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Posts posted by thebeat

  1. [quote name='OldG' post='421631' date='Feb 28 2009, 12:42 PM']I don't get it... why the disdain?[/quote]

    Cos they're a bunch of boring old farts churning out the same riff for the last 15 years and they're led by a twat with a Messiah complex...apart from that, no reason. HTH

  2. [quote name='Sean.Robinson' post='420464' date='Feb 26 2009, 10:29 PM']I shouldn't laugh lol[/quote]

    My dad was very big on manners ;) ...and lets face it, our Teutonic brethren have been known for their rudeness in the past...as many a Pole, Russian, Italian, Frenchman and Dutchman...to name a few...would testify :P Invading countries is one thing but selling overpriced crap masquerading as 'vintage parts' is just not on in me and my dads book.

  3. I have a set of Lindy Fralin Jazz pups for sale. They were originally fitted in a 75RI jazz bass that i aquired in a swap with a fellow member...now surplus to requirements, as i replaced them with Seymour Duncans, and for sale at [i][b]sold[/b][/i]

    Also have a Tascam MP3 bass trainer that i bought in December and have used twic, available for [i][b]sold[/b][/i]
    [size=4][b]Payment by Bank Transfer only.[/b][/size][b][/b]

  4. Everyone should have a pointy bass in their armoury...forgot to say that the pups are Seymour Duncans and pretty hot...just stuck some old flats on it and this has tamed the beast a bit though it's still very rude matron.

  5. Bought this on a whim....not sure how it's gonna fit in with the Country band though ;) American built, Charvel Star bass, £400 brand new with an orignal RRP of over a grand. Very light and surprisingly easy to play...no neck dive and did i mention that it's very light?....sounds like a P bass that's been snorting Angel Dust.

  6. [quote name='LWTAIT' post='389080' date='Jan 22 2009, 10:23 PM']JJ was good because he didn't play OTT. he played what needed to be played and left it at that.

    im just sad to have read that he didn't like the idea of just playing roots for golden brown, i wouldve thought that he'd know that that was best for the song[/quote]

    JJ was a bit of a Prima Donna...and not a very nice person when the mood took him. ;)

  7. I'm coming up to 45 and was raised on what i would call 'classic punk' and although i sometimes smile wistfully when i hear younger guys talking about the music they listen to as 'punk' i'm not upset or troubled by it like some of the posters here, who to listen to, you would think had single handedly invented 'punk'.... or at least their version of punk ;)
    What Wayne listens to is up to him...as long as he enjoys playing and listening to it what do i, or anyone else for that matter, care what he calls it? There's too much of this musical snobbery already around without it being brought into a genre of music that was supposed to be all about levelling the playing field and getting rid of the snobbery, heroes and all that sh*t about rock gods like Ritchie Blackmore, Jeff Beck and all those other virtuosos of the guitar and rock world .
    JJ was a great bassist for his time and place, but i'm sure that Wayne has his own opinion on what, for him personally, makes a great bassist...doesn't mean he's right or wrong...cos it's not about that, it's about being grabbed by the nuts by the sound...who gives a sh*t who's making it as long as it grabs you?

    As for JJ deserving a signature bass :P whatever floats your boat...but i refer you back to my previous statement that punk was supposed to be about [i][b]not[/b][/i] being endorsed by big business and sucking the corporate tit...it was about blowing all that sh*te away. How soon we forget eh?

  8. The one in the classifieds used to be mine, Vern, the bloke selling it, is a good guy and easy to do business with. Great bass with much versatility and extremely high build quality. Only reason i sold mines was i couldn't get on with it playing fingerstyle.

  9. The Jazz consists of an American Deluxe Oly White Pearl body, allparts neck, bad ass II, Hipshot tuners, La Bella Deep Talkin flats, Lindy Fralins and a varitone control plate bought from some american bloke on ebay...some great sounds to be had from it...especially in the hands of someone who can play better than me. Weighs next to nothing...certainly a whole lot lighter than the MIJ 75RI jazz i had for a while.

  10. [quote name='Clarky' post='381741' date='Jan 15 2009, 09:17 PM']I bl**dy hope so. Just put 'em on my P and they feel like transatlantic cables (mind I am used to TI Flats which are quite narrow gauge).

    The neck on my bass is also crying at me, saying "relieve me Clarky" (sadly the same cannot be said for Laeticia Casta ;))[/quote]

    You should try the lighter gauge version...i have a set on my Jazz...don't be like me though and snap the G string when fitting them :P Clumsy f***er that i am.

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