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Posts posted by phil.c60

  1. I started this as a bit of tongue in cheek humour, really, but it's been quite entertaining and has actually got me thinking. I do find I can't always here my Compact if I'm standing right in front as it's at knee level, so either the Midget or 610 is going to get some serious consideration. If a cloth Midget comes up at the right price I'd be interested, but the 610 really does appeal. Next can of worms is amp: stick with my LM3 (which works fine with the Compact), or how about Ampeg PF500? (Mods: I realise this is moving away from the topic so if I should repost just say and I will!)

  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1445680523' post='2893307']
    It [i]is [/i]funny... I did an audition a month or two ago with an SVT350H and an Ampeg 8X10 and it sounded totally amazing. I also did yet another audition where the supplied rig was an SVT350 with an Ampeg 410HLF and that was also totally amazing. In fact, as a direct result of these experiences, I bought an Ampeg SVT350H... so there you go, one man's sparkly diamonds are another man's bucket of spew. No accounting for taste, there's nowt as queer as folk, it would be a dull world if we all liked the same thing, yadda yadda. :D

    Edit: You [i]were [/i]using a P bass, right..? :P

    I don't think the input on an SVT accepts anything else, does it? I've also been told that they don't work unless you're using flats!

    [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1445680780' post='2893315']
    disguise the cabs as a coffee table with cunning use of smoked glass and fancy trinkets :gas:

    edit - and perhaps leave a suitably distracting coffee table book on the aforementioned cunningly disguised coffee table


    How did you know we need a new coffee table?

  3. Mmm.... not sure about that, Steve - she's quite savvy. As I currently leave the house with my Compact in one hand and my LM3 tucked under my arm, the sight of me sweating (swearing?) my way out of the house with and SVT would not go unnoticed! She really wouldn't mind if I bought one, but although she doesn't mind at all about having bass guitars or even my DB (which I haven't even really started with yet) or my spare Ampeg B200r dottted around the house but I think the fridge stuck in the sitting room might be a bridge too far. The previously mentioned Cortina estate however........now there's an idea!

  4. Thanks for all your input, chaps. I'm only slightly serious and mostly humorous about gigging with one. I'd love to play the sort of places where it would be required, although we did a festival gig this year and outdoors it would have been fine - I actually used a Markbass rig belonging to a mate of mine who was on the same bill, a 4x10 and a 1x15 stacked so similar size and sounded great. It was more about the fact that now I finally understand what the fuss is all about.
    Steve: thanks for your kind offer, I'll bear that in mind and if we can get it together some time that would be great.
    If the thing gets going with these guys from yesterday, it will be our usual rehearsal place, so I might be able to get my jollies without having to pay for it or cart it about!

  5. Played with some new guys at a new (to me) rehearsal room last night, and guess what: there, lurking in the corner was the supplied bass rig, an Ampeg 8x10 with an Ampeg amp perched on the top. Stupidly, I didn't look at the amp model number. Set it all flat, plugged in my trusty Hot Rod P, and away I went. Oh My Dear Lord, what a sound. I have never had the opportunity to play through one of these before, but did I say - Oh My Dear Lord what a sound.
    I play mostly smallish pub gigs with my Barefaced Compact and LM3, which is plenty. But.......I am wandering around at work thinking "can I fit it in my car? Would it be [i]that [/i]outrageous to turn up with it? Can I actually lift an SVT and plonk it on the top at my age?" not to mention how to sneak (!) it into the house (disguised as a fridge, perhaps?).
    Can anybody help me?

  6. Fender Hot Rod Precision, which I gig with, '79 jazz which I would gig with but it's too bloody heavy compared to the P, Tanglewood acoustic bass and a proper left handed double bass that was too tempting to resist (moderate cost, and local-ish) which I have yet to get to grips with properly.
    Just remembered - did have five, but sold my old original Squier P bass special to Nodd for a project.

  7. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1443961110' post='2878962']
    I'm the best Bertbass type bass player in the world and no one can come close to playing just like me! I'm sure that you are the best Number6 type bass player in the world.

    And you hold your bas the right way round, and you have on a lovely shirt!

  8. The difficulty is that some people are time wasters.... we have a problem with Sunday gigs: we've turned down a lot of them, but our regular guitarist/singer has an agreement with his wife that Sundays are family days, which is fair enough (he has a young son). We have therefore been thinking about a permanent Sunday dep (if that's not irish). Guy we know, says he's interested, has had this all explained to him, knows we are looking at rehearsals this winter and Sundays from spring next year as a lot were outside summer gigs. We sort out set list, mp3s, arrange rehearsal/audition to see if it gels, it all goes well: harp player even picks him up as they live near one another (it's also his mate). After rehearsal, everyone seems happy, we part on good terms, insist he doesn't have to pay for the studio time (we never expect auditions to pay - does anybody?). I get a call from harp player the next morning to say " you won't believe this, on the way home he tells me his wife's pregnant and so he won't be able to do much after next spring/early summer as this is when the baby is due. so I'ts a bit of a non runner, really".
    So, really a waste of time, effort and money.

  9. I've got Rotosound Monel flats on my P - SM77? - and D'Addario black tapewounds on my J. Love them both but for different reasons. I still get the "stickiness" onthe Monels from time to time - seems to be when the atmosphere or my hands are damp? Still happens now, even after....no, I won't admit how old they are, I'll just make myself feel ashamed (or cheap!) but they still sound great and stay in tune for ever.

  10. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1443017815' post='2871487']
    Any pair of lines taken more or less at random from Billericay Dickie.


    She took me to the cleaners, and uvver misdemeanours,
    but I got right up between, her rump and her ribena...

    I think you'll find it's "Her [u]rum[/u] and her ribena" after the popular ladies drink of the era, rum and blackcurrant.

  11. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1442681816' post='2868757']
    I'm perfectly happy with my MIA P have no wish to try any other bass (unless someone can find me a left handed one with a maple neck), mind you, being cack handed my choices are limited, I think the fact that the bass you see most amongst professional bass players is a P says it all

    I bought my 1999 Hot Rod P when I was looking for my first "proper" bass as it was the best left handed thing I could find at the time (great Ebay find, I gave £600 for it), and it's still the bass I gig and rehearse with week in, week out. It never goes out of tune during a gig - so much so that unless I know I've clouted it while playing I rarely check it after tuning up. Maybe (usually, now I think about it, just out of habit) before the second set. I've just got it out of the bag and it's still in tune from Friday's gig (except the G which is the tuner that catches when it's in it's gig bag). It's never let me down and I think it plays better than I can, and I get regular comments that it sounds great.
    This is clearly why Fenders are rubbish, and I'm obviously deluded or I just made that all up.
    I've also got a '79 Jazz that I bought from a guy who cam up to me at the half way break at a pub gig and said "Your left handed - want to buy a Jazz bass?" I like it, it's got black tapewounds on it now but by all that's holy is it heavy compared to the P! (which is why I don't gig with it but play it sitting in the comfort of my house).

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