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Happy Jack

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Posts posted by Happy Jack

  1. 55 minutes ago, BigRedX said:

    Also if you do a lot of things requiring MIDI, the manipulation of the events in Logic is vastly superior to Reaper.


    Midi is the spawn of the Devil and its practitioners should be burned at the stake for witchcraft. :ph34r:

  2. Sounds a lot like my Kolstein Busetto (Schaller 411 mag pickup, steel strings) but it doesn't really matter what you send to FOH ... what comes out the other side is in the lap of the Gods. 🙄

  3. ... and we don't do requests. If someone wants us to play a specific song (Dancing Queen, Summer Of 69, Do You Wanna Touch Me) we always say that we play what's in our setlist. End of.


    Except that this was a private party in a remote village up in the hills (seriously) and they wanted us to play Brown Sugar.


    So we explained that we'd stopped playing that song around the time of Covid because it was Politically Incorrect.


    So they explained exactly where we could shove Political Correctness.


    So we played the song for the first time in well over four years, and obviously with no rehearsal or refresher. 


    Nailed it. 😎


    We may do it again ...

    • Like 15
    • Haha 6
  4. She was there at the start of my digital wireless PA experience and stood by me through thick and thin. We had many happy hours together at gigs around London, laughing and making sweet music together.




    But then she discovered that I'd been seen with a younger model (a Soundcraft Ui-24) and things could never be the same after that. 




    I'm aware that these sell for (IMHO) silly money on eBay and - quite frankly - I don't really understand why. So I'm listing it here for a couple of weeks at what seems to me to be a more sensible price and if she don't sell then I'll turn to eBay.




    But wait! There's more!




    Offer me £300 instead and I'll sell you the whole kit'n'caboodle.




    Starting with this router, already paired with the mixer (which will save you endless hours of grief and frustration - don't ask me how I know).




    Moving on swiftly to include this Phonic IEC power distribution module. Sadly, the pretty lights to show you how good the voltage is no longer light up, but it works fine for distributing power.






    And as if that isn't enough, I'll include the Gator case at no extra charge.






    • Like 1
  5. https://americana-uk.com/interview-ralph-brookfield-on-the-trail-of-americana-music


    I played bass for Ralph for years - in fact he was the guy who persuaded me to learn to play DB precisely so that I could accompany him.


    Some time after I left his band (King Ralph) he brought out this book. It's not a coffee table jobby or a piece of "rock journalism", it's a pretty serious attempt to work out WTF this music really is. 


    After a couple of hundred pages I was no wiser, and I rather suspect that's also true of Ralph. 😉


    Final analysis = Americana means precisely whatever you want it to.

    • Like 3
  6. 13 hours ago, Mediocre Polymath said:

    Hello. I've just stumbled across this thread and I'm intrigued. Any updates? I found myself in almost exactly the same situation with a perhaps even more battered old bass a few years ago, and managed to get it back into playable condition – I could probably provide some tips that would be helpful (and that would probably strike fear and dismay into a serious DB luthier).


    Are 2" woodscrews involved at all?

  7. 7 minutes ago, Cheeto726 said:

    I picked up a Fender American Performer Limited-Edition Mustang bass over the weekend and absolutely love it. Only issue I have is the fact that it's smaller than my other basses so it will take some time getting used to. I got this on a trade


    The thing is mint condition too. When I looked into it and did some research, I read a lot of stuff and saw a bunch of videos about how short scale basses are not real basses, how they're "dead", etc etc. I also went to a local music store and they didn't really have anything good to say about them either lol.


    There are a lot of brain-dead clowns on the internet ... sounds like you've stumbled across a few. As to the hopeless failed musicians who can't find a better job than working in music stores, don't get me started.


    Start by Googling famous bass players who used short-scale basses, then try to convince yourself that Paul McCartney would voluntarily play a POS instrument. Good luck with that. 


    In anything to do with music you should always ignore the opinions of others (including mine, of course) and try using your ears. Even when they're the opinions of experienced musicians who you respect, ignore them - they aren't you and they don't hear what you hear.


    If you like the sound of a bass and the way it plays, then how much you paid for it, what it says on the headstock, what the scale length is, whether it's active or passive, uses flats or rounds, all that stuff is largely irrelevant. What matters is that you're playing it and you like it.


    If you play with others (in a band, jamming, whatever) then do remember that nobody else in the room gives a damn what you're playing. "It's just a bass, right?"


    • Like 14
  8. 1 hour ago, uk_lefty said:

    Won't power on. We changed the fuse in the sun unit itself, changed kettle leads and sockets. I've brought it home and tried again, another new kettle lead and the power on led doesn't light. 


    Bloody consumer electronics ... almost certainly cheaper to replace than to investigate / repair / fail again.

  9. 3 hours ago, uk_lefty said:

    We have a large active sub which failed on us last night.


    Define "failed".


    The last time one of our subs failed, it completely failed to power up when switched on. We later discovered that the venue had a defective 13A socket built into the stage and there was nowt wrong with the sub. 🙄

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