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Posts posted by Rimskidog

  1. [quote name='KERMITNT' post='515307' date='Jun 16 2009, 02:09 PM']WHY YOU DIDNT BUILD THAT WHEN I WAS IN UCE UNIVERSITY FOR MASTERS?[/quote]

    You are shittin' me man! My place is v close to the Aston Uni roundabout!

  2. [quote name='M4L666' post='514531' date='Jun 15 2009, 05:44 PM']So we did this one song, the first one that plays- what do you guys thinK? Can be anything constructive...[/quote]

    Did you want comments on the song or the production?

  3. Live room to control room window was fitted last week.

    Here's the frame arriving:

    Going into the wall (you aren't getting the photos of all the puffing, wheezing and swearing that went along with this... though maybe at some point I'll squeeze the audio into some track I'm mixing :) ):

    Looking good:

    And with some glass in:

  4. You can see in this pic that most of the walls have the first layer of plasterboard in place now:

    So, at last, we can start putting up the second layer on top! :)

    The key to the second layer is that, sandwiched underneath it is a layer of the 'green glue' you saw in an earlier shot. A unique compound which never actually sets, it is designed to reduced sound transmission between the boards and effectively 'damps' any ringing. Here's what it looks like as you put it on:

    The board goes up:

    And gets sealed and scrimmed:

    Here's a shot of the opposite side:

    If you look carefully you can see that some boards are grey and some are blue. The grey ones are the 19mm underlayer, the blue ones are the 15mm soundblock boards that go on top.

    Watch out for the next episode!

  5. Someone asked for a close-up on the attention to detail being paid to the plasterboarding. You can see here that every joint has been trimmed accurately and caulked:

    And another:

    Bear in mind this is just the first layer!

  6. [quote name='dudewheresmybass89' post='509626' date='Jun 9 2009, 10:04 PM']I'm afraid your number of subscribers has gone up yet again! this is brilliant! Look forward to the duration of the year![/quote]


    Cant say I'm looking forward to it taking that long but hey, can't complain too much eh...!

  7. Thanks guys!

    [quote name='mike257' post='509356' date='Jun 9 2009, 06:17 PM']Only just spotted this today, but I'll be checking back regularly, this is fantastic. Great to see a 'proper' live room being put together. I suppose Brum isn't really too far away for us noisy scousers to come recording either, time to start saving up![/quote]

    And of course it has the added bonus of having a beautiful range of basses to play with: Fender USA P (with J neck), Fender Geddy Lee J. Alembic Spyder, Warwick Infinity LTD, Custom 4 etc


  8. Here's today's update:

    First layer of plasterboard/drywall almost done now then it's just a layer of greenglue and the final layer of plasterboard before we can plaster.

    Here's one looking back over the last third or so of the room toward the new control room - you can see there is really just the returns to be done now:

    Here's a slightly closer shot:

    This last one is looking back in the other direction. You can see there's a small section not yet done - that's above the booth, we'll do that once the booth is up )which we cant do until the scaffolding has gone and we don't want that done until we've done the majority of the ceiling (so it's a bit of a vicious circle!):

  9. isobooth 1 makes its first fleeting appearance:

    and batoning for walls has begun. Here's a shot toward the booth end:

    Here's one of a side wall (if you look closely you will see the audio cable running along the bottom edge already in place):

    And here's one of the other side (you can see another one of the wall boxes and audio cable rolled out ready to put in place):

  10. [quote name='escholl' post='507448' date='Jun 7 2009, 11:58 AM']nah, not nuts, just doing it right. mass, mass, and more mass -- can't go wrong with mass. well, i suppose you can, but you're not haha, it's looking great!

    any idea what the STC (or SRI) is estimated to end up at for the walls and ceiling?[/quote]

    We are aiming high for the completed item (80ish+ from memory I think but I may be talking complete bollox) I know the studio doors will be the weak point in the room at something like 65 each (though they will be in pairs with soundlocks etc) Whether we get there will depend to some extent on the attention to detail the builders have exercised.

  11. [quote name='jwbassman' post='507296' date='Jun 6 2009, 11:11 PM'][snip], how many layers of plasterboard are you going to end up with?[/quote]

    The live room will ultimately be 8inches of concrete, an inch of rockwool, one layer of 19mm plasterboard followed by a layer of 15mm soundblock. There'll be a substance called 'Green Glue" sandwiched between the plasterboard layers to prevent transmission. Every stage will be caulked/sealed so it's independently air tight. All of this is built on a floating concrete floor with approx 12 inches of airgap to the outside shell (phew, I must be nuts!) :)

  12. Thought you'd like a close up of the plasterboarding/drywall. This picture is a cross section of the ceiling so far (wooden batons screwed to concrete, 30mm dense rockwool slab between each baton, 19mm plasterboard screwed to batons - it'll be finished off by a 15mm layer of plasterboard green-glued to the layer you can see here:

    Here's another couple of pictures of the same thing:

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