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Posts posted by fingers211

  1. Following the old 'Catchphrase' mantra, I've sung what I've seen !!   T-bird bass, squire guitar keyboards and vocals all my undoing with MT drums trying  to keep me in time !

    Another pc breakdown has caused a loss of plugins and vst's (and loss of sanity on my part), so created in Reaper using all the stock plug-ins.

    Anyway, it was still good fun......

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  2. At some time in the future, (actually it's 18 minutes after the Rush album), if you have a thought of your own or one deemed to be out of the collective, then a blue light glows round your head only seen by the "Thought Spotters" . Once spotted, you're escorted out the city gate !!


    Started out as some atmospheric stuff but got nowhere, so went nowhere in another direction.

    Fender squire, t bird bass, lpk25(bbc orch, keys) and vocals all my fault...a looperman drum thingy and some amplitude all cobbled together in Reaper.


    And for "BabyBlueSound", I've left in all my missed notes (creating space), bum notes (adding discord) and other fluffs - coz I always do !

    • Like 3
  3. T'is time to try this malarky again !

    Watching the rugby world cup has reminded me how many of todays' commentators like to turn every phrase into a headline.
    Is she holding the last fire on earth? Or has she just caught her brolly alight at a lakeside bbq?

    Anyhow, squire guitar,mustang bass  through focusrite into Reaper. Odd bits of keys on lpk25. Finally,  MT drums try to keep me in time....ha !

    • Like 3
  4. Dear Points of View,

    What has happened to Mr L Smalls ?I am now in a state of confusion and mild panic. This is due to the fact that I have been able to listen to the last three of his compositions from start to finish. In the seven years that I've been involved in this murky corner of the internet, I can assure you that this is a first. 

    Has the short sighted octopus of fate, finally mounted the bagpipes of destiny ?


    Miss Trellis


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  5. Please, let me explain !

    I had a  somewhat grandiose idea. First I would find a numerical value for the colours of the spectrum, (yeah right). Then, I would convert those numerical values into musical notes that would base themselves around my given value of middle C. 

    I would then play the colours in the picture as notes. Well let me tell you, I ended so far up myself that it got painfull !!! 


    Lpk25 keyboard used to play Spitfire BBC Orchestra, Kontakt sounds and incidentals. Mustang bass and squire guitar, both with amplitude. Ez drums and Mt drums do their bit and t'is all scrambled together in Reaper.


    • Like 4
  6. I'm in.

    This months entry into basschat comp, using picture supplied by last months winner Skankdelvar.
    A simple ditty really. The poor chap hears all the twaddle the world and it's media have to offer.
    Used Fender tele and squire guitars (with free amplitude,G rig 5) , mustang bass, lpk 25 keyboard and my vocals.
    MT drums try to keep us all in time...ish !


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  7. Entry into this months Basschat comp, based on the picture and remit by last months winner 'Skankdelvar'.."it's a picture of the universe and everything in it that has existed or happened, is in the process of existing or happening, and might exist or happen in the future."

    Tried to create it to scale, but didn't have the time. So this was it !
    The 6 parts are ,beginning,creation of earth,stompy human race, end of race and new start in Dminor, new creations and lastly, endless time.
    The titles are more 'grandiose' than the actual pieces,but t'was still good fun to do.
    For those interested : squire guitar through amplitude/effects,mustang bass, LPK25 keyboard for free spitfire bbc orchestra instruments(layered) ,Kontact bits and pieces. Ez drums do their bit and it's all cobbled together in Reaper..



    • Like 4
  8. Here's my thingy....blurby stuff under tune..


    Entry into this months Basschat competition which, traditionally is covers only.
    All voices,guitars,piano and harmonica are played (?) by meself.
    It's a first for the 3 string cigar box , (still basic learning level) and harmonica (blow and suck level !).
    Telecaster in standard tuning, squire in open G (ggdgbb),mustang in drop D, vocals in no tuning whatsoever.
    All shuffled together in Reaper,
    thank you and good night !

    • Like 4
  9. Well, I apologise for my attendance record this year, although I do have a note from me mum !!

    I've been really impressed with this years output from you all, so it's time to drag it back a bit...

    I heard a play on the radio a few days after the picture was posted. The play told a story of a clever young woman who manipulated two men, so much so that they ended up in a very bad state. Not with her body but purely with mind games, t'was very clever. So that was the premise.

    You may notice a few 'made up ' words within the lyrics ? I wrote the first line down and then sung  along with the track to see if it worked. Imagine my surprise when I'd got to the end😳

    So they are as they came out me head !

    Anyhow, enough waffle.....




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  10. 13 minutes ago, lurksalot said:

    Back in  the old days the track opened up in soundcloud and the wordage linked itself to the track , but with embedding , I think it misses that touch of detail that we could include.

    Indeed Lurks...I miss the comments (if you got any !), that appeared throughout the track on soundcloud .

    • Like 1
  11. Loudest gig ; AC/DC - 31st October 1978 Edinburgh Odeon.....deaf for 3 days whilst in Rosyth with RN...they thought I was just being a smart derrière, but I couldn't hear a thing !!

    Motorhead 1980 Portmsmouth Guildhall was just a loud mess....!!

  12. Here is my entry into this months basschat competition. Using the image chosen for last months winner(dad3353), as inspiration.
    There's nothing much to see here, so please move on !!

    There's no underlying social comment about large industry, nanny state,industrial countries and the developing world.
    No, it's just big guy has plodding motiff and little guy runs.
    Mustang bass, squire guitar,my vocal,mt drums, lpk25 keys and some kontakt bits all bundled into reaper.

    It was my 3 1/2 year old lad running about that formed the lyric base !!


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  13. On 11/12/2020 at 18:46, Rikki1984 said:

    Haha I wasn't expecting to see this when I popped into this thread. 😂

    I really enjoyed that - loved it.

    I need to get back into recording...

    Cheers Rikki, I'm glad you liked it. I had a real hoot doin it !!

    Yes indeed- get recording..

  14. “My entry for the December Basschat competition is a cover of a ditty that first hit our screens in Jan 2016. A few of you folk may remember the image !
    During the original recording, the main ‘artiste’ had to nip out, and we had a bit of fun with his tune. Unfortunately, I had to fly to NZ before finishing my parts, and by the time I had returned the bugger had released his version.
    Then, out of the blue, I received the original takes in the post. Judging by the attached letter, I’m guessing they were from a (ex?) fan of his! I have left some of the original in, and added a few bits, here and there.”
    Listening to both now, I much prefer the original. Thanks Rikki B !!


    All guitars, (telecaster,t-bird and squire), all vocals and keys by my own admission. Mt drums try to keep it tidy. Cobbled together in reaper through a focusrite.

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  15. Quick off the blocks there sir !

    Oddly, I really enjoyed the piece. That's 'oddly' as in , not my normal listening, as opposed to it being just odd. ☺️

    Also made me realise how much my French vocabulary has declined over the last few years. Hooray for Collins Robert !! (Although this has seen better days. it has many pages missing, tea stained etc...).


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