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Posts posted by DaytonaRik

  1. 20 hours ago, Jimothey said:

    ...but he is an awesome guitarist and I feel a bit intimidated to jam with him!

    Except you're the bass player!  I play both guitar and bass and currently play with two guitarists who can shred like no-one's business who absolutely wipe the floor with me on a 6 string...but they're not bass players!  Just be a solid reliable bass player who does his stuff, doesn't overplay and keeps the groove.

  2. I formed the band that I currently play in.

    It started out after a drunken conversation at the work's BBQ with my CEO who is a massive rock fan discussing music and we thought that there must be enough employee who played instruments to form a rock band for our company Christmas bash.  Anyway, the next morning there was an email from her making it one of my objectives to pull this together, and that if it was the drink talking then tough!

    We had plenty of time and pulled it off really well, but the best thing was that three of us got on very well as musicians as well as workmates so we decided to form our current rock covers band from the core of the works band.  I swapped back to bass from guitar and I had started to play some acoustic stuff with a guitarist local to home.  He was quickly drafted in as co-lead guitarist and he has an excellent voice so now we had three part vocals.  The final piece was our drummer who is a drum tutor and former pro who was known to one of us.

    We reckon that between us there is over 100 year of playing and live experience, some of us have toured and/or recorded.  We all have a very pro outlook with quality gear but it's the experience that counts, knowing that you have to turn up and do the job whilst trusting everyone else to do the same.  We don't play every week - 12-14 gigs a year just for fun, laughs and an outlet from life.

    There really are no egos or prima donnas - we just get on.  It's everything I hoped that this band would be and more.

  3. A showreel should be relevant to the genre/act that you’re trying to impress, even if that is well below your level of ability.  I dare say Cliff Williams is capable of much much more than he ever played in AC/DC but he played the role required.  The same should be true for all of us - playing what is wanted/needed and not overplaying things.  

  4. Extended singlecuts à la Fodera and instruments with a plethora of  on board electronics, gizmos and switches.  I’m a simple man - bass, wireless, amp with nothing in between!

    Other than that, we’re good with pretty much anything as long as it has 4 strings!!!

  5. I suspect that would be a desk specific feature - you most certainly can with the Behringer digital desks and I'd be more that a little surprised if the same functionality was not offered by other manufacturers in this market sector.  The pan for each stereo pair will most likely be found in the sends section of the channel so perhaps look there first.  If anyone else has experience of the qu16 maybe they can confirm the pan on sends functionality

    • Like 1
  6. I can only confirm the comments from @EBS_freak  - moving from a mono IEM with my XR18 to a stereo mix from the X32 Rack is night and day - instead of the everything being sonically stacked on top of itself, making it sometimes tricky to distinguish between different instruments in the mix, the audio is now panned across the stereo image with each instrument being placed as it is on stage, with the option of bring each artist's own instrument/voice to the centre of the mix if required for added clarity and being 'dominant' in the mix without swamping the levels.  

    • Like 2
  7. 3 hours ago, TrevorR said:

    Using flash for gig photography (as a pro/semi-pro) would be one of the quickest ways to get yourself ejected from the building! 

    Not only that - if you're on the pro scene the chances of you getting passes for future events with that label/promoter are seriously hampered!  Not that a pro would use a flash!  The rider usually reads 'First three songs, no flash!"

    • Thanks 1
  8. Having upgraded from an XR18 to and X32 Rack, the X32 Rack has several major advantages -

    1. 16 Aux Outputs - this means 4 in the rack for effects and 12 for monitors, or 6 stereo pairs
    2. 8 FX slots - usually setup as 1-4 for insert FX, 5-8 for global FX such as reverbs, delays etc
    3. The ability to connect digital stage boxes using a single Cat5E cable
    4. Improved input/output routing
    5. Matrices

    The lack of a GEQ on the aux channels was a minor irritation but it took moments to add a stereo GEQ to the FX rack and assign them as inserts to each pair of channels and the FoH

    As always, use a good external router - I use a rack-mounted dual band Swissonic Pro router that is rock solid


  9. Not so much live videos, but live audio tracks for you.

    As the sound of the average phone/cheap vid camera is pretty poo we decided to collect a montage of live photographs and show these underneath the live audio captured from our desk.  We used our XR18 to feed direct channels into Auria LE on an iPad, the tracks were then exported in Reaper and mixed using Slate Everything Bundle plugins exclusively.  Absolutely no overdubs, drop-ins or corrections other than the above plugins, mostly for EQ, compression and saturation.

    Drums were recorded using a D112 and a pair of overhead Behringer C4 condenser mics, guitar cabs were close mic'd with Sennheiser E906 mics, bass was DI'd, main vocals from a Sennheiser EW145 wireless mic and backing vocals through Shure SM58s

    There are a couple of annoying clicks on occasion which I suspect is from some cable cross talk from our lighting but overall I'm happy with things.

    We play Thunder's cover version of Play That Funky Music which is pretty stripped back and rocked up.

    As I've expanded my collection of GoPro Heroes, we'll probably start to record gigs with multiple video feeds and mix with live audio mixed as recorded above for future gigs.




    • Like 1
  10. I went to see the chat/acoustic event with Luke Morely and Danny Bowes front Thunder - two incredibly talented musicians who can take an out and out rock track and play it on an acoustic and still make it sound great!  And boy, does Danny have a set of pipes!

    • Like 2
  11. I did this on a semi pro basis for 6-7 so...

    framing, framing, framing - move your focus point so that the entire subject is the frame, headstock, the lot.  You can always crop afterwards

    Spotlights *will* cause over exposure and lens flare so watch out for that and roll the exposure back a touch

    You'll need at least 2 bodies - one with either a short prime or a short telephoto - I always took a pair of Canon 1D's the 35-70mm f2.8 L on the 1st body with the 70-200 or a 300 2.8 LIS f2.8 on the 2nd.  Sometimes I took a 3rd lower spec (20D) body with fisheye/semi just in case.

    Shoot like crazy - 7fps min, pref 10+

    Anticipate - know the material (if possible) so that you know if there's a solo/vocal section/whatever coming up


    090228 - Metallica - 2119.jpg

    090213 - Judas Priest - 1217.jpg

    090626 - ACDC - 0113.jpg


    081212 -Slipknot - 1146.jpg

    090213 - Megadeth - 2055.jpg

    • Like 6
  12. On 17/03/2019 at 21:04, mrtcat said:


    The XR18 is a cracking little mixer only let down by the WiFi. A cheap dual band router not only solves connection issues it also allows you to secure your connection with a password. 

    This every day of the week and twice on a Sunday - compact, lightweight, extensive feature list, versatile and bang for buck there';s nothing out there that comes close.

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