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Posts posted by chrisanthony1211

  1. Well below is my review of the Ampeg B15n heritage reissue I got off Beadster, I've gigged it a few times and it's plenty loud enough and sound great, although she is quite a big girl!
    Whilst these are pretty damn expensive, you get the reliability of a modern new well engineered amp, and the great sound and look of a vintage classic, is it worth the money?


    I got this off Beadster a couple of months ago and now have the opportunity to gig and practise with it. It certainly looks the business but can it deliver, and will it stay with me?

    This is a very expensive reissue of the classic Ampeg B-15, it has two channels, one based on the 1964 circuit and one based on the 1966 circuit, the 1964 being 25 watts and the 1966 the full 30 watts which may appear somewhat modest, however these are Ampeg Valve watts that we're talking about!


    Well it's first run out was at a rehersal and it held its own quite nicely with an un miked drummer, guitarist and Hammond keyboards, with the volume at about 1 o'clock through either channel, i was concerned that this would not be loud enough but it certainly did not appear to be the case at rehearsal, I found the 1966 channel a little thin for my liking, but the 1964 channel was pure silk and sexiness, I'm sure that some people would prefer the 1966 channel but for what I play the 1964 channel sits pretty perfectly. (Plus my Precision is from 1964!!)

    Did another rehearsal with a brass section who were also un miked and had to turn down so they could be heard, (three saxaphones and a trumpet)

    I've now gigged with it twice, once in a pretty average size pub with a decent turn out of punters, and the second in a medium sized hall, I found pretty much the same, the volume slightly higher at 2 o'clock, the first set through the 1966 channel and the second set through the 1964, and again I found the 1964 channel was silk sexy but not so keen on the 1966, and the feedback from those that came to watch was it sounded pretty awesom regardless of the channel....


    Where most combos I've had you really have to think twice when the volume knob gets towards 2/3 o'clock, this thing just breezes on past all the way to maximum, and it will give you great tones and more volume all the way through, with just a touch of overdrive and break up as you get towards the top end. I found that I would need the eq so that the bass was about 3 o'clock and treble at 1 o'clock for a nice fat sound. My worries that it would not be loud enough were totally unfounded, it is way louder than the SWR Redhead I previously owned, and I think it would keep up pretty well with a Walkabout. I did a decibel test alongside my Mark bass CMD121p and she was lagging behind by 1 or 2 decibels, but certainly sounded better at those volumes.


    Not only does this thing look super sexy, but it sounds it too, it's perfectly able to gig small to medium venues and of course you can drop it down to 4 ohms and throw an extension cabinet at it if needed!

    So will I be keeping her is a decision I need to make now, and that brings about the two negatives with this Amp. The first being that it is an extremely expensive piece of kit, you have to pay for this type of quality! I've been very careful where I take it so far, and I certainly don't want this to be banged about by other people's gear whilst they're setting up, it has a high quality Ampeg cover, but still a crazy legged Guitarist could do quite a bit of damage trying to squeeze past and giving it an expansive blow with his roadworn strat.....

    The second negative is the weight of this thing, again there is always the argument that the weight is a sign of the quality, but I've got used to taking my super lightweight Mark bass gear with me which also happens to sound pretty good, and although this does have casters and the head folds down very nicely into the cab for transport, I have found transporting this a little bit of a hassle...

    I may decide just to leave it set up in my lounge and use it as a rather extravagant practise amp that just gets the occasional runout, or it may be in the classified section in six months time, time will tell, but this is a rather fine Amplifier of bass guitars which certainly sets the benchmark when you want the best of tones.

  2. I used to get nervous before a gig, I remember having a dream the night before a gig many years ago when I got on stage, all ready to go, then I looked down at the fretboard and it was no longer a fretboard as we know it, but a load of buttons and flashing lights more like the flight control panel of a spaces shuttle and I had no idea how to play it!

    Fortunately no more nerves and no more dreams, it's just a case of exposure and getting used to I.

  3. As title says, I have a set of TI flats cut for a Precision to trade for a set of Pyramid golds, I've had these on a couple of different basses so the silks are a little frayed, but they're nicely broken in. Wanting to trade for pyramids as they have a little more tension and I struggle to get a decent set up on my 64 Precision, I have a set on my new AVRI which are beautiful but there's not enough tension in these strings to get the relief I need on the 64.

  4. [quote name='R.I.P.' timestamp='1468698849' post='3092783']
    Very nice!.......BTW, that 64 is beautiful to!

    The 64s had a refin in what was the original colour and a shot of laquour over the neck, other than that she's the same as she was when she came out the factory 52 years ago!

  5. Build quality is excellent, obviously the fret boards not quite as dark as the Brazilian on the 64, and although they've faded the dots on the neck, when you compare them side by side you can tell they're plastic and not clay, they have got the mint green pick guard off beautifully and overall I think it's a brilliant guitar,

  6. Picked this up yesterday and gigged with it last night, I must say that I'm rather happy with it although the neck is a little chunkier than my pre CBS 64 Precision......it sounds rather awsome through my Ampeg Heritage....its got me thinking about selling my 64 Precision (the red one!) and picking another AVRI up, and pocketing a few quid..! we shall wait and see.......you "hopefully" won't be seeing this sonic blue beauty for sale on basschat,!,,!


  7. Well here are some close ups of the fret on my 64 Precision, they are dressed very low but it plays beautifully!



  8. [quote name='bassmanady' timestamp='1468410480' post='3090730']
    For me its more about not being able to see very well the small existing dot markers even with good stage lighting.

    Particularly on vintage instruments where the dots have sucked up the oils from the wood and are nearly the same colour as the neck!

  9. Been using some Ken Smith compressors recently and I must say I'm rather taken with them. I've heard it said that compression strings give you the worst of round and flat wound, however I must disagree. I find these to be silky on the fingers with more thump that rounds, but enough sparkle in the top end to keep me interested. A very nice string indeed, I think I may try some SIT silencers to see how they compare.

  10. [quote name='bassmanady' timestamp='1468234513' post='3089398']
    I fitted these a few weeks ago and they work well
    I got mine off eBay and these look very similar, I think they do a cracking job, very low profile, lots of glowing going off, last for ages and you can easily take them off and leave no residue.

    This is a link to the ones I got


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