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Posts posted by DaytonaRik

  1. I care, but not to that extent. Think Lizzy are not professional musicians...we're amateurs having fun and playing some great music to folks to the best of our ability, warts n all. We entertain, we make people happy and get usually get invited back...seems like a job well done to me!

    I wince at my own mistakes and laugh WITH, not AT those that the rest of the band make.

  2. Yup! If I can invest in a cable trunk then why can't our guitarists? And why leave their laundry bag full of spare cables in plain sight? And don't even get me started on mindless noodling in between sets, playing the intro of the next song while I'm talking to the crowd etc.

  3. I'm a frustrated guitarist who got fed up of not being good enough 6 string-wise. My ability to hold good timing and run riffs whilst singing is what keeps me in bands rather than any excess of talent. That said, isn't it that primary reason for a bass player to exist in most bands?

    I have the best gear I can because a) I can B) I want it and c) it makes playing enjoyable rather than a chore.

  4. After very near miss involving a Gibson SG and the inevitable headstock impact with a bedroom floor (although no headstock/neck damage luckily for me!) I've looked at several types of locks over the years, but for my basses I've settled on the DiMarzio clip-lock system across the board.

    A pair of small nylon webbing "straplettes" are permanently bolted to the instrument,and the main strap is attached via quick release locking buckles - clunk click every trip!

  5. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1462143186' post='3040648']
    My brother is a guitar player. He occasionally deps on bass and plays with a pick. I like the sound but feel you have more control over damping when you play with your fingers.

    As a guitarist-turned-bassist I've always played with a pick and palm-mutued the bridge. I guess it comes down to years of playing guitars in rock bands with loads of gain/overdrive? Thankfully, Lynott played with a pick so my style fits in quite well with that Thin Lizzy tone

  6. All,

    Think Lizzy take another swing at the big boys this Friday support the excellent Guns n Roses Experience at Nottingham Rock City. Tickets are £10 advance,£12 on the door. TL on stage at 7:00pm

    Sat 30th sees us move a little further south west with a gig at Burton Upon Trent's The Royal Oak starting at 9:00pm

  7. A cracking appearance at Warsop's Black Market Venue last weekend for the Think Lizzy crew. We were a bit apprehensive as it was our first ticketed gig but a good turn out got us going and we reminded ourselves that everyone there had paid good money to come and see us play.

    Nothing major technically or musically and it was odd playing straight through for nearly two hours rather than the traditional break mid-way. A good warm-up for our next gig which is an appearance at Nottingham's Rock City on 29th April opening up for Guns & Roses Experience.

  8. [font="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"][size="4"]All - the Think Lizzy tour bus pulls into The Black Market Venue, Warsop, Mansfield NG20 0AB on [/size][/font][font="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"][size="4"]Sat 2nd April for a night chock full of Phillo's classic Lizzy anthems. It's a break from the pubs into larger venues for us so sadly this gig has a £5.00 venue door charge. Fret not, we return to pub land breaking our balls playing free entry gigs in May![/size][/font]

  9. [quote name='tobiewharton' timestamp='1459089145' post='3013445']
    Have you still got the Tokai, Rik?

    I certainly do. It's mostly a back up to my Limelight but I try to get it used now and again.

  10. We do it during the quiet end section of Cowboy Song - introduce the guitarists who then play the harmony riff, the drummer who plays a couple of bars of fills and they I get introduced and I play a couple of bars of runs over the harmony guitars and back to the track - job done!

  11. Back to pub-land for us this weekend - The George and Dragon in Ashbourne...shoe horned into a corner, diner's obviously aware we were waiting on them to finish before we could set up and seem to take forever. No space for lighting, late setup, sound check straight into the gig and I went from dread to grin in about 8 bars! Great reaction, a full pub and lots of Lizzy fans in so the material was well received and all was good. A couple of technical gremlins (failed PSU on a guitarist pedal board) but everything was soon under control. Another successful night Onwards and upwards!

  12. We played at The Greyhound in Beeston, Nottingham which is a very well known live music venue. Landlord reckons there were couple of hundred in and I wouldn't have disagreed.

    In light of recent events, we saw this as an opportunity to play at a bigger venue to see if we could up our game to take on the big boys and we didn't dissappoint. Possibly our best gig to date!!!

  13. Thanks for the mostly supportive comments guys.

    We've decided begrudgingly to just take it on the chin and not darken that venue's door again. Whether it's a band, their management or venue decision we'll never know I guess but given that like us, they're just a cover band (albeit a very good one) it does seem well out of order but realistically what can be done without making things difficult for ourselves with this and possibly other venues?

    We'll just keep doing what we're doing - improving and fine tuning things to the point where we hope we can compete with the more established 'tribute' acts - we don't try to be Thin Lizzy...not even the current Thin Lizzy manage that...but we do put on a great gig chock full of classic Lizzy tunes.

    But all is not doom and gloom - we're at Nottingham's The Greyhound in Beeston tonight and at Rock City on Fri 29th April opening up for Guns & Roses Experience so some top gigs ahead.

  14. A bit late getting this one up - working away and all that!

    Anyway, Think Lizzy head to The Greyhound, Beeston, Nottingham this Saturday. This is a fantastic live music venue week known throughout the East Midlands and we're looking forward to a belated St. Patrick's day/Scott Gorham birthday party full of Philo's finest tunes. Starts at 10:00pm

  15. [quote name='Les' timestamp='1457713038' post='3001270']
    Bank it on your bands FaceBook page in a nice "we are ever so flattered to be a threat to" Limehouse Lizzy being factual not bitchy and link to theirs.
    Now that I like! Chances are it's an over-zealous management call anyway - I'll bet Wayne and the rest of the band have no idea this has happened!

    Still - it's nice to be thought of as a threat...it means we're doing something right

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