feel'...this one is the one i've been looking for :wub: Tried Rics, Spectors, Fenders, Ibbys, Hagstrom and a few more that were more 'shots in the dark' more than sensible purchases :rolleyes: Now it seems that the search is over and i can give my wallet a rest for a while.

    I've never had an active bass that i could get along with but the Sandberg sounds really good to my big, huge, ears on my big huge heid. Workmanship is also impressive...better built than my Ric that cost over twice the price! Not too heavy and the body shape is Fenderish enough without being a clone or being uncomfortable...it seems to wrap itself around me :) ...it embraces me with it's sound and it's shape and i think i want to shag it.

    There's only one drawback with the bass...its smell! The guy i bought it from, apart from not liking to communicate with his buyers, would seem to have kept the bass in his kitchen...either that or he stored it with garlic to keep the bass vampires away. Not joking, and not being racist either, but the guy was Polish and it would seem that he has a Garlic addiction cos the bass reeks of the stuff! It's even made my hands smell of garlic! Oh well! i suppose it'll stop the cats from pissing on it if nowt else.

    Here's some pics:

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