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Posts posted by stubass

  1. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1397306167' post='2422641']
    We are adding some Zepp to our set, so today I've been having fun with this, trickier than I thought it would be.


    Love that one, I'm pushing the guys to do black dog but the guitar man tends to change the subject!:-/

  2. We'll, she arrived, I've called her misty! Everything I thought she'd be and more. As some of you may know, I've been gassing for one since I borrowed a USA a couple months back. I must say, I can't see or hear much difference really. The new flats I put on are still a bit larey but I know them well enough that they'll be fine in a day or two!

  3. Reviving this thread as I'm working on Paolo Nutinis' new one. Scream (funk my life up) and I utterly adore it! Just the funky fills to go. It helps when you actually like the tune! Unlike blurred lines and happy (sorry, not a pharrell fan) but it's punters stuff so you gotta do what you gotta do! Got whatta man coming up too, that should be fun :)

  4. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1397166828' post='2421515']
    I was like this with effects a couple of years ago. I was searching for 'that' overdriven sound for my Jazz bass.

    Then one night I plugged a home made bits P bass into my usual rig and found the sound that I'd had in my head for years.

    I spent a lot of time looking for the right thing in the wrong place. Some would say that it was a waste of time and money, but the net results to me were:

    1) I know how to get 'that' sound :)
    2) A fairly encyclopaedic knowledge of overdrive circuits, mods and components :blink:

    Yeah, I had that with a borrowed g&l sb-2. Bought a shed load of pedals, strings, pickups etc. Then boom, an sb-2 into my wee practice amp after 5 minutes and that was that. I played a mim p for years but after swapping to an ibby sr, I realised I was more comfortable with a slim neck. Didn't like the jazz though strangely. Or the epi tbird pro. I've subsequently saved for my very own sb-2 which I get tomorrow hopefully. I'll keep the ibby for a backup but I think I'm there now. In conclusion, I've found what I wanted in the end, it was all good fun and I don't think I lost too much cash on the way.

  5. Oh yeah, and I can't seem to find a hard case specifically for an sb-2 in the UK. Can anyone recommend a generic one which is a reasonable fit? Or should I just be looking for a p bass one? Don't want to risk the kids destroying her!

  6. I had the opposite problem with my srx, I had to open the control panel and bend the lug in a bit. Saying that, it was a cheap cable, the fender one I use now feels tighter. Maybe you need to bend the lug out a bit. I have noticed differences in cables though. Some are a tad smaller than others.

  7. Thanks :)

    Have any of you sb-2 lovers any experience of flats on them? I have a preference for xl chromes but the one I played had light rounds. I've ordered a set of flats anyway to try it. Just wondering if they'll take away some of the growl.

  8. [quote name='rubis' timestamp='1394280419' post='2389805']
    Hartnoll's are advertising this nice black one [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/G-L-Tribute-SB-2-Bass-Metallic-Grey-RW-/161164784352?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item25862b72e0"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/G-L-Tribute-SB-2-Bass-Metallic-Grey-RW-/161164784352?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item25862b72e0[/url]

    It took me long enough but, alas, an sb-2 is on its way to my bad self. Very excited. Yes it's a tribute but I have a wife and she has a temper. I was nearly tempted by a modern player jazz but I couldn't get my workmates sb-2 out my mind. I loved it so why look elsewhere! Yeehah!

  9. Ibanez phat hed for me, there's one going in effects for £30. Very versatile owing to the clean boost/od/distortion switch and a very usable eq. Locking knobs are a bonus too. Sound every bit as good as "boutique" jobbies. They don't make them anymore which is a shame. I used to have a boss but I'd say the pd7 is my favorite pedal.


  10. Yep, the pre was goosed, fitted an artec 3 band jobby last night and she's singing like a prostitute on the last Friday of the month. Good preamp for the money, only got it cos I wasn't 100% on it being the problem but won't be in a hurry to swap it out for a "better" one. Saga over tf.

  11. Thanks chaps, I'll look into a stinger, worth a punt at that price. And yeah, might try it without the eq to see, that's a free option. I only use this bass for 3 songs dropped to D so the less adjustments to my amp the better from one bass to the other but I'll try. I was having a play around with it and I think there's something dodgy with the preamp. Seems to have been resoldered pretty rough and my blend pot does absolutely nothing. Going to get the schematics and check it out. The bridge pickup doesn't do much either, worrying!

  12. I've got an SR and I'm happy with it, plug in and play, no arsing about, just want the same for the btb. I'm in a function band and I use on board controls a lot. I'm considering turfing it if I can't get anywhere and just get another SR. I do like how it sits though and I've sold a few basses that didn't feel right, reluctant to do that here. I personally hate pissing around with eq's but I might give it a try. Thanks.

  13. So, I've aquired an ibanez btb300 for much cheapness, I love the damn thing, it feels like a good woman in my arms! Problem is, I don't like her nasal voice! I've heard that ibanez stock preamps are pretty sh**ey and I must agree. Not much adjustment or colour. Can anyone recommend me an upgrade? At circa £100, what could one achieve?!?!

  14. I feel as if my understanding of theory, scales etc leave a lot to be desired and rather than spending my time convincing myself that I need new pickups and roaming around youtube for tutorials, I should really learn my sh*t. So if there's anyone in this cultural backwater who could assist, please get in touch! ta!

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