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Posts posted by Sarah5string

  1. I think I'm just stressing way too much about it. This is my first exam and I'm really panicking about being rubbish! Someone give me a slap! My tutor is being good and giving me loads of chord sheets etc for me to go through. Going to get my guitard boyfriend round to help me more too I think.

  2. [quote name='Doddy' post='827481' date='May 4 2010, 02:24 PM']This is kind of related.....

    You seem to be asking quite a few questions about your exam lately,and I've started to wonder if
    you are actually being taught it well. I kind of get the feeling that these issues should have been
    addressed earlier than a month before the exam,and that either your teacher hasn't explained it
    particularly well to you,or you haven't dared ask too many questions if you don't get something.
    But really,by now I would expect you to be pretty solid on everything and not be worried about
    whole sections-This close to the exam,I would be expecting you to be nailing it.
    If you don't ask questions,then your teacher may think you are more comfortable with the
    material than you actually are.

    I don't mean to sound like a dick,but I thought it was worth mentioning.[/quote]
    Thanks, I know what you're saying. In honesty this is the only section I'm having problems with, everything else I'm fine on and if I'm honest I think it's more a confidence/nerves things that's tripping me up. I know the arpeggios, I know the scales, I know what I HAVE to do.. but when I come to do it I panic and over think and end up messing it up!

  3. I'm definitely found my weekness. Doing Grade 4 RGT bass exam and I totally SUCK at the performance/improv section. I get what I'm supposed to do, come up with a bassline to match the chords using scales/arpeggios where musically appropriate etc, but my big problem is A) knowing what to play will be good and original but which won't sound sh*te or too much :) actually being able to read/think quick enough to play the right chords and find the right notes. Of course I could do just root notes but I won't score well so that's out..
    I've only been learning theory for about 5 months all in, and all other areas of the exams I'm becoming fairly comfortable with, but the improv/performance section is a huge weakness!
    I've got a month minimum really as the exam is sometime in june/july, can anyone give me any advice as this is the one part I'm struggling with! My tutor is helping me and it's sinking in slowly but too slow for my liking as I'm simply not used to reading and playing/thinking at the same time! Argh!

  4. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='804194' date='Apr 12 2010, 09:24 PM']It occurred to me because I recently had a guy say he couldn't gig with his bass because it was so loud, and the other band members could hear it above everything.

    Eh? :)[/quote]
    How the hell? Is his neck more curved than J-lo's ass?

  5. Starting to panic a bit now as have put in for my grade 4 so it's all a bit real and am now crapping myself :)

    Today's question is... in the exam you've got the bass patterns section and the performance section... can someone explain what the difference is as from where I'm sitting they both look the same! Playing along to chord charts?

    Seeing my tutor tomorrow but thought I'd ask in here before then as I'm racking my brain over it..

  6. I can't think of a single thing about my Dean Edge pro 5 that I don't like. Actually, no, tell a lie, I don't like the brass nut which if you're moving too quick to the 1st fret can nearly take your knuckle off :)

    On a serious note I love my Dean. The sound is great with a deep but smooth low end, but the highs are still crisp and bright. String changing is a doddle with the monolithic bridge. It's got a wide neck which suits my big manly hands :rolleyes: Looks wise it's utterly beautiful and even the gold hardware just looks perfect to me (I usually hate gold!)

    I fell in love with it when I first saw it, then I played it before buying and have never looked back :lol:

  7. It's come to light that it seems I've not been told the whole story and there's some issue with the guitarist and the drummer... as I've been told that basically the only way they could save their friendship was to knock the band on the head...


  8. Things were going well with the band I joined in january, we'd got a gig lined up for the beginning of june and was really excited but typically, out of the blue this afternoon I got a call from the drummer saying that his heart wasn't in it anymore so he was leaving, he'd called the guitarist (his friend) to talk about it and he agreed so they've called it a day on the band. Bit of a shock as only 3 weeks ago we;d agreed to start gigging and I booked our first gig.

    This is now my 3rd band, and each one has died a death before it's gotten up and running properly.

    Is it me? Or am I just cursed? Should I sack off doing originals and join a nice covers band instead??

  9. I ended up buying one :) I loved the sound of it although I found that the bottom end (5 string B ) was a bit flappy at full gig volume, but this was soon rectified by combining it with another 1x15 and I loved the overall sound, really full and punchey without being too harsh. Love it :rolleyes:

  10. Since I've been looking for an amp/cab I've had loads of advice and help from PeteAcademy who is a BCer and works at the Academy of Sound in Stoke on Trent. He invited me up to go try some gear and I went up on Tuesday to try out a Hartke Hydrive 115. I had to take my eldest daughter along (Who's 5) and was a bit anxious about dragging a child along but I needn't have worried because Pete and the guys at the Academy were fab and couldn't have been more helpful. I was trying out the cabs having taken in my bass and amp at Pete's recommendation. I was worried about having the amp up too loud with my daughter close because of wanting to protect her hearing (Goes without saying :)) so Pete kept her entertained with some rather nice Roland keyboards while I whacked it up and tested it out n a seperate room.
    They also took in my old Laney combo in part ex and I got a really good deal on the Hartke cab. There were some bargains there too, only wish I had a bigger credit limit :lol:
    Although they didn't have any 4x10s in to compare as they'd just been sold, I was able to use other amps to combine with the 1x15 to experiment with the sound to make sure I was happy.
    Sadly because of needing to rush back to pick up my youngest daughter I didn't get chance to mooch round the basses but at a quick glance there were some gorgeous models in, and a massive selection of guitars as well as guitar and bass amps/cabs, and various other instruments such as keyboards and speaker systems. Overall I was really impressed with Pete and the shop, and will be taking my guitard boyfriend back soon for a better look at the guitars and basses.

    Pete's a lovely guy and all of the guys there were really nice and looked after me and my eldest, we even got tea and juice out of them :lol:

    Would highly recommend both Pete and the Academy of Sound... glad to have a great shop local to me :lol:

    Cheers guys!! :rolleyes:

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