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Posts posted by operative451

  1. Its like 'shredding' in guitar demos... Nobody does that anymore, its the pulling wheelies of playing an instrument..! The sole purpose of it is to show that you can...

    I like Scott Devine too - but he's got a real habit of playing jazzy sounding licks with harmonics at the moment.. :D And on that really ugly brown bass with the centre stripe. That he wears stuck up his nose.. :D

    I may be in an intolerant mood though.. :D

    • Haha 4
  2. Slap bass. I know it comes up on occasion... But what the flip is it with youtube and instagram bassists and the slappidy bappidy clippedy boing noises?! Argh!!

    I'm totally after things about tone, amp settings, nice playing tips, just nice playing full stop but everything on there seems to be some noodle with a bass in their armpit and their thumb flapping back and forth like they're having a very localised seizure...

    Seriously, is there any popular, recent, fun or interesting music that uses it? I've noticed the odd bit of clonking here and there on some Bruno-Mars-esque stuff but mostly no, because we want to hear, y'know, notes, not the sound of stainless steel rattling and thwacking.

    It makes me want to use a pick just to annoy them....

    • Like 8
    • Haha 5
  3. A slight moanette, although i am amused. Poorer, but amused...

    I've been faffing trying to get 'that sound' by throwing money at the issue and i find that yes,  i can fiddle with my flipping zoom B3n (which is a super piece of kit) and Bigger Louder Amp and get a sound i really like. And still i like the sound of my bass straight into my Warwick BC15.1 the best!  I paid £25 for it 4 years ago as i was going on a long work trip and needed something portable. For flip's sake!

    Gigs aren't really a thing i do and anyway, the BC15 is plenty loud enough for small pub/coffee house gigs and anywhere big enough to need louder probably has a soundguy who'll want to DI anyway... Doh...

    So the 'big amp' is on gumtree and i'm only not putting the B3n on the classifieds here out of misguided pigheadedness... Argh...

    Oh well...

    • Like 3
  4. As a completely upside-down version of the idea... If you like Garageband: I got fed up with the amount of faffery trying to get things to work in windows and bought a reconditioned 8-9 year old macbook for £200.  You have to download garageband, but that's easy enough and then it 'just works'...

    'course, i do now use Reaper on it for recording, but hey..

    • Like 1
  5. 13 hours ago, Dad3353 said:

    Quite the opposite; thanks for that, it sounded good, so I looked up the film, which looks even better..! No chance of seeing that in a cinema near me, so I'll see about acquiring the video somehow. Good Post, cheers. :hi:

    Edit: 8€ from Amazon, delivered, t'would be criminal to turn it down..! Bought (delivery tomorrow..? Somehow I doubt that..!:)

    Really?! I thought it was a fake movie? I did get other results in youtube for the film title though, so you might get a surprise when it arrives...!

    • Haha 1
  6. 37 minutes ago, Bluewine said:

    I can't speak for Dave. However a lot of us old timers are biased. Guys like me, 65 , came into music in the early 70s the most prolific period for rock music in history. Nobody is making music of that caliber anymore. They're just not, sorry.


    Old Man Blue

    Yeah, i like that one that goes 'Yeah yeah yeah woo'.

    They don't write them like that any more. . :D


    • Haha 1
  7. What's brilliant about the charts now is that it looks at streaming services like spotify and also youtube too - so it reflects what's actually being listened to and songs can go up, down and re-enter the charts. Bottom line, if you don't like what's in the charts, get online and listen to what you like!

  8. 16 hours ago, spongebob said:

    Manic Street Preachers - pre-1995, before Richey Edwards went missing. Totally different band, lyrically and musically. Can't abide what they became 1996-onward....sold millions more records, but lost all of what made them different and great.

    Blue Oyster Cult - Tricky one....first 3 'black and white' albums are sublime, post-'Reaper'.....some great stuff, but never the real consistent heights they reached on albums 2 and 3.

    All IMHO of course.....😀

    I was totally going to say the Manics... I loved them, and 'The Holy Bible' literally saved my life...! Now they're sort of a Welsh moanier Coldplay... *shudder*

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  9. Thanks for this thread, its made me remember things! Personally my ideal sound is basically anything REM have recorded, particularly Orange Crush. Or Duff Mckagan on anything Velvet Revolver. Its a shame Scott Weiland was such a nong, VR were good up until the occasionally WTAPF?!  jarring lyric...

    See particularly:



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  10. Bounce, and hit the notes on the bounce. And wind the tone knob back aaaaaaaaaaaall the way... :D

    In self-pluggage as an example news, we done that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCiwFVon05k (warning. sweary!) and it was originally intended to sound like Motorhead (we were very very cross). Its 'donor song' for feel is Ghost Town by the Specials which our Canadian chum might be unaware of, and is an example of Two-tone*, pretty much the first UK multicultural youth culture (probably) - that was basically ska, reggae and punk all mixed together...

    Equally reggae massively influenced the Clash, the Police and obvs UB40 so its really been part of protesty type music and alternative culture in the UK since Windrush!  And apparently the Queen Mother had a massive ska collection..! :D

    *Black and white, geddit? :D


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