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Posts posted by NancyJohnson

  1. My mates daughter wants to take up the bass - at least I've had some influence on her - she's thirteen.

    I've had a look on eBay - there's a sweet short-scale Epiphone EBO on there - I reckon this would do her...any other names/models worth looking for? Gotta be cheapish - £125 tops maybe.


  2. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='304130' date='Oct 10 2008, 07:12 PM']yep another +1 here. My build is unlike anything Jon has ever built before, so again is a bit unique. What he has is the ability and the talent to turn what I want, in to reality.[/quote]

    ...but do you not get my point? You said as much in your post (and I quote): [i]My build is unlike anything Jon has ever built before[/i]. Jon is building your bass, not [i]you[/i]. I understand the talent these luthiers have, I really do, but my point here is what quantifies a build diary - it's Jon building your bass, so shouldn't he be blowing his own trumpet maybe? I don't know.

    At the end of the day, you're paying the guy for his talent and ability to provide you with your dream bass; credit to you for putting your trust and money into someone you believe in, I salute you, but, irrespective of your dreams or desires it's really not so different than placing an order with the Warwick or Fender custom shops (albeit you're dealing on a more personal basis), or getting someone to build you a car part or a computer and taking the credit for it as [i]your [/i]build..

    I'm not trying to piss anyone off here, but there are a lot of projects creeping into this part of the forum that in my opinion should be elsewhere.


  3. Can I ask this simple question?

    While I'm sure the Sei/Shuker/ACG builds are certainly worth a look, shouldn't build diaries just embrace the spirit of players who are building their own guitars in their garages with their own sourced parts, their own labour and not for financial gain?

    I don't know much about the aforementioned luthiers, but if I wanted to throw some money at one of them, I wouldn't consider it as my build (or anything that warranted a big [i]huzzah look at my build[/i] type post), more that I have a guy building something for me...someone who has the knowledge and access to proper tools and choice of woods. It's just a product of someone else's doing. Personally I'd much rather see someone getting a decent, playable end result from bits of junk and planks of wood sourced on eBay.

    I'm not up for a fight here. It's just a question.


  4. My memory is pretty atrocious...I've been in gigs and I simply can't remember where the song goes. I've had backing vocals taped up on a sheet of A4 to help as well. I tend to find that if I play something wrong, I'll play the wrong part again later in the song so it doesn't seem overtly obvious I've cocked up.

    One thing as well is I'd suggest you record stuff regularly, even if it's a microphone up in the middle of a rehearsal; it doesn't matter how crappy the recording is, hearing it in isolation away from the rehearsal helps tons.


  5. I used to have a five-string Streamer and it was just beautiful, but as [i]clauster[/i] posted, tastes change (pointy-headed Jacksons anyone?).

    I have to say though, you don't see that many bands using them now. Like most of us on this group, I look and see what gear bassists are using when you see bands (live or on TV) and Fender seem to be top of the pile again.

    <edit> One or two observations - Spector have upped their game and right now (and if I had the choice) I'd sooner play a Spector NS than a Warwick Streamer. Also, while the Thumb and Streamer are great designs, IMO the newer stuff is pretty pug-ugly.


  6. I was just perusing the Thomann site for guitars and noticed you can now pick up a Gibson Melody Maker (for those of you not in the know, a slightly stripped down Les Paul favoured by a lot of punk bands) for under £250.00, which is actually less than an Epiphone Les Paul copy.

    I haven't a clue where they're made, but it has Gibson on the headstock, which has to be OK by anyone's standards) and much more kudos than Epiphone or say, Harley Benton, even if it plays like a dawg.



  7. Well a glimmer of good news - the cabinet was collected by UPS on Tuesday (22nd) and they have it back today (24th) and there's a new order in place for a replacement, which should hopefully be with me in a week or so.


  8. I've had GAS for a five-string Darryl Jones for just ages. It's one of those things that I haven't fully shaken off.

    That said, I've never played a single note on a Lakland, I've been wholly drawn in by the looks, word of mouth, lots of very positive reviews and forum postings; part of that desire factor was simply based on the matter that they were so hard to get hold of over here as well and now everyone seems to be selling them.

    I think now [and I'm guessing the time period] some two or three years after my initial interest, I'm beginning to think that for the money I could source several perfectly serviceable (used or new) basses - ie a Geddy, a Tokai TB48(!), maybe even put a Status neck on an OLP body and run it as a five. It's not the having, it's the getting.


  9. [quote name='jmanfunk' post='288118' date='Sep 20 2008, 05:41 PM']Checked out the link and I just saw your second post. "fenders, Gibsons..." You been at the metz again Pav? :)[/quote]

    I am stone cold sober. Honestly. Sober enough to have just been to the garden centre and spend £600 on some furniture with my good lady wife (which I had earmarked for a new bass).

    This guy had some seriously good stuff listed...about a half dozen old old Jazzes, some Precisions, Les Pauls, SGs, amplifiers, acoustics. They were all shot in what looked like the same location.


  10. Hmmm. Now that is interesting. In the time I typed in my initial posting, to the time I went back in, his shop has gone from 250 items to 5 items and no musical gear at all. He had dozens and dozens of guitars listed...Fenders, Gibsons.


  11. Have a look at some of the gear this guy is selling. I don't know how genuine this is, but one of the guys hunting buddies must have croaked it.


    A 1969 Fender Jazz Bass for $1,300??


  12. Just one thing for the purists, there were issues during the 70s in which the bridge pickup was [mistakenly] situated closer to the bridge than it should have been. It's nice to see that they've recreated this as well.

    I can't remember where I actually read this - I think it was in the Tom Wheeler book [i]American Guitars[/i] - it was something that happened when Fender retooled their machinery to accommodate the new three-screw adjust-a-tilt neck/plate and for some reason the routing for the bridge pickup got shunted back about a half inch. It didn't affect the neck pickup position.

    If you have a look at the attached photo - in Photoshop I've taken the new 70s reissue and then overlayed a 60s model - the different pickup positions are clearly visible.


  13. [quote name='budget bassist' post='286697' date='Sep 18 2008, 04:17 PM']Wow! That looks really nice! For reasons i don't quite understand, i'm VERY attracted to that bass![/quote]

    I haven't a clue where that photo came from. I've had it for years and years. I just saw it and thought, wooo, gotta save that.

  14. Noticed these coming up on eBay once in a while - currently a vintage white/creamy one up, shipped for under £300.00.

    [url="http://tinyurl.com/4s8dp3"](eBay link)[/url]

    Anyone actually played one of these? Any good?

    The bridge is different to the original models, but otherwise, it certainly looks the part. Funds don't stretch to paying three or four times this amount for a Gibson.


  15. I wouldn't want any furniture...this has to be something that can be played and dinged. Spector Thunderbird, black, black hardware. I'd like it to have the guts of a Rickenbacker 4001 please. And block inlays.

    I have a picture on my PC of an old trashed jazz body with a couple of MusicMan pickups installed, something like that with a rosewood board and block inlays.


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