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Posts posted by timhiggins

  1. On 28/12/2018 at 00:23, Ricky 4000 said:

    No, not really... differently rated, yes.

    It's like, there are bass players, and then there are Rickenbacker bass players.

    People think Rickenbacker players are the sort of folks who drive a Subaru Impreza (stereotype - yawn)... well that is simply not true... if it were a Japanese import Impreza, running at least 400/400, then yes, you're probably right. But please don't go judging every Subaru owner to be a Rickenbacker player.

    It could be a farmer FFS, and everybody knows a farmer would play a Fender.


    Thank you for your time.  😁

    I must take issue with the farmers playing fenders bit as i know a lot of farmers and they would never fork out on a fender !

    i think it far more likely they would build something from pallets ,tyre's , flashband ,gaffer tape ,and bits of old cars

    the end result would surely look and play much more like a Ric ... 

    • Haha 2
  2. I have had a lot of 1000 plus jazz bass's in the past and moved them on [bar 1] as for me they were in no way superior to my 

    sire v7 or my mex fender ,i do still have a mij 75 reissue and an american standard that are both great but my main bass is actually my mex with j retro pre

    which i too play predominately passive ...

    i would never pay 6000 for a bass and i'm yet to hear one that justify's the price tag.

  3. I see that the kz zs10 in ears and the behringer p2 have made what looks to be a decent set up very affordable so i'm thinking of investing ,

    one of my bands is an 8 piece reggae band and i was just wandering if anyone can tell me if this set up will give me a decent reggae type bass response ?

    thanks 👍

  4. You really are an over opinionated racist fool aren't you 

    i grew up in Tottenham listening to reggae [both uk and Jamaican] and have played it for most of my fifty years

    i play with a band that consists of Jamaican, Indian ,Polish, Bermudan, mixed heritage and uk born

    some of the white members of the band have played with some of the biggest names in reggae without any problem

    i play the music from the streets i grew up in but reggae music is loved the world over ,and its message of unity and love is open to all.

    • Like 11
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  5. 3 hours ago, skankdelvar said:

    After Mr George Orwell and his essay The Moon Under Water:

    My favourite public-house, the Frog and Fakkit is only two minutes from the central car park, but it is on a side-street, and polite little families and well-dressed couples never seem to find their way there, even on Saturday lunchtimes.

    Its clientele, though fairly large, consists mostly of ‘regulars’ who spend much of their day in a recumbent position in the nearby park and go to the Frog and Fakkit for the drugs available from a weasel-featured man named Danny as much as for the beer.

    If you are asked why you favour a particular public-house, it would seem natural to put the drugs first, but the thing that most appeals to me about the Frog and Fakkit is what people call its ‘ambience’.

    To begin with, its whole architecture and fittings are uncompromisingly 1970’s. It has a mixed bag of formica-topped tables and cast-iron tractor-seat chairs, plastic panels masquerading as oak and peeling, Paisley wallpaper. The sticky carpet, the gouged bar top, the fake horse brasses adorning the walls and the ceiling stained dark brown by tobacco-smoke, the nudie-picture calendar behind the bar — everything has the solid, comfortable ugliness of the mid-twentieth century.

    In winter there is generally a good fire burning in the skip outside the front door, and the ‘last century’  lay-out of the place encourages those fleeting collisions which lead so gratifyingly to flare-ups of savage violence. There are a public bar, a saloon bar, a dealers’ bar, an off-sales counter for underage drinkers and – upstairs – a large, empty room in which on Tuesdays Fridays and Saturdays live bands perform to the utter indifference of the patrons below.

    In the Frog and Fakkit  it is never quiet enough to talk. There is a radio behind the bar tuned to Heart FM, a ‘digital’ juke box, two fruit machines, Sky Television and piped-in music. All are playing simultaneously and the only time they cannot be heard is when a band of hopelessly incompetent hobbyist ‘musicians’ is upstairs performing Sex On Fire.

    The barmaids know their customers by name, having at some time taken most of them upstairs there to conjoin on a soiled mattress under the ‘stage’ . They are all middle-aged women—two of them have no teeth—and they call everyone ‘yew fakkin kant’ irrespective of age or sex.

    You cannot get lunch at the Frog and Fakkit but there is - beside the plywood lavatory door - a snack counter where you can purchase expired pickled eggs or pork luncheon meat fried in batter (cold).

    They are particular about their drinking vessels at the Frog and Fakkit, and never, for example, make the mistake of serving a pint of beer in a glass. Apart a selection of ‘pewter’ mugs screwed to the canopy which overhangs the bar every receptacle is made of plastic, a wide and vivid scar on the landlord’s jaw perhaps testifying to the matter.

    The great surprise of the Frog and Fakkit is its lavatory. You go through a narrow passage leading out of the saloon, and find yourself in a fairly large garden with plane trees, under which there are old car tyres, broken bottles and the remains of a tramp who expired there a few years ago. Up at one end of the garden there is a roofless garden shed wherein the customer in search of relief will discover a spreading pool of urine, a stained plastic bucket containing a noisome admixture, and a pile of newspapers, mostly editions of the Daily Mail from the period when said organ was edited by Mr Paul Dacre.

    On summer evenings there are ritual human sacrifices, and you sit under the plane trees injecting skag to the tune of delighted squeals from feral children prodding the burnt offering with sticks.

    The Frog and Fakkit is my ideal of what a pub should be—at any rate, in a metropolitan area. (The qualities one expects of a country pub are slightly different.)

    But now is the time to reveal something which the discerning and disillusioned reader will probably have guessed already. There is no such place as the Frog and Fakkit.

    That is to say, there may well be a pub of that name, but I don’t know of it, nor do I know any pub with just that combination of qualities.

    So if anyone knows of a pub that has junkies of every persuasion, food poisoning, brutal violence, insanitary facilities, deafening noise, regular visits by Plod, a reeking midden in the garden and prostitute barmaids I should be glad to hear of it, even though its name were something as prosaic as the Red Lion or Wetherspoons.


    Yep i love Luton pubs too

    • Haha 1
  6. 24 minutes ago, BreadBin said:

    Every Wetherspoons I have been to (not many, admittedly) has been Chav central. I much prefer the more traditional style pub to one of a chain. 

    To be fare wetherspoons are only chav central of an evening , in the daytime its racist pensioners and blokes with no teeth bad tats and a habit having a row with themselves at the bar...

    • Like 3
    • Haha 3
  7. I must admit to being a little baffled at his logic as if hes a balanced player then the bass drum shouldn't be quieter than the rest of kit

    and if he really does need to boost the bass drum alone then he needs to work on his technique added to which the rig you describe would be amplifying the wrong frequency's with to much power    

  8. Sounds like your drummer is a selfish fool who's thinking about his own sound at the expense of the band !

    it would give me the raving hump ,and to be honest i wouldn't put up with it 

    i have played with scores of drummers over the years at every level ,and have never come across one who mic's his own bass drum through a bass amp 

    what sort of music do you play ,and does the rest of his kit go through the p.a. ? 

    • Like 4
  9. 2 hours ago, Marcoelwray said:

    @tthiggins thank you so much for that video! I can see you treat her with more respect than myself when you're slapping ;)

    Thanks for the compliments too! I'm glad you've spent a good time with it!

    It was my pleasure Marco ..what a lovely instrument !..

    and it was good to meet Gary and catch up with Rich too 🙂

    • Like 1
  10. 45 minutes ago, Grangur said:

    Wow, if you're sure?

    I can then drop it in with someone. Either Trevor in Staines or someone down south. 

    I guess it also depends on how long @TrevorR wants it.  As I see it, some folk are going to need to ship it by courier. It's only a matter of who. After all, petrol/diesel isn't free either.

    No problem it will keep things moving ,and you may yet get to play that Wal 🙂 

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